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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21883641 No.21883641 [Reply] [Original]

I had 25,000 Link at this time last year, however sold all of it in order to pay for myself because my dad kicked me out of his house.

Should I just start buying more again anyways? I'm completely broke now, but it might still be worth it.

>> No.21883660

Buy Rope

>> No.21883671

I can't kill myself, I'd need to take others down with me.

>> No.21883709

unironically I kind of want start stealing cars and selling them for link, sounds like a good investment to make up for everything I lost

>> No.21883714

>your dad

>> No.21883747

No he kicked me out for a pretty good reason, I had just flunked out of college and was acting really erratic

>> No.21883793

or maybe I'm just brainwashed into believing that, and I was right about everything all along

>> No.21883814

no, I was acting really badly. It's a shame what happened, it ended up costing me a lot.

>> No.21883831

Try to get to 1000 LINK. Imagine that you had 250 BTC but now you'll have 25. Still definitely worth it to buy again.

>> No.21883862

Thank you for the helpful advice, I will start tomorrow.

>> No.21883866


Good on you for recognizing this. If you have the guts to say you acted like a piece of shit, it sounds to me like that was indeed the case.

I have a degenerate psychopath piece of shit relative that is ruining his family's life, so I appreciate anyone that recognizes their fault at this point.

>> No.21883883


I would add to this that perhaps this time... don't chase the meme. LINK is incredibly risky, you have to ensure you have enough Bitcoin before you YOLO into something like LINK. Don't do anything rash fren.

>> No.21883935

I don't have anything, my bank account in zero.

I dont really have anything to lose here except time.

>> No.21883971

I had a tiny stack of 800 LINK but had to sell because niggers drove my car into a lake and basically I want to fucking kill myself

>> No.21883973

As much as your situation sucks. It unironically isn’t half bad. I mean... what are you going to do in this brave new world anyway? We can’t fucking do shit anymore, everyone wearing masks and scared of each other. About to be vaccine raped. I’ve been here since the start and I don’t even give a shit anymore with the state of the world.

If you get 500 and link goes to 2k and you have 1 million bucks that’s unironically better than having 50 million bucks. Since we can’t do anything anymore

>> No.21884016
File: 56 KB, 1024x560, comeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given all your responses it looks like you are just a massive faggot writing a blog post for attention and you don't actually want anyone's advice.
Go cry on reddit for upvotes you waste of space.

>> No.21884092

Money is the key to what I want out of life, I only know that because a few years ago I kind of hit the lottery with Ethereum and I felt on top of the world. I didn't wear jewelry or dress nice but I had enough confidence to get any girl I wanted, I was 19 years old and felt like I was already the man.

Since 2019 Ive been kind of a loser, I want that feeling of stability and unlimited potential back in my life, and that starts with money. I decided to man up, look at the price of link to see what I've missed out on, and come back to /biz/. I want to get smart with my finances again.

>> No.21884109

Tiny penis man, nobody likes you

>> No.21884135

The absolute state of these recent arrivals from Plebbit.
LINK's market cap is 5b. BTC's is $210b.

>> No.21884153

cunt I've been here since 2016, I just took long break after the bitcoin dive

>> No.21884164

kek kys for even saying this

>> No.21884174

IRL I would literally punch your nose off for saying something like that, people like you are the scourge of the earth.

>> No.21884196

i sold 10k link under 2 dollars. there’s no point in buying link right now. even if it hits 100 in the next three years you will barely make shit. look for other shitcoins instead.

>> No.21884211

see a therapist

>> No.21884214


are you british? only britons would be faggots such as this desu. Guarantee youre british, its crazy britons are

>> No.21884218


>> No.21884228

What happened to your Ethereum stack? Did you waste it away on impressing whores?

>> No.21884241

Fuck you maxipad. Go back to plebbit.

>> No.21884260

you dont know shit you dumb scoundrel, you're the one who is crazy for making assumptions about where I'm from based on your weird delusions.

God I fucking hate this place sometimes

>> No.21884282

I used 15k of it on a failed startup, I bought a car, I bought a motorcycle, I spent probably 30k on food, and about a years worth of rent in Southern California

>> No.21884288

>threatening physical violence because of mean words you cant counter
sure you're not black?

>> No.21884290

That attitude will really take you far. Self accusation (regardless of fault) will always make you stronger

>> No.21884296

there’s plenty of shitcoins man. there are coins that do in a week what link took four years to do. fuck link. we missed it lad. research and bet on a brand new shitcoin and make 500x in a week

>> No.21884306

jesus christ why wouldnt you have just gone homeless?

>> No.21884320

is this sarcasm or what? are you trying to say taking responsibility is a sign of maturity?

>> No.21884324

Fuck you

>> No.21884343

the only way you will surely lose is if you don’t keep your head up and play.

>> No.21884355

This is drivel, just shutup

>> No.21884366

I'm not talking about you. You had 25k, you had the nous to buy in. I'm talking about the guy who told you that LINK was "risky" and to accumulate BTC when it's 40x LINK's cap. They need to go back.

>> No.21884391

Because I have friends and they expect things out of me, I can't just destroy my image and be homeless you knob

>> No.21884421

kys stupid faggot. just leave. poor unstable faggot. buy your five link, make 80 bucks, and be poor forever. enjoy it! your dad hates you because your trash. night

>> No.21884439

drivel, you're like the homeless guy who insults people as they walk by. You are a complete detriment to society.

>> No.21884452

My point is society is quickly dissolving. I everything is FUCKED. 3 years ago when we got into link I felt like a 18 year old virgin girl headed to college ready to get smashed by some big dick chad at a fraternity party. Now I’m just demoralized about everything and I don’t even really care about owning link. Yeah great I can get a nice house in Utah or something and be safe. But that’s no fun. I feel I own one of the best investments ever but also have HIV at the same time so it doesn’t really matter.

>> No.21884481

I believe Trump will fix everything if he's reelected, also that metaphor was extremely discomforting to read. Jesus man.

>> No.21884482

hope it was worth it

>> No.21884506

isnt link a scam?

>> No.21884542

6/10 b8

>> No.21884545

The only reason I come to this place is because about 10% of the people who browse here have been successful and make great conversations, the rest of you are complete bums and I hope you all die in a fire. I cannot believe some of the responses I got in this thread.

>> No.21884555

How in the FUCK do you spend 25000 link in one year? Fuck me. I know they've not always been at this price but even at 1 dollar that's 25k dollars, in a fucking year, get a grip.

>> No.21884583

Kill yourself

>> No.21884598

yeah I agree with this

>> No.21884654


bums and fucking pornography addicted leeches

>> No.21884703

>Spend your entire ticket to freedom in one year like a fucking retarded hedonist.
>call everyone else bums

HA! Enjoy being poor, faggot. You should get used to homelessness it might be something you see a lot of.

>> No.21884731

Yes I see a lot of homeless people in my day to day life because I live and work down town, they remind me of you.

Also there is not such thing as a ticket to freedom, that sounds like something someone who smokes crack would say.

>> No.21884736

wasted away in other words... should have bought btc at the bottom or tethered up ffs

>> No.21884763

Take on credit card debt and borrow as much money as you can from people

>> No.21884768

caring about what other people think? ngmi

>> No.21884803

yeah okay we dont need to be redundant, also why do you think this was a necessary thing to say.

You should have done this you should have done that, you dont know what you are talking about and should haves do not matter.

You're broke, I dont want to listen to you.

>> No.21884804

You sound extraordinarily bitter. You did this to yourself. Crawl back to your father, apologise profusely, then get a fucking job, any job. You can buy back in, there's still time, get yourself a suicide stack. You're on the bottom now and if you make the right decisions this can be a huge lesson for you, or you can keep digging, up to you.

>> No.21884824

I have a job, I came to this god forsaken website to ask if I should start reinvesting because I fucked up last year.

My dad and I are on good terms.

>> No.21884826

Stack xrp. Buying link this high won't do shit for you. I too sold my 10k stack far too early.

>> No.21884847

thanks for the good advice though, you should have led with that. Instead of making me pry it out of you with insults.

People like you make me sick

>> No.21884883

Ill look into it, I had 30,000 xrp back in 2017 and my understanding is that the Market cap is a fuckton higher.

>> No.21884913

I led with a question and you lashed out at me.
No, it's not too late, you should absolutely get yourself a suicide stack over the next month. I hope, for your sake, and for mine since I just sold a shitload, that there's no good news at Smartcon. If there isn't you will have plenty of time to accumulate at single-digit prices. Nothing has changed, Link is still going to be worth much more than this. You should also buy RSR. It's a shame you are here now and not a month ago, you have missed out on some easy gains, the last month has been crazy for opportunities, but RSR still has a long way to climb.

>> No.21884971

RSR, single digit link, okay I'll remember that.

Do you want to talk over discord? I need friends here

>> No.21885033

Nah I don't trust Discord. I have to go to work. Just lurk, this place has changed since 2019, and not for the better, but it still throws up easy money for those with the eyes to see it. Good luck.

>> No.21885065


>> No.21885067

If you're interested in discussing investments please add me on Discord, despite dropping out I returned to school and I'm a full time economics student.

Omega Seamaster#7331

>> No.21885095

No one wants to talk to you miserable weirdo faggot. You are horrible to talk with.

>> No.21885166

this guy

>> No.21886061

Been watching RSR since it hit Binance a day ago. Seems like it's out of steam already. Wish I saw it sooner listed. Crazy fast gains in the first hour.

>> No.21886346

Buy XCM instead

Exchange coin with 20 million marketcap
8 digit institutional money hitting in September
Marketing about to ramp up
100x until EOY


50k suicide stack
150k make it EO2021 stack
500k make it EOY stack