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21877193 No.21877193 [Reply] [Original]

Oldfags, how do you deal with losses?

>> No.21877199

What losses?

>> No.21877272

remove all hindsight and move on. pinpoint the feelings of when you felt greedy and remember to exit the position next time

>> No.21877274

sell and move onto a winner then sit on it

2 years of bear market numbed me to all losses, I was down to 3k in march thanks to coronavirus now I am at 35k and its looking good

>> No.21877275

Suicide. Respawn.

>> No.21877290
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They're only losses if you sell

>> No.21877331


>> No.21877332

Only buy coins you have absolute conviction in and hold. If you jump in and out of shitcoins you are destined to lose and miss out on some huge gain and be depressed. Remove emotion from the equation, set targets and operate by a strict ruleset.

If you just emotionally fomo around like a retard you are going to lose

>> No.21877363

Dont mix money with emotions, its like a game, and we're all shooting for high scores. Some will make the leader board some will end up swinging from a rope. Get good at the game you're playing fren

>> No.21877382
File: 169 KB, 1200x628, fixed-v-growth-mindset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn from your mistake and grow. I believe that is the most valuable thing to do with a mistake. it's not a quick process but it's inevitable you're going to make mistakes. everything you do, not matter what the outcome, is providing you an opportunity to reflect on the experience and build yourself. growth mindset.

>> No.21877385

kept buying since 2018 and you'd be in the green now

>> No.21877392

I haven't been red in two years, and I never will.

>> No.21877397

lose enough that you no longer feel anything when it happens
and win enough that you chase the feeling of winning

>> No.21877404

by spending time in a perpetual bull market

>> No.21877416


>> No.21877417

I buy 10x more

>> No.21877457


Do you understand impermanent loss OP? If so, then crypto losses are just impermanent losses. If you dont understand, then you should just sell and quit because youre gonna get burned by a bunch of people who are smarter than you.

>> No.21877460
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If you understand the value of the asset you invest in you dont care. You will buy even more

>> No.21877476

this as well

>> No.21877511

First off, anyone who came here in 2018 will always be a newfag and needs to fuck off.

Second, never marry a shitcoin. thats all i can say. I usually wait for a month of crashing before selling, unless i REALLY believe in the price
>muh iron hands
if i never sold any crypto at all, I would have less than $100,000 now. And yes, i have way more than $100,000 now

Never marry a shitcoin. Sometimes the writing is on the wall. It can take 2 or 3 weeks of dumping before i sell

And link is not one of those assets

>> No.21877514

Once you go through enough of these up and down cycles you become completely numb. It sounds bad, but honestly it's pretty cool.

>> No.21877595

When you step onto the battlefield you are already dead. You must win back your life.

>> No.21877630

you can't win without losing. learn as much as you can from each loss to refrain from doing it again

>> No.21878017

This is the single most bullshit pic I've seen this year. Intelligence is completely fixed. Your IQ is set even before you're born. The only possible thing is to dumb it down with for example fungus, or toxic chemicals when you're young, or with someone blowing your head off.

>> No.21878040

Only invest money you can afford to lose. It's the only way to be truly emotionless.

>> No.21878090

You put on All Star by Smash Mouth and do the chumba wumba while crying hysterically. Then you masturbate to some bestiality and slap your face until you feel too tired to feel anything at all. Fall asleep covered in Cheeto dust and cocaine and try again. You always get back up and try again.

>> No.21878127

brainlet this picture isnt about IQ, yours is evidently low though

>> No.21878435
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>> No.21878995

Gave me quite a kek ty going to bed so I can end the night in a high note

>> No.21879041

checking sir

>> No.21879212

I invested $10,000 in 15 different cryptocurrencies/tokens 2 - 3 years ago. I would say 10 of these cryptocurrencies/tokens have completely died. The other 5 are still alive and kicking - the value of my portfolio is currently $100,000+

In saying this, it was like $3000 this time last year lol.

The only regret I have is not investing the money I put into shitcoins - into the 5 that are doing well today.

Heres some of my biggest shames:


and here some of my surviving coins (most of my actual current portfolio lol)


>> No.21879253

Set a long term goal in mind. I had extra linkies when I bought my make it stack when it was dirt cheap (another hint, buy the bottom) and held out for when it reached 20 dollars. Sold those extra linkies for blue chips. Now I’m comfy. Buy a desired amount from a promising platform, hold, then diversify for desired amounts from other good platforms.

>> No.21880261

>And link is not one of those assets
and this is why you're talking about muh 100k as if it's impressive

>> No.21880317

try harder
read more
you have one shot
at the very least sit back and be able to tell yourself you tried your best

>> No.21880333

What if you hit your target and sell but the coin keeps pumping, feelsbadman.

>> No.21880342

Why are you asking the oldfag? They all either made it or killed themselves.

>> No.21880363

>Oldfags, how do you deal with losses?
kek. 200 iq anons hold chad coins like aave and snx and never loss. it's just the pajeets throwing $100 at uniswap scams that loss

>> No.21880465
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1) Never put money in risky investments unless you're prepared to lose all of it.
2) Regularly take profits so you're always in the green.
3) Learn to use trading software that can help you set auto-buy and auto-sell functions. If you're into day trading it makes securing profits way easier.
4) Don't lose.
Based af

>> No.21880520

losses are okay. The worst part is seeing all these moon missions you're missing out on while holding onto old bags praying moon

>> No.21880558

Once it passes your target set a stop loss and keep moving it up as it pumps

>> No.21880565
File: 51 KB, 720x709, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom out.
look at the big picture.
if you can't see the history, there may not be a future.

stop bitching and moaning.
this is a man's sport.
moonboy's won't /make it/.

>> No.21880611

This is the ideal life of a trader. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.21880654

IQ isn't totally fixed. There is an environmental influence though the genetic one is far stronger.

>> No.21881002
File: 46 KB, 798x747, 1593817660017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some of the best advice I've read on crypto trading. Thanks bros

>> No.21881213

if you have absolute conviction you unironically don't have a target