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File: 91 KB, 1440x744, curio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21872538 No.21872538 [Reply] [Original]


check this :https://curioinvest.com/curio-stablecoin

>> No.21872661

and this:

>> No.21872749

Because biz hates money

>> No.21872884
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Locked and loaded anon. Maker about to BTFO in September. $100m market cap will put this gem at $50 per CUR.

>> No.21872950

Cuz $akro has more potential

>> No.21873001
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Biz is full of cucklefucks who throw money at pajeet memes and get rug pulled. This has huge potential and will be shilled hard at $10-20. Early but really not as early as they could have been.

>> No.21873079

Its a very interesting concept, I always wanted to own a lambo because of Crypto and now I can

>> No.21873272

Wait until real estate, private island...won't be for a while but I can dream

>> No.21873974
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>> No.21873983


>> No.21874001


>> No.21874119
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Guys.. What is this one: 0x83954c498ce358848b27546473fa8Dd9887ABD37

If those two wallets get locked up and this thing is unleashed on uni... I dont see it listed anywhere. look out.. Ticker is GRO Very little info online about it see what you can find

>> No.21874127
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>> No.21874199

After being out of crypto since 2018 i put all the money i had available into CUR/CURV during May-June. Turned $1.7k into $13k so far. Goal is to buy an apartment within the next few years, and i pretty much take it for granted that i will be able to. Thank you biz for shilling me this.

>> No.21874351

I don’t get it

>> No.21874438

What is the point of cur
Where does this entity get its money to buy assets from

>> No.21874471

No problems buddy. Dev just let slip we have VC funding as well.

Think of Curio as the amazon of illiquid assets that pays you to get involved in whatever way you are interested.

>> No.21874574

So whats a better hold CUR or CURV?

>> No.21874679

Curio is about to explode!

>> No.21874681

holy fuck this is huge

>> No.21874716

might spike, might not. Good shill guys, go back to your telegram group

>> No.21874719
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Definately Curv.

>> No.21874722

yuge potential

>> No.21874826

>Think of Curio as the amazon of illiquid assets that pays you to get involved in whatever way you are interested.
Oh cool so just money for everyone with no risk or downsides?

>> No.21874901
File: 279 KB, 800x2000, EgB2vNeU4AEIh8n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once this thing hits huobi its absolutely going to fly if it hasnt already by then

ps: huobi is an investor

>> No.21874971

No risk for the people invested into the core (Curio) but yeah the assets can fluctuate depending on supply and demand

>> No.21875116

Ok so which token am I supposed to buy

>> No.21875200

cur, after that you can switch cur for curv (if you want)

>> No.21875210

This one is the only one purchasable on exchanges

With Cur you can exchange into Curv if you want.
This is the Curv contract, currently trading 1.67Curv : 1 Cur

>> No.21875236

1.67 Cur : 1 Curv i mean ofcourse.

>> No.21875332

Can anyone explain the difference between the two? I understand that curv is the voting token, but how will the price reflect cur? How do you vote with curv and us there some incentive to do that?

>> No.21875382

In aragon. Yes, there are rewards for voting with CURV in the form of curio stablecoin or shares in the underlying assets

>> No.21875416

Ok, I bought some a while back, I think I have like 300 curv. Is staking available now?

>> No.21875427

This is exactly how XOR holders felt. Biz ignoring gold placed at their feet until it is much much too late.

>> No.21875446

10% of the 200 Mil CurioInvest asset purchase will be distributed to Curv holders. In the future Curv holders will share in newly distributed asset tokens. Probably voting with Curv is needed to share in future token distribution, but that's currently still unclear.

To be honest, Holding Curv is still a bit speculative until now.

>> No.21875467

What are the probit bots going to do when this hits uniswap? FUck you fucking robots.

>> No.21875657

How are the assets distributed to curv holders? Is it in the form of cur?

>> No.21875750

It’s not right now? Where can one buy it?

>> No.21875796
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Nah being sorted by the team. Only a very small amount of liquidity on uniswap at the moment as I understand it. CUR is going to fly. Fucking hell YAM/YAM 2/TENDIES and WAIFU have all enjoyed disgusting gains. This is a legit project with an amazing future. We might hit $20 or even $50 far sooner than expected.

>> No.21875801

No it's in the form of the asset token. Every asset has its own token. The first asset (the Ferrari https://curioinvest.com/car/4 ) has the token Car1 and will be released and tradeable

>> No.21875847

100% of the 2 Mil Curio are in circulation, so they cant be used to distribute rewards.

>> No.21875852

On MERJ quite soon I think.

>> No.21875890
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Once it hits Uniswap. Bots are going to go buy mode.

>> No.21875915

Probit is currently still the best location to buy, or you can keep track on Idex for sell walls popping up, but buy liquidity is becoming more scarce as more is being bought.

Although Hotbit / Huobi / Uniswap will be added soonly.

>> No.21875994

Why are people so reluctant to buy from probit? Its a perfectly fine exchange. I get that uniswap is easier, but you will be paying a lot more once it gets flowing there

>> No.21876019

What happens if the Bogdanoffs want to buy the ferrari? Where does CSC come into this?

Sorry for asking so many questions. I promise I'm reading up as we speak.

>> No.21876033
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I don't mind buying from Probit, but trading bots give it a bit of unclear information about the buying challenges.

>> No.21876079

When did curio become defi?

>> No.21876182
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I'm not sure how the destribution of wealth is happening in the case they decide to sell the asset, but it will be hold for atleast 1 year before being sold.

Let me remind you, when you buy Cur, or exchange into Curv. You're not buying the asset token, but the token that is the foundation of the complete eco system.

>> No.21876196

So the cur is fucking nothing but some pump and dump scam

>> No.21876262

Yes like any other coin/token that is taking care of the complete eco system to run. Better stay out of crypto! Bitcoin/Ethereum is useless. And please don't try to understand how Defi platforms work.

>> No.21876357

Yep, understood on the asset token bit. So generally speaking the idea is to own a portion of a tokenized asset that theoretically has a high appreciation value. I wonder if they'd distribute CSC proportionally to asset token holders if a sale did occur, although I get the point here is not to be flipping cars.

>> No.21876400

bro 4 months ago this was token to buy cars, now in the middle of the defi hype it became defi?

>> No.21876472

Buying cars is defi you big dum dum. Any defi project without tangible value backing the token is a scam.

> we federal reserve now brrrrrrr
Enjoy your hyperinflated shitcoin

>> No.21876479
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It was never a token to buy cars, please read yourself into what it's about before posting crap.

>> No.21876481

kek you dumb? biztards never do their research, it has grown to something far bigger than just cars. They're bringing their own stablecoin to compete with fucking Maker. They bring out staking, lending, borrowing. This is the example of a company that puts in the work instead of 99% of shitcoins.

>> No.21876536

Why would I ever cash the cur for curv instead of keeping a magical always appreciating money-making token

>> No.21876634

I believe it was always designed to be this. Biz couldn't see past jeets, curry-o and hotwheels token fud.

>> No.21876724

You mean, " Wy would i lock Cur for Curv?" As that is actually what you do. you're locking Cur and getting Curv in return withing the Smart contract.
As the Cur / Curv smart contract is a bonding Curve (Explained here for the smart ones https://yos.io/2018/11/10/bonding-curves/ )
it means that the Cur:CURV ratio goes up depending on the lockup. This means that if you moved into Curv a while ago, you would get almost double the amount of Cur, if you switch back now. And this is excluding the perks you will receive by holding Curv.

>> No.21876899

>replies: 58
>posters: 22
fuck off street shitters

>> No.21876919

This post should be pasta, I'm sick of reading the same "BuT wHy Do I nEeD CURV" everyday

>> No.21876958
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I will not support anything that has the potential to tokenize funko pops, it is against my morals.

>> No.21876959

Thanks, good read

>> No.21876971

>A non-decentralized entity chose and bought a car

Choose one.

>> No.21877096
File: 126 KB, 810x229, CurioInvest-in-numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You partly have a point there. The car has not been chosen decentrally, but the funds have been gathered decentrally. The next assets will be chosen using the voting system, where Curv holders can vote on, making not only the financing decentral, but also the chosing of asset centralized.

>> No.21877205

I would gladly take that over

> DeFi
> A self-diluting erc20 token that will magically turn into a Lambo