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21870899 No.21870899 [Reply] [Original]

im new and already obsessed over graphs and pumps and dumps to a point where it's affecting my life and work.

I've lost my gains (not much) and a tiny bit of my own money so far. the money i lost has been because of stupid panics and holding after a crazy pump.

is it best to just put in on coins you think will show promise in a year or 2?

There's a lot of talk about RSR and DOT. thinking I just put my money in something and forget about it

>> No.21871164

That sounds sensible bro. 95% of people on this board do not have a trading psychology. A lot of people got lucky blindly following others and the majority of people who have pitched up recently would've made more money buying the stock dip in march

>> No.21871192

we need a decentralized riot insurance product

>> No.21871225

Yeah man, definitely just invest and leave it for like a year. It's far too easy to get sucked into an unhealthy cycle witht hese things. Don't let money ruin your happiness brother.

>> No.21871255
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I have one question for you? Be honest with yourself. Are you more intelligent than the average person?

If the answer is no quit now before you get in too deep.

If the answer is yes you have a chance to capitalize on this opportunity and make some serious money. I started crypto around the time trump announced his campaign for president in 2016. In 4 years off an initial investment of 1,000 I was able to pay off all my debts, buy a house outright and live my life as a happy individual. Crazy to think how unhappy I was 3-4 years ago when i was wagecuckin. I hated my job, hated getting up everyday and going.

If you're intelligent enough you can make it.
Pic related. The best charting technique book ive ever read. You can find the full book in .pdf form online.

Cheers anon shoot for the fucking moon

>> No.21871330

sDefi on synthetix is good for this, its an index of defi projects that gets rebalanced every 3 months. Saves you from fomo cos you'll own most of the shit you see get shilled

>> No.21871363

The wast mayority of people are dumber than the average person, and they still make money

>> No.21871454

Look into using actual trading software if you have any interest in day trading. You will make much more consistent and solid gains with features like auto-buy and auto-sell at certain points.

Long term investments in crypto are also highly rewarding though. Buy LINK and ALGO (and stake it) and forget about it for a while.

>> No.21871475

Fair enough. Having intelligence just allows you to operate from a higher plane.

Also OP your buy and hold coin is right here.

>> No.21871505
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>> No.21871509

thanks guys, i expected to be shit on immediately. i will reevaluate things and stop chasing with no plan. right now I'm just kinda sad because I lost some money, but I think it can be way worse if I continue down this road. and this obsession I've had of checking prices every 15 minutes and refreshing /biz/ all day has left me feeling like complete shit. just plain unhappy.

>Are you more intelligent than the average person?
the AVERAGE person? probably. but that's not saying much.

Thanks for the book recommendation. I am interesting in trading and I intend to come back responsibly and not act like a total idiot. At least for the near future, I will not play with any money. I'll check out the book though

>> No.21871593

But do you think you can do that with an initial 1k in crypto from 2020-2024? I want to try but I feel like all the good gain % in crypto is over already. All the bubbles are gone(btc, eth, link) and the days of 1k initial to make it status are over. Am I wrong to think this or will there be more opportunities for poor fags like me who feels as bad as you did in 2016

>> No.21871686

Absolutely wrong.
For one the next "link" is out there right now and its cheap as fuck.

Here is how I did it. (Roughly) not including small losses I never lost big in the first two years.

1,000 3x
3,000 2x
6,000 5x
30,000 2x

Well you get the idea from there..


>> No.21871718

>Am I wrong to think this or will there be more opportunities for poor fags like me who feels as bad as you did in 2016
100% wrong. Normies haven't even FOMOd yet. Big banks haven't FOMOd yet. The crypto market is in its infancy still.

>> No.21872026

Thanks, appreciate your inputs

>> No.21872054
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I'm leaving this thread. Every one of you poorfags trying to build a bankroll do yourself a favor and look into DEXG.
Telegram: ccs2107

>> No.21872843

I would have had literally over a million usd when STA was at 50c if I didn't panic sell after the BAL exploit.

So yeah I reccomend just holding.