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21868664 No.21868664 [Reply] [Original]

If you think about it, the only value btc has is from it being the first cryptocurrency... it’s slow, old, outdated, and expensive. There are other projects that have way better fundamentals and are actually trying to solve real world problems on top of what btc already offers.... hell BSV is BTC just better in every way but less popular.

Think about it, once the market matures more and people start figuring out about other better projects with real value because of its real world use case, do you really think btc will stay on top forever?

>> No.21868680



>> No.21868701

Bitcoin will literally never die

>> No.21868746

no it won’t but that’s not what I’m arguing, I’m asking.. do you seriously see btc remaining #1 in 5 years from now?

>> No.21868797

Yes I do, if not I’ll kill myself because of how much I have invested. It’s going to hit $100k at the minimum in the coming bull run cycle

>> No.21868983

People won't figure out shit. If the things on top of everything were there because of "superior fundamentals" the world would be extremely different from what it is.

>> No.21869229

he has a point you know

>> No.21869288

RIP matey.

>> No.21869290

The crypto market will always need a “standard” to serve as a reserve currency. If crypto were to ever be used for mainstream transactions, you’d need a “standard” to make purchases easy. In addition, having a “standard” ensures a strong miners network. If people have the mindset to keep jumping to whichever coin “has the best tech” this month, things would never stabilize.

>> No.21869442
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1M it's inevitable
buy an entire BTC at 11k in mid 2020 it's a once in a life opportunity

>> No.21869567
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bitcoin if it ever drops to $500 or less assuming crypto as a whole takes off will have it's entire supply bought off by eccentric billionaires and ancient crypto fags that never cashed out as a collectors item which will ironically keep driving it's price higher and higher. so yes, as long as the concept of cryptocurrency is a world changing technology bitcoin will always increase in value because of it's limited supply and the fact that it was the first.

Will it be #1 forever? probably not

>> No.21869791

It's not about the tech and more about the network effect.
There's also the bagholder effect; it's not like myspace -> facebook -> whatever social media platform kids are using now; the ones who bought bitcoin have a financial interest in keeping it alive. You can't just easily move your wealth over to a new coin with everyone else like you do when starting a new social media account.

>> No.21870087

>Will it be #1 forever? probably not
there is no coin with same safety, no premine, no dev fees teams, zero staking inflation, max cap and immutable monetary policy

>> No.21870121

Press F to pay respects to anon

Press S to spit on bitcoins grave

>> No.21870250

I'm talking two decades into the future. If crypto is world changing tech there will eventually be a project that overtakes the old technology, it's the purpose of technology in the first place unless you're telling me BTC is already perfect and can handle everything the future throws at it. Who knows maybe? But like I said, PROBABLY not.

For the next 5 years at least it will probably remain #1

>> No.21870274

> safety

You do realize that china has more than 51% of the network and at anytime can nationalize the miners to enact whatever changes they wish to on the system? Its objectively one of the least secure networks there is. It is king centralized shit coin.

>> No.21870427

The fact is that cryptocurrency is starting to make that transition from a bad financial idea to an outright scam. a goodly number of Bitcoin prognosticators are simply shilling and attempting to pump the price of Bitcoin up because they themselves are invested in cryptocurrency companies. This is where the scam comes in. Very simply, cryptocurrency investors are being actively misled. At the end of the day, Bitcoin has become nothing more than a giant pump-and-dump scheme.

>> No.21870858

I think you're really underestimating how stupid people are. Maybe starting at the year 2050-2100 some degree of retardation will start, very slowly, to be bred out
BTC's actual value is exactly that, $11,300.

>> No.21870865

Literally the dumbest argument here. Oooooo lets spend a whole bunch of energy and mining capital to try destroy the network when i can be making money off it.

Surely the network wont fork and my significant illgotten gains are recognized!

>> No.21871496

None, that's the true redpill the crypto community refuse to bite. The next bullrun will be without bitcorn

>> No.21871559

It is, look Amazon, Apple. They have superior fundamentals. Sometimes mass hysteria can rise shitcoins and shitstocks to the top, but it can't last forever

>> No.21871984

bitcoin is like a yield farmed food token except it was mined and rather than for weeks, mining lasted decades
that's pretty much it

I made 5 digits on a token called ZOMBIE, in several hours. It now collapsed 10x. My gain is someone else's loss. Same principle with bitcoin, except it takes longer.

>> No.21872025
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>> No.21872170

Derete immediratery

>> No.21872373

>Stupidity being bred out
Not when hordes of subhumans are being shoveled into the west.

>> No.21872516

>What is bitcoin’s actual value?
Whatever you and your trading partner agree upon at that point in time.
Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.21873009

Do you realize Chinese miners are moving operation to some parts of Russia and Kazakistan cause electricity is cheaper there?
Do you realize US hashrate is growing significantly?
Do you know chink hashrate dropped from 75% to 60% in few months and the trend says it’s going to be soon below 50%?
Do you realize that attacking the network is an economical suicide and miners will never do it regardless?
Do you realize that to attack the network you need so much fucking hardware and hashing power that good luck coordinating one?

>> No.21873025

store of value comes from consensus retard
with BTC the less its changed the better
its literally a discovery of digital scarcity, forks of it are worthless its not about fundamentals, the less its changed the better, its a store of wealth because it was the first, its performance and security.

BSV is not better because its literally entirely retail and completely illiquid you cant even arbitrage it so it will never get institutional investment like core is now which is also what makes it valuable

>> No.21873081

>Do you realize that to attack the network you need so much fucking hardware and hashing power that good luck coordinating one?

Oh you mean like the chinese have and the fact that china can nationalize them whenever they want to coordinate it? I already covered this bub.

Okay, what happens when it no longer becomes profitable to mine bitcoin? Why do you take it as a given that bitcoin is always profitable to mine? If it drops below 6k, its no longer economical to mine bitcoin.

>> No.21873093

>At the end of the day, Bitcoin has become nothing more than a giant pump-and-dump scheme.
At the end of the day is the only way to store my networth in a way nobody can seize it while I can keep moving all around the world to avoid taxation, KEK

>> No.21873096

> he thinks you can compromise the blockchain with 51% of the hashpower

You're ngmi buddy

>> No.21873139

>If it drops below 6k, its no longer economical to mine bitcoin.
Are you retard or what?
At 6k miners will spend 5.8k in electricity to mine and hashrate will dynamically adjust

>> No.21873142

Value is whatever someone is willing to pay you for something. You can sell dog shit for $100 if you can get someone to buy it.

Even if bitcoin was a completely worthless scam token people will still buy it for the name, it being first, collecting purposes, etc. Which ironically will then give it value and investors will roll in

>> No.21873214

>no premine
Satoshi mined 1 million BTC and he can dump whenever he feels like it.

>> No.21873247

Did he scam anyone? No, he played by the rules

>> No.21873374

>Most secure network in the world
>BTC has no value

>> No.21873639

even if that autstic retard craig was satoshi (gavin andressen changed his mind from 2016 btw watch his newer interviews) BSV will still not be as valuable
if the creator of pokemon cards started making derivative 1st edition charizards would the 1999 ones be worth less?

>> No.21873694

>crypto has real world value

>> No.21873741

the entire crypto eco system still depends on BTC for the liquidity because of its perceived value (first mover, deflationary, discovery of abstract digital scarcity, incredible network security etc), most other crypto projects value come from their utility of scaling crypto, settlement layer, point of sale solutions, web3 etc

>> No.21873781

ironically BSV would literally be worthless with out core because it would have virtually no liquidity

>> No.21873818

t. poor fag that doesnt realize multrillion portfolio management companies are starting to hedge with BTC because of its inherent value.

>> No.21874822

had the same idea, i realized its too early. All important projects are basically pegged to dogecoin right now.