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21867343 No.21867343 [Reply] [Original]

I'm feeling pretty bad these days. Idk if I can even post this, but I've only really round comfort on this board the past 3 years. Its not crypto realted or anything, I hold LINK (and small amount of others) and am never selling, but idk, I just need to talk or somehting. I cant talk to anyone I know. Does anyone know any good servies or chatrooms or anything

>> No.21867372

depressed, but i turned it around by moving to another place

>> No.21867409

If you have a service like samaritans call them anon, what have you to lose? I agree talking to someone unbiased is a great way to go. If you can get help by a GP or something then they may refer you to a therapist, I did this through work after an incident and it was one of the best things i ever did. Not told anyone about it but it was great for me.

>> No.21867418

Not sorted but masked them pretty well through a cocktail of nootropics.

>> No.21867421

I highly doubt anyone who is still on this board has actually sought help. Any decent therapist would tell them to stay off of 4chan. I'm sure there are plenty of places to have this conversation online, but there's no way that 4chan is the right place. If anything one of the many sociopaths roaming this board will try to push you further in the wrong direction.

>> No.21867460

Fix your diet and get your gut sorted out you gay little faggot

>> No.21867464

Start taking “Atarax”. It’s literally a white pill for anxiety .

>> No.21867487

Also like >>21867372 anon said, moving. Specifically, meme travel. I know htings are closed but plan a long trip around meme south east asia. I did 3 months for $1000 in 2012 by living like a nomad, if you have even double that your trip will be amazing. Will be really hard at first even for a few weeks but even just hanging around hostels you will begin to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

>> No.21867514

FUCK YOU NEW FAGs. God you are insufferable cunts. You don’t lurk. You don’t learn board culture and then immediately call us all psycopaths when you are literally posting in a HELP thread. FUCK YOU ANON hope your mom dies

>> No.21867521

I'm Listening bro...whats on your mind?

>> No.21867523

I got better when I identified clearly what's toxic in my life, and what's good for me. I then simply removed everything/everyone that's toxic and amplified what's/who's good. Over time it gets a lot better, and if you do it well the effect compounds.

After the lockdown I kind of got off track though, and started reintroducing toxic elements (such as lurking on 4chan).

>> No.21867535

Borderline Personality Disorder cluster B

Had tried medications and different "remedies" in the past. (Only thing that really helped was Heroin and Alcohol, which turned out to be worse in the end.)

Now i just deal with it cause i don't want to fuck myself up with Effexor (doc is pushing it on me hardcore)
Was extremely suicidal up until Crypto because now i've found a little hope.
Gives me a reason to breathe.

>> No.21867551

You can get it sorted, it does get better. A word of warning tho, Some therapists are shit, some programs, are shit, some things are shit.
I had to go through 4 theripists, what felt like 20 books/work books and a bunch of other things. As you try to work though these things you're going to meet qualified, licensed, even PhD level individuals that'll try to tell you the wrong things.
Because they're used to people who don't want to get better and just want to be told shit that'll make them feel good. Because they're terrible at acknowledging men's mental health issues, because of any kinds of different reasons. But you'll find your own way through all of that and with a little help you'll finally find some stable ground. It gets a lot better Anon.


>> No.21867552

Shut the fuck up pussy

>> No.21867565

Are you me?

>> No.21867585

I've been here for over 3 years now. There are multiple psychopaths on this board who live to toy with people. I stand by what I said.

>> No.21867601

Who the fuck are you faggots? Are you conducting a raid ? No anon who browses 4chan enough would ever think a shrink could help them.

>> No.21867607

Swallow some of your pills mate

>> No.21867608

i used to be an alcoholic, addicted to drugs, suicidal, and a recluse. if you need someone to talk to, i can leave a burner email here.

>> No.21867635

Difference between me and you is I’ve embraced crazy because by doing so that makes you alpha. You little slut.

>> No.21867636

I wrestled with depression for a long time, OP. I was only able to get through it by learning to have real values, and goals, no matter how small or inconsequential they may be, living for my passions is what saved me.

>> No.21867675

It would end up being a joker situation where the doctor gets turned

>> No.21867686


I'm not sure if I'm depressed desu. Can't move anyway.

Yeah thanks anon, I'll see if there's something like that

I'm 6'2 210 around 11%. Was on misc since 2010. It is absolutely not a diet/ exercise issue. This is the first time I've felt like this.

Yeah thanks man. Sounds good but no an option rn. Coming up to exams and its related to my family, so can't just up and leave rn. Part of it is me looking after my family since My dad died suddenly a few months ago out of the blue. Somedays I wish I could just run off and just focus on my own life, but there's a weird sense of duty I guess. Idk

Its not a NT based issue. Couple of live events that happened oen after the other and I was getting through it but feel like the candle is about to burn out at both ends

>> No.21867696

Unironically start lifting and stop jerking off to Traps and the other degenerate shit you're probably watching.
Cutting pornography out of my life and lifting for like 45-60mins for 5days a week did more for mentally than any pozzed dickhead in a turtle neck ever could.
Being the raging faggot your are though, you'll probably disregard my advice, because it involves delaying gratification and taking some accountability for once. Don't.

>> No.21867720

There is 7cups a website that deals with mental health issues.
You talk to random counselors who help get through life.
If in America, psychology today has a list of professionals near you.
I used both before.
I prefer to talk to a professional, personally.

>> No.21867762

I don't really have much advice, but I hope things get better anon, exercise could be a good idea to release those sweet chemicals. Personally, I have really bad anxiety, but I haven't figured out how to fix it yet unfortunately. I literally feel like I'm gonna shit myself in school bc of how much my stomach churns and jitter like crazy when anyone comes near me.

>> No.21867776

Which ones are you using anon?

>> No.21867802

Good advice anon, incredibly based.

>> No.21867881

Get outside and exercise more often. Look into CBT - you can do an ok job on your own if you're reasonably self aware and intelligent

>> No.21867979


It sounds dumb, but if there's any older fags around would be great. This is the sort of stuff I would cherish his advice on and I can't at all.

Yeah, I've heard that and cna see it. Hard to pick though, as if there's reviews, I'm sure the reviews by peoplewiht mental health issues aren;t exactly the most reliable.


Thanks anon. Essentially had stuff to do with dad passing out of the blue even though he was fit and had zero health issues. Trying to sort everything out (his body was delayed in post mortem), then the finances etc, and I had exams upcoming at that time too. I still managed to sit them and do well, adn was produ fo that, but was pushing everything down. My dad was the absolute rock of this family, he held everyone together and had great relationships with each person. I was alsways independent but my family not so much. 6 weeks after my dad died, I came home on my birthday feeling sad, and turns out my idiot of a brother had gotten a girl pregnant and she was giving birth right there and then. He just shocked me and my mom. She already has 2 kids and is a trash tier woman; I couldn't believe it. Anyways I told him to go and to see her and to explain whether or not he wanted to be a part of this child's life. He just ignored her for 2 weeks. My mom was on the verge of a pure psychotic breakdown. COuldn't look at my brother or trust him or anything. My sister wasn;t in and didn't hear and we still haven't told her.

he said he wanted nothing to do with her or the kid (fien for the woman, bad for the kid, but I can;t push). He's an idiot though. He's well natured but prob has an IQ of around 90 if not 85. Mild-moderate cognitive stuff but ok socially. This a logn story, but its a balancing act of all this, my granny dying like a month ago, and my brothe rjust being a complete fuck up in every aspect. He can't hold a job. He can't get his own place yet as his current job is contract + too lwo to get a mortgage

>> No.21868147


Thanks. I'll check out the the 7cups site. Yeah, I tried typing it out and it would take my about ten posts to do so. Prob not worth it.

Thanks man, but I'm already about 10 years deep on weightlfiting (BB, strength, cali) and my diet is on point. I don't watch porn, and never really have except a couple of times as a teen. I don;t smoke weed or do drugs. I just study + train + crypto + gf + family.

I like your advice, but I have been practicing stuff liek this for a good while. Read the marshmallow test a few year back. 7 habits of highly effective people. Meditations. All that a few years ago and took many lessons from it. I am all about delaying gratification.

Just feels like I am starting to break mentally under having to manage my family and the secrets of it that I have to keep. Stuff I have to do to stop others from finding out. Idk I'm not explaining it right

>> No.21868175

Burning the candle at both ends, parent died, sense of duty. Anon I literally went through the same thing, ended up a few nights a month drunk out on my own in the casino etc, I didn't realise how bad i was at the time but the main thing was talking to someone unbiased, even if you have an old friend you can call up. The second was simply time, also, if you are at home you need to start living your own life. I lived at home until 27 out of a sense of 'duty' to my disabled mum, it me no good and was just harder to rip the band aid off for her. Shes happier now by about 10%, I'm happier by about 200%, I know family is key but you have to think of the oxygen mask scenario. You cannot care for them if something happens to you. Even if you think of yourself like the protector as I did, you need to take charge and put YOURSELF first. It's better for everyone in the long run. Also, self care man, sounds gay as fuck, I had nights I could only sleep by listening to rain tracks until 4am, you gotta give yourself good sleep, good food, more importantly, mental care.

>> No.21868274

check if your dental work is causing any issues

>> No.21868292
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>> No.21868289

Your internal biome could still be fucked. Take a probiotic and drink some fuckin kumbachi or whatever

>> No.21868359

That makes me sound more fucked up than you, but you do get through it man. Own my own 4 bed flat with housemates loads of money in the bank and fit now. Shit can change fast for the bad as you know with the deaths you've seen, also can get good quickly too. Also, one of the things that helped me was realizing yourself that 'yeah, shits fucked up' and thats okay. Shit does get fucked up. People close to you all seem to die at once, partners leave, you may be struck down with illness. No one would be happy about this, its absolutely fine to be fucked up yourself about it, sadness is an emotion that is shit but normal. Don't add guilt to the sadness, there's not point, one foot after the other. Also bro, less time on here, we're all on board with you here but this place can be a bit shit for toying with your emotions.

>> No.21868384

Op im actually going through the roughest patch of depression ive had in my life right now. Been working through it with my therapist ever since my fiancé left me. My fiancé left me out of the blue two months ago with no reason given after a week before she took me to a plot of land where she wanted to build our house and was talking about kids and everything. It broke me when I randomly woke up to a text message telling me that its over for no reason besides that she wasnt 100% sure that week. Ever since then I have been stuck in a state of feeling nothingness even as I watch my actual shit ton of Link stack give me wealth I never imagined. Its a process but you gotta work through it and not let it beat you down. That's what Im trying to do right now.

>> No.21868413
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aware. We're all gonna make it brah.

That's probably a part of your issue though. Has been on the misc since 2011 and stopped frequenting it a few years back. It has become a cesspool, even worse than /biz/.

But in general, reduce your screentime as much as possible, especially forum and news. It was always negative but 2020 really made it 10x worse. It's pure cancer for your mind and soul right now so stay away as much as you can (except you're seeking help like right now)

If it's the first time you've felt like this, it's gonna pass soon. It's probably just all the things that happened in your life recently that add up. The passing of your father alone is more than enough reason to feel the way you feel, and there's nothing wrong with that. You might just have to sit it out, try your best to keep your routine and positive habits up and push ahead.

If you're starting to fold, seek professional help as soon as possible, srs. You don't want to go down that path.

We're all gonna make it brah

>> No.21868429


Yeah that's what it was. I managed to rip off that band aid. I struggled with it massively but avoiding drink as I knew that I wouldnt be able to cope with the anxiety from drinking. I felt like I was getting through it, and now, my brother is telling lies going off to see this girl. I know he doesn't want to see the child (and 110% not the PoS woman) but he is spineless. But now, its everyday I come home and mom is asking suspicious quesitons, and he's too stupid and tells brutal lies. My sister doesn't even know. On top of all this I'm coming up to my med school exams in like 3 weeks, but keep running through the thougts of "what if he doesn this and mom says X, or he says Y? What will my sister think from hiding it from her? How will mom react to having a grandchild and the fear of social judgement form others if she doesnt get invovled?"

I really appreciate your advice anon. I feel like I just have to let life happen and let it either keep going or all blow up; whatever happens just deal with it there and then. But for some reason the past few days/ weeks I've really been struggling to focus on the now. My mentla health is definitely plummeting tho. I do think I need to leave the house, but I also hold it together. My bro and mom don't get on great (he jus tmumbles nad hides in his room), and I get worried about how lonely my mom is. She doesn;'t drive or anyhting. Although I know I cna't give up my life just trying to keep her happy.

>> No.21868590


Thanks man. This reads like what I would say to a friend if they were in my situation. guess I'm not strong enough to say it to myself.

"Don't add guilt to the sadness," this alone just helped me a bit. Nearly feel like crying right now and I've only cried once in the past decade (at dads death). Is it wrong to focus on myself? Am I abandoning my family by not giving them every second I have to help them? Or am I wasting the work my dad did by raising me by putting everyone else ahead of myself. Whatever it is, thanks anon. This message really really helped. Like a lot.

Sorry anon. that is fucking brutal. I don't know what to say but make sure to get out of bed. We can see each at the yacht party if we make it there.

Haven't seen anyone aware in a while. Brings me back. But yeah, I have been using my discipline + positive habits to push ahead, but I just feel like even though I'm still pushing on, now bits of me are crumbling away.

>> No.21868668


I've copied you posts and emailed them to myself to read when I'm struggling. Thanks man. You've no idea how much you've helped. Felt like I just got a little boost. Focus on whats in my sphere of control, prioritize it, and deal with what comes when it comes.

>> No.21868734

Ok, firstly I'm sorry about your Father, condolences. From what you're describing you don't have mental health issues at all though. Think about it, you're done your exams so you're obviously educated. You've got enough moral clarity to see how reckless your brothers behaviour is but enough emotional intelligence to recognise that you can't push him on it... that's probably smart.

I'm not going to lie to mate but watching your mum grieve is going to be painful but that's the way it is, time with heal but i understand that doesn't help atm.

As for the weight of expectations, they're real and they are necessary. By the sounds of it your father was a good man, you can tell a lot about a man by the way he keeps family relationships. You're a man of discipline, why? because you wanted to make yourself stronger. Why? Because you knew life was going to challenge you...It always does!

Just keep doing what you are doing. Love you gf...work hard...support your mum...honour your father. Like it or not every family needs a man and thats going to be your job now. Don't confuse your grief for weakness, understand your thoughts and you'll find a way to deal with them.

If i was your dad i'd be proud of you anon.

all the best,

>> No.21868901

Hi anon I suffered a lot with depression myself for many years. The key to ending depression is unironically stop being a little bitch wallowing in self pity and to start trying to actively improve yourself. It won't happen overnight but wise man once said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step so here is some shit that worked for me.
Spend less time on 4chan and the internet/looking at screens in general.
Do more exercise, just going for a walk an hour a day will make a big difference also try meditation and nofap.
Find a hobby, read or learn a new skill and try to improve your diet by cutting out stimulating food such as sugar, dairy and caffeine, cook healthy food for yourself.
Fasting is very powerful and will do wonders for your physical and mental health, start slow like 24 hrs then build your way up to about 3 days just drinking water.
If you use drugs or alcohol to escape your depression stop doing it.
drink plenty of water and go to bed early.
Another thing that helped me a lot but I wouldn't necessarily recommend to everyone is psychedelics - the natural kind such as mushrooms or mescaline ofc. It can be a life changing experience and help put your perceived problems into perspective.
Maybe travel or try to get a fresh start somewhere else?
That's about it, most important thing is not to blame your circumstances or other people and just focus on bettering yourself and try your best to live your life to the fullest, what have you got to loose? gl fren

>> No.21869091

So you're jacked out of your mind??

>> No.21869241
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>Put your perceived problems into perspective
Agree but they can also show you what's toxic in your life, and that can be extremely unpleasant in the short term.
If you want to dig into this, places where controlled and legal administration is given exist

>> No.21869286

I can tell you're the oldest. I don't think like you at all.

>t. baby

>> No.21869313

im disabled and have mental issues from a prescription medicine. making it from crypto will get me the treatment i need.

>> No.21869316

Do you go to Church and pray, Anon?

>> No.21869787

my depression went away when i stopped eating carbs
also asthma
and gout
didn't fix my hairline though

>> No.21870113
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Thanks anon. I;m ok for the lfiestyle stuff, but will keep myself in check for it. Not in a position to mvoe right now, but maybe in the future. Im in med school so I can travel with that.

Fairly jacked yeah. See pic. Its funny you asked. I wasn't religious at all, but my dad found his faith again later in life, and there's been a few moments in the past few months where I've been thinking about God and trying to find him, or something highlights it to me. Like out of the blue. I keep getting signs abotu God thouugh. 110%

I'm the middle child in age, but in terms of responsibility, yeah. My brother is the oldest and he's not smart and has no spine, even though he is kind natured. As the youngest, you don't have to carve your own path. Everything is done for and every barrier has been broken down.

>> No.21870642

Therapy, intense and regular exercise, healthy diet, patience. If you are at least not working out to the point of utter exhaustion/nearly puking then you aren't giving yourself the best shot, plainly put.

>> No.21870769
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quit my job
dumped my whore gf
no debt and living on neetbux and crypto
began dieting and exercising
and suddenly my depression went away

>> No.21870867

Together nearly every day:
Alpha GCP
Add Noopept or Modofanil/Adrafanil of wanting to focus really well
Once a week:
Phenibut HCL

I’ve tried a shitton of them, probably about 35 by now. Those above work well for me in terms of mood as well as cognitive function. Phenibut is especially incredible but you can’t take it more than once a week if you want the best effects.

>> No.21870958

I hit a point where I realized that 'hell' was bottomless and it gave me enough intention to fix myself knowing that without change you will slowly become worse even if im comfortable in that head space. GL bro

>> No.21871178
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Yes you can. I used to have agoraphobia and panic attacks. It took me 7 years but I sorted it out. Last year I even flew to Ireland all on my own, which would be absolutely terrifying for my past self. I've never been better and the whole corona anxiety normies seem to be experiencing is like a joke to me by comparison. My advice:
Take small steps each day.
Don't take (((medication))) unless you absolutely need it for an emergency. Brain medicine will create dependency and not really teach you how to solve the problem.
Do exercise, meditation and improve your diet.
Get professional help if you think you can't do it on your own or you don't have anyone's support.
There is hope anon. It'll be a long, tough road, but you'll learn so much about everything.

>> No.21871418

major depression and sever anxiety. it runs in my family so i knew what was happening. no doctor appointments avilable for a month. started taking S-Adenosyl methionine 800mg a day. symptoms completely gone. not recommending it as some kind of miracle cure for depression but it worked for me.

>> No.21871680

Old 4Chan is dead. Long live 4Channel.

>> No.21871953

Not going to lie to you, drugs/nootropics won't help. They will only mask/make things worse. The only way you can drag yourself out of depression is improvement via hard work and red pilling truths. Seek out ways to improve your life via hobbies, books, fitness and other skills. Be spontaneous, go out your way to do things you enjoy. Go on a date, meet new people and be sincere. Don't talk to people who don't care, open up to everyone and the people who think you're weird for being open/honest, cut them off. Surround your self with people who want to be in your life and that care. Good luck anon.

>> No.21872148

This isnt guaranteed to work but if you do a "Dopamine fast" like i did you will definetely feel better even if it doesnt solve all your problems.

I spent two months in my family summer cabin by the sea without any internet or screens, i just slept, ate healthy, picked berries, took the boat out on the sea and fished, spent a lot of time with my dog, read some greek philosphy books, did a little running and some lifting heavy logs and bodyweight exercises and got a lot of sunligt and fresh air.

After that i felt amazing, i was mentally relaxed, mentally focused, energized, satisfied and had peace of mind. It slowly went away after getting back into the city and stuck in wageslavery but atleast it did work. I highly recommend it.

>> No.21872231

Try not to focus on politics and things that are abstract (too much) and make small improvements in areas that scare you a bit (like..talking to a stranger/or doing something "not you")

>> No.21872327

>I spent two months in my family summer cabin by the sea
totally relatable and something any depressed anon can do at any time

>> No.21872361


Take St. John’s Wort and L-Tyrosine, Vitamin D3+K2 m4

>> No.21872378

do you have to keep taking it?

>> No.21872409

hmm gonna try a version of this bye guys
just do boring non stimulating stuff idiot. you can do that anywhere

>> No.21872411

if you're not larping, you probably should seek a therapist? You seem to be going through some pretty rough shit and it would probably be better to talk to a mental health professional rather than some autists who shitpost about a cube.

>> No.21872484

Hostels were like 4USD a night and usually had a mixed bag of people from different countries. Kinda miss it looking back, but find something you chan work on by yourself that you can improve on (downtime esp travelling alone..)
-on a train in the middle of Vietnam and only one in car in the middle of the night and in a random town in the middle of nowhere an older guy gets on and looks like a mean expat mofo (former boxer) I'm totally exhausted and delerious but strike up a chat and we are friends to this day.

>> No.21872559

i've only been using it for two months. moderate exercise has been proven to be as effective as anti-depressants so i'll probably do that in the future and stop taking the pills. right now i'm just happy the depression and anxiety are gone.

>> No.21872646

Would be great to have a place to escape to like that for a bit.

>> No.21872665

36 year old here. Depression didn't go away for me. I just got used to it. Life is good. Until it isn't. Then it's a slow climb back up to good life again. It's a cycle. I'd imagine things are getting better. The accumulation of wealth helps. I care less and less about other people every day. And I own a self sustained ranch/vegetable farm now. Life is good now until something inevitably goes wrong with this

>> No.21872692


This, but then the nightmare that becomes you life is too much to bare. But im too Chad for suicide so I locked myself in my apartment for 3 months and confronted my demons. 6/10, really wouldn't recommend unless you like relearning basic motor skills.

>> No.21872743

>just do boring non stimulating stuff idiot. you can do that anywhere
I already banged your mom twice and it didn't help.

>> No.21872759

Had ocd whole life without a real diagnosis. Went to therapist for fist time when 23. Went to therapy for 2 months, worked to understand what it was and how to deal with my problems. Good now. No meds, no therapy needed. The key is understanding.

>> No.21872786


>> No.21872797

You need to talk with people in real life. Why can't you talk to people you know? Are they not your friends?

People online will help the symptoms, but you need to deal with the root of the cause yourself. It always stems from real life, so deal with it in real life.

Online can be a helping hand, a stepping stone, whatever.

But in the end, you need to face the dragon, Bucko.

>> No.21872824


All the shit that normies hate, PUA culture (have to be critical about it but a LOT of it is very helpful), Jordan Peterson, Naval's "how to get rich without getting lucky" tweet storm have all made me completely content. I used to be incredibly anxious about the future, relationships, everything. Until I just consumed so much content that it legitimately fixed my life. I am completely content, very good relationships around me, hot girlfriend, good education and job and finally a make it stack of a crypto that is often shilled here (not LINK but I don't want this to seem like a shill post)

Anyway, worked for me. Good luck anon. Btw, a LOT of it is knowing what freak fags to ignore and who to listen to on these boards and just in general.

You're gonna make it bro.

>> No.21872867

they are all over the place and super cheap

>> No.21872892

>And I own a self sustained ranch/vegetable farm now.
would you mind describing this in extreme detail or making a youtube channel showing and describing it in extreme detail?

>> No.21872953

> Any decent therapist would tell them to stay off of 4chan

you have literally no idea how therapy works do you

its 100x more likely the therapist would ask you "whats 4chan" if you brought it up and get you to explain it to them in as much detail as possible until you felt dumb. It's why they're called shrinks

>> No.21872959

I fear that there is no cure

>> No.21873002

Explaining how to farm?

>> No.21873442

oh did you mean your self or it self

>> No.21874098

I fixed it. But it took 6 years in isolation, 4 of the first ones in mind numbing escapism, later ones discovering what i ACTUALLY ENJOY doing and what i actually believe/think im here for, listening to a lot of podcasts and reading a lot helps with that if you have the drive for it (consume the information that interests you, develop yourself in the direction you feel like you should go)
now im content, happy - but far from done|

if you think its a long time, some people do not understand why they're here even on their deathbed, good luck anon, you will do it (it will be fucking hard) ...and ...it will be worth it

>> No.21874213

Yeah I was having OCD so bad ealier this year I would wake up each morning and my heart would start beating faster and faster almost instantly, life felt like a nightmare and I borderline couldn't believe the reality I was waking up to each day.

I'm pretty much fine now. Was on meds and in therapy for a while but out of therapy and off meds for well over a month and I feel more or less entirely back to normal. I was living in hell for a month and decently fucked up for like 3.5 months total.

I mention this because it was the most extreme situation Ive been in mentally but it's not like I haven't had periods in the past where suicidal idealation plagued my mind for hours a day every day for half a year or so.

>> No.21874251

I didn't read the replies before posting but my case is like the exact same as yours (>>21874213) undiagnosed OCD my whole life, 23 now and I hit a breaking point, therapy and meds for a few months but now Im off both of those

>> No.21874588

Cleaned my flat today and it felt like a huge accomplishment...