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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21867230 No.21867230 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for the pre rebase pump. Hold until no later than 5:15 pm; then sell. Then wait until 12/1 pm tomorrow to buy back in. Profit. Liquidity mining is a real possibility EOW also so keep that in mind as the week progresses. Thanks and good luck flowtards

>> No.21867693

that works until it suddenly doesnt

>> No.21867758

This won't go up until all the people that bought between $0.30 - $0.60 get tested. They have not been tested yet. Anybody who's holding who has not had their hodl strength tested is a liability

>> No.21867985

I agree. I'm holding and not fucking letting go, and when the test comes and the retards leave, when we suddenly go parabolic later on we won't stop rising because all the weak soft onions swingies will be left behind and get the rope

>> No.21868153

Yup. It will silently moon back to previous levels and the cycle will start again. But not before we shake out the tards that are only in still because they're up 2x

>> No.21868523

fuck those people. me and you, bro. we're the real FLOW crew. all these candle chasing swinging pieces of shit WILL be rekt

>> No.21868562

you jeets are STILL clinging to this scam? lmfao

>> No.21868571

is morpheus gay. asking for a friend

>> No.21868637


>> No.21868875

You fuckers got pump and dumped on and your fucking loving it like McDonald's lmfao! Stay poor and hodl those worthless bags you useless twats!

>> No.21868958

I'm holding flow until 2030.

>> No.21869049

Ponzi scheme. Only a retard would buy.

Sorry guys hope you learned your lesson. Based God Morpheus is loving his thousands in transaction fees a day.

>> No.21869165

Every investment asset is technically a ponzi scheme you gelatinous oozeling. Come back when you have meaningful critique

>> No.21869228

Can’t wait for this to take off to $20+ once liquidity mining and yield farming are live

>> No.21869339

How is liquidity mining going to benefit you

>> No.21869383

>Ponzi scheme. Only a retard would buy.
t. every defi token that's boomed, and most of crypto in general. this space currently values solid tokenomics, functions such as rebases, burning, etc, liquidity/yield farming, and a rugproof contract. and this is what, $2m mcap? after all of these whales have been shaken out it seems like a matter of time until we get the next FLOW cycle going

>> No.21869457

number go up

>> No.21869468

You're coming to an anime forum and asking for people to buy in to "the next cycle" of a ponzi scheme. Damn what a great opportunity.

And what asset are you investing in exactly?

>> No.21869512

Sorry bud, liq mining = number go down. Don't worry, I understand that none of you know what these things are.

>> No.21869522


>> No.21869538

Ok, look, I'll assume you're not just a troll. Lets come to an agreement - the only way liquidity mining will benefit him is if buyers and wallet holders increase. If they doesn't increase he's going to be selling his own inflated FLOW to other early investors and drop the price massively. Right? So we disagree about the number of buyers increasing only. At this point it's pure speculation then:

Why would the number of buyers and holders not increase in the upcoming DeFi/Oracle focused golden bullrun when marketing is at full speed and normies hear about daily interest rates. Much worse projects blow up in size, remember BNTY, INT etc etc in 2017? It might not make it, but there's certainly a chance it will. What do you think?

>> No.21869580

>You're coming to an anime forum and asking for people to buy in to "the next cycle" of a ponzi scheme. Damn what a great opportunity.
At least this has fairer distribution than 90% of the tokens shilled here that have VCs and presales, keep investing in projects like LINK where the dev owns 75% and freely dumps 700k stacks whenever he gets bored and his yacht fund gets drained ever so slightly.

>> No.21869701


>> No.21869833

You get it. This is a moonshot. This is not a coin where I argue its merits with my friends at the school lunchtable like Playstation vs Xbox.

I invested solely because I believe thousands more will invest after me.

>> No.21869854

tg would be peak comfy if tommy poets would stfu fucking autist

>> No.21869883

ook tommy

>> No.21869893

and they will, $14 is FUD

>> No.21870124

Idk why EVERY shitcoin is called a scam. Did you get cucked and rugged multiple times in a row OP? Flow is legit, it's just not a very good/popular coin. And it does nothing apart from accumulating passive interest when you hold it

>> No.21870276

yeah he's the most annoying of the lot of them. fucking dweeb spamming 20 gifs of thots every 10 seconds when there's meaningful discussion going on

>> No.21870908

FLOW is flattening the curve, it’s oversold, next cycle imminent.

>> No.21870944

>Flow is legit, it's just not a very good/popular coin
nigger thats exactly it, all you pajeet shills trying to scam people to buy your not very good aka useless shitcoin.

>> No.21870985
File: 7 KB, 249x250, 1588835029057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. its 1% INFLATION. retards fail to understand the total circulating supply is increasing by 1% everyday thereby making any FLOW you hold less scarce. Everyday your FLOW is going to be worth less due to these rebases and the only way it will pump is if you find more retards to buy it. The problem? retards are going to look at the price chart, see that it already pumped and dumped and then not buy. you should've sold at $2.

>> No.21871062

it's nondilutive you idiot. inflation would reduce buying power.

>> No.21871446


>> No.21871723

Bitcoin is a ponzi, get out

>> No.21871898

Sorry bucko but you're clearly the one who doesn't know shit and is consistently dunked on by people because
> this is just how crypto works

It's not. How much useless whale shit is clogging up your wallet? And you've paid top dollar for it, too.

Congratulations sir you are this thread's Certified Retard. Your certificate will be in the mail shortly.

>> No.21871954

respond to my answer >>21869538

>> No.21872244

Because DeFi is a lie, a scam, and a fad. It's an over-valued bubble that is well on it's way to popping. The only successful DeFi projects will be ones that are backed by an asset with value, the rest are just exploiting rubes with buzzwords.

If it does well due to marketing it will be because you're lying to them or they're stupid. Both of those things are pretty likely, so yeah it should go up if you can rope more people in, but you're lying to them if you say they're earning any sort of interest on the investment. They're just creating a crack in the price for some poor soul to escape from.

>> No.21872612

Okay, so you have an opinion about DeFi that may or may not become the general consensus. I'm not going to say whether I agree or disagree, but I will say that it has zero impact on whether or not people on /biz/ can make a fortune by buying FLOW now and selling within the next 6 months.

>> No.21872841

how is it nondilutive? the circ supply increases

>> No.21872900

yeah I don’t think defi is popping anytime soon either, half the reason why it’s doing so well is greed. why would that suddenly change? greed is the most powerful force in any financial institution, besides jews

>> No.21873875
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>> No.21874413
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>> No.21874498

holder's % of the supply doesn't change

>> No.21874508

Nice job calling the absolute bottom, would’ve been a great time to get in

>> No.21874517

I sold at $2 lalalalalaaaa
I told you all to sell at $2 lalallalaaaaaa

>> No.21874815
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>> No.21874849

This might be the most delusional post I've ever seen on the internet

>> No.21874868

Have you even checked the market? Almost everything is still down.

>> No.21874936

Keep posting ur blog in every thread, know that I will live forever rent free in your autistic brain.

>> No.21875093

Flow has been bleeding out since day 3 post launch. The market was still euphoric throughout all of that.

Should have sold at $2. I warned you all "$14 is fud" fools

>> No.21875591
File: 28 KB, 1410x626, 2020-08-25 16_42_49-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21876005

me on the right

>> No.21876414

me hanging 2 feet off the ground next to the knocked over step stool

>> No.21876644

>9 posts by this ID

>> No.21877427
File: 16 KB, 366x402, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now a $0.50 waiting room

>> No.21877866

God I hate this piece of shit so much

>> No.21877912

Same here flow ch-chad, but I know the minute I sell it will begin climbing back up.

>> No.21878398

Welcome to sunk cost land faggot