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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21865023 No.21865023 [Reply] [Original]

Why do businesses pander to them?

>> No.21865847
File: 25 KB, 739x415, images - 2020-08-22T063513.606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue mate.

>> No.21866734

to make slaves who will spend whatever little money they do have religiously on whever products they are told to buy.

>> No.21867034

1. It's easy to get them to part with their money
2. There's more of them

>> No.21867158

Why do all the Coinbase tutorial use a cartoon of a black woman to explain their shitcoin

>> No.21867196

Normal men are smart enough to see through shitty advertising, so they focus advertising towards the mentally ill.

>> No.21867217

just like cigarettes or lottery tickets

>> No.21867225

No bashing WW. She is not a woke symbol.

>> No.21867235

Many reasons.

>what they do have is from the government so it's a more secure stream of income
>they didn't work for it so they are q lot quicker to spend it all on frivolities
>low IQ and too stupid to think for themselves so will just blindly buy whatever you're peddling

There's no use marketing to the other group because they're only spending money on things they need or are of high value to them anyways and won't be swayed by advertising.

>> No.21867315

Because black is beautiful and you are not. Whites are outdated Now, soon they WILL get bred out of existence. Your future generation family will get blacked at some point in time

>> No.21867345

They have no money because they spend it all on this kind of shite. Consoome.

>> No.21867354
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but anon, they DO have money—what do you think your taxes both directly and indirectly pays for?

>> No.21867439

Because, although they don't buy, they can wreck any business with their whinning. So business cater to their insane and shitty ideas just not to be killed

>> No.21867545

Why is rooster teeth such a bunch of fags

>> No.21867624

I didn't know ebt can be used to pay for internet

>> No.21867916

HR and the education system have been the losing fronts of an economic shadow war meant to destabilize american hegemony. A generation of americans have been brainwashed by authority figures that you are supposed to pander to self-proclaimed victims. The virtue signalling you see is a result of this policy. Look at the diversity audits and the public platforms of the education elite and the HR departments of every major institution. It's the same at the kulak demonization that happened before the holodomor in ukraine when the reds were taking over.

Does this mean the commies are after good american spirit? no, but there's obviously an agenda that's being supported.

>> No.21868220

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. You white people need to stand up for yourself.

>> No.21868331


>> No.21868846
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Gray/FullScreen/OtterMedia made Gen:Lock to pump wokeRT to sell to Warner Media. They sold and hired an army of woke "white fragility" types.
Imagine working at RT for years just to watch rich idiots only promote and hire commies to burn it down.

>> No.21869010

I love how unattractive they made her stomach. I think a female’s stomach is the sexiest part is their body. When tone etc . They made this wonder bitch’s stomach look like she just ate 14 Big Macs a day for a month straight . Bitches can’t control their yeast infections and their minds are now controlled by literal invading fungi. Ever wonder why fat people have such slow reaction times/ fluoride stare? THE FUNGUS AMONGUS. Men can catch this too. Eat your girl out enough and her yeast infects your tongue. That yeast goes down through throat and slowly inhabits your entire body.

>> No.21869323

Yes sir