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File: 94 KB, 800x800, IOTAMASTERCARD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21856401 No.21856401 [Reply] [Original]

Mastercard has filed a patent for a DLT based payment system using IOTA as the backbone.

How many more breadcrumbs do you need anon? IOTA is the future and will eat 99% of all other cryptos.

See for yourself:

>> No.21856412

2020 still care about mastercard, bit late to the game iota

>> No.21856438

Is this another one of those things where it's never actually mentioned by name but schizos think it's alluded to somehow?

>> No.21856440

>muh smart rapefugee memecards

>> No.21856473

but, iota, does it even work?

>> No.21856489


does that look bad to you?

>> No.21856527

sure it does, you just have to reattach ten thousand times and it will eventually work

>> No.21856564

not anymore with the latest upgrade, pretty fast conf times less than 30 seconds

>> No.21856585


>> No.21856644

weird and creepy!

>> No.21856653


Stay poor fren!

>> No.21856678
File: 136 KB, 1185x582, tanglepeepee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it look like a weird kind of erect peepee? is this some kind of joke? also rainbow collors? oh wait, green is not in the rainbow right?

>> No.21856680
File: 241 KB, 653x520, IOTA-scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still shilling this vaporware scam

>> No.21856683

Mastercard is nothing burger. Back in 2018, crypto projects had to suck their dick and they refused and now they're partnering with literally who projects to bring crypto debit cards.

>> No.21856692

Imagine being the same pajeet for years always posting the same picture and one liner "fud" or whatever that is.

>> No.21857079

It literally quotes and names the person who designed the tangle

>> No.21857297

yeh just a nothingburger. LOL.

wake up friend

>> No.21857397


It mentions IOTA 17x.......

>> No.21857398
File: 7 KB, 249x242, 1474556983384s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say BLT?

>> No.21857805

Cuz its not a blockchain but DAG, this is simply their structure. Colors are for visualisation purpose, helping to you see age of transaction. More interesting however are the stats next to it, ctps amd confirmation rate. Even in minimum usage, 10x as high as eth or btc

>> No.21857812

hahaha, oh my

>> No.21857826

Literally dumping

Why? Most projects will go x29 with news like this

There must be something going on

>> No.21857858

The market is still too manipulated. Things will change in a year or two. The graphs don't lie.

>> No.21857878

it follows bitcoin

>> No.21857880

Market cap is still pretty high. You need more than a vague partnership to pump a dead 1 billion market cap shitcoin.

>> No.21857927

Because iota is the truest shitcoin.

>> No.21857941


Why the fuk OMG pumps all of the sudden with literally no news or Chainlink

>> No.21858150

>still hodling like ahab motherfuckers

>> No.21858257

>companies file patents
>don't realize the business model of iota was to patent troll with dlt
iota is dead, business model failed

>> No.21858434

Flawless brainlet logic.
>more and more patens regarding IOTA go into the open

>> No.21858809

Is there even a good way to buy IOTA as a burger that can't access Binance?

>> No.21858856


You can try Bittrex, Bitfinex, Bitpanda, OkeX

>> No.21858906

is now a good time to buy IOTA bros?

>> No.21858972
File: 174 KB, 300x300, 1589490715218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those are prohibited for use by burgerland citizens
Binance is the only one I've found that lets US citizens trade but its blocked by about a dozen states of which I'm in one of them.

>> No.21859128

Uff, sucks. How bout Liquid?

>> No.21859231

>the following are Prohibited Locations:
>●the United States of America
Just can't win.
They don't want for me to get rich off of magic numbers

>> No.21859242

I don't know. Personally I am holding ANKR and might shift some of my profits into iota afterwards. ANKR just has more reason to pump IMO. Based on tokenomics and a more immediate manifestation of its usecase. IOTA is more something I would invest into once the current market sentiment and focus shifts.

>> No.21859739


>> No.21859815

How much iota to make it bros

>> No.21859825

there are patents involving toasters and time machines as well. A company protecting themselves from possible invasive parasites like iota is just normal.

>> No.21859855

Lmfao i remember in dec 2017 my friend tried to buy iota off me and it took 2 weeks of constant reattachment and promoting before it finally went through. Such a fucking shitcoin scam

>> No.21859857


>> No.21860044

50k not 500k
Maybe if you want to have over 200 millions in 5 yrs.

>> No.21860228

Checked. Im a poorfag, can only afford about 2k right now. Better than nothing right, or should I put my money towards cheaper things to stretch it out?

>> No.21860774

no it's a sjw tranny coin it will never work

>> No.21861043

>open source
brainlet detected

>> No.21861140

Are you talking about chainshit, remember those telegram chatlogs. Retard, kek.
2k is better than nothing I'd say. It can easily reach a few dollars again in the coming years.