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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21852147 No.21852147 [Reply] [Original]

>Have nearly a million dollars in crypto
>Still a lazy fat piece of shit with a receding hairline

>> No.21852181

just lose weight and do a hair transplant or minoxidil if it isn't that bad

>> No.21852207

Hit the gym for a few years and shave your head. Mad cunt baller mode

>> No.21852230

Just shave your head

>> No.21852231

>have 100k in crypto
>wife has no idea
>we have financial troubles
>pretend that I have no money either
>still waiting to cash out the mill

>> No.21852349


>> No.21852552

this anon is gonna make it

>> No.21852900

go on >>>/fit/ and get some goddamn exercise

>> No.21852936

OP just get a fat girlfriend it will fix your problems. Fat girls are awesome

>> No.21852953

just shave it off and grow a beard bro! lmao

>> No.21853066
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>just shave it off and grow a beard bro! lmao

>> No.21853143
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>> No.21853198

Donate it to a gamer girl

>> No.21853348

extremely based

>> No.21853543


>> No.21853572


>> No.21853585

You’re gonna make it fren, wife changing money.

>> No.21853934

Sounds pretty retarded to me, also based "relationship" you got there

>> No.21853953


>> No.21854037
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Haters will say it’s fake
But personality is real

>> No.21854090

still going to keep my wife
I just want one day for her to wake up, check the bank account and see that our mortgage is gone, and we have fuck you money for the rest of our lives.

>> No.21854375

i know this feel

>> No.21854537

lol shell be so mad at you for not telling her and this could be the catalyst for divorce once she realizes that you're loaded and she can dump your ass with most of your belongings

smart move, dumbass

>> No.21854600

that "fuck you money" will be gone within a span of 5 years
once she sees the mortgage paid off she will want the newest SUV... every 3 years
then travel, at least 2 times a year, to expensive places ofcourse
after that bingeshopping for retarded shit will be a weekly occurance
that dress you saw for 10 dollars? yea guess what that EXACT same dress is 150 dollars at a different "luxury shop" and she will need at least five of them
your expenses for food will magically x10
if i were you, i'd cash out your mill to a secondary account only you know about
pay off mortgage saying you got lucky on the lottery or other shit
then keep dropping small amounts of money
listen, i know you love your wife (probably) and want her happy, but it is your responsibility as a man to keep her on a leash, after all, she is still a woman, aka braindead materialistic child with low impulse control

>> No.21854882


>> No.21854925

LARP? Hairline is trivial to repair in this day in age if you have money, as for being fat and lazy that is pretty pathetic to stew on when you're richer than 99% of living humans and could literally pay someone to work with you on losing weight and living a better lifestyle.

>> No.21854955

You do know that we wife will nag on him for that 100k right? Uhhhhh baby sell it all we need it ..
Fuck that whore

>> No.21854990

Just liKe this guy. Have 50k link since day 1. Been with my girl for 3 years got married in Jan, kid on the way, she’s never heard of the word Chainlink in her life never will

>> No.21854999

I've never met a fat girl with a good personality. I've met thick/busty girls who had pretty faces, but likely held liberal world-views - thicc is not fat though.

>> No.21855005

Happened to me. Only took a bit out to solve financial issues.
Link crashes anyway.
>She was right

>> No.21855016

Tbh my main justification is to save her from the pain and agony that comes with owning link. Waited 3 years to get to this point may have to wait 3 more years to get to $100. That shit is painful to endure, she won’t be able to tolerate it

>> No.21855025

so you're going to divorce her and go live out your dream of fucking thai ladyboys, while your child gets raised by the media and a bunch of sketchy stand-in men who will be fucking your ex-wife?

Wow, much based.

>> No.21855045

Nope I’ll cash out once we have enough to run away and live in Italy or some place we want for life, never have to work a day again assuming we ever get to 100. She’s the one there isn’t much a question about that

>> No.21855070

Hair plugs and personal trainer at the gym. What? It's only, like, a fraction of your wealth. Every other anon is right, but you've only "made it" until you've made yourself. Robux are cool, but they can only get you so far if you lack the confidence.

>> No.21855142

me but obsessing over the implications of SUTER

>> No.21855179 [DELETED] 
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Use the money for good

>> No.21855259

God blesses virtuous men with good wives. Atheist fags get stupid hags

>> No.21855458

you can afford lipo and hair implants

>> No.21855487

Based anon

>> No.21855497

She's going to get fat and ruin your life. Your 5 milion.....2.5 million won't fix it.

>> No.21855809
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>> No.21855924

Break up with her now.

All in NEC.

Never tell anyone.

>> No.21855928

get a divorce before your 100k turns into millions... what even is the point of marriage except a shitty business decision.