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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21851112 No.21851112 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21851138


>> No.21851184

coping very well, faggot.

>> No.21851326


>> No.21851441

>new ethereum order
>devs do nothing but shitpost on discord all day

>> No.21851660

They really killed this. Glad I got out on time

>> No.21851701

Devs exit scammed?

>> No.21851741

it's a very solid project, expect a 2x soon, a 5x in 2 months

>> No.21851778

Is this the Acid coin from Uniswap?

>> No.21851813

It hasn’t even launched yet. Devs have million of dollars locked away just for marketing a VC funds. You haven’t seen anything yet. The new defi DFO is launching on the 27th. A storm is coming...

>> No.21851918

Don't listen to the FUD boys, defi using dfohub coming on the 27th, we're just getting started.

>> No.21851987

care to explain further? I want to invest big bucks but the fud seems non-tryhard and non-tryhard fud is always true fud

>> No.21852069

Nah they're just salty because they didn't actually understand the project and bought into the EDcon pump and got dumped on. If you really look into the project you'll see the potential. Solves one of the biggest issues with defi, allowing smart contracts to be adaptable and not require a fork every time a dev fucks up (YAM finance for example). Ultimately DYOR but I believe in these Italian autists.

>> No.21852242

What is the non-tryhard fud??? Did devs exit scam?

>> No.21852246

It has its work cut for it in terms of becoming attractive to non ETH devs but it’s exciting as hell, because it isn’t just a slightly better version of what another token does. It’s an overarching platform (dfohub, completely governed by the buidl token and it’s holders) that provides a platform for fully modifiable contracts that any project/token can use. It solves a lot of bullshit with the current method of token swaps, rug pulls etc. The dev kit will be finished in a month along with a full rebranding. You’re early.

>> No.21852319

go fuck your mother dude
what are your price predictions?

>> No.21852523

$10. Cash out half at $8 or $9 just to be safe.

>> No.21852551

In a bull market there’s utter shitcoins that hit billion dollar market caps. We are at 10m now but 100m seems to be the reasonable consensus in the short term. The governance features aren’t all implemented yet but there will be full control of big locked wallets (vaults) for buidl token holders and each successful project built on DFOhub tech will contribute a percentage to the vault, theoretically backing the value of each buidl token exponentially. Cool shit.

>> No.21852554

>says the shill but in reality he has already dumped half his stack and will continue dumping on unsuspecting newfags

>> No.21852608

Retard. I bought back at $3.

>> No.21852678

how does -50% sound?

>> No.21852732

You wish

>> No.21852912

Long since have the Moby Dicks of buidl been active.

>> No.21852932

people are alr jumping ship to unifi

>> No.21853195
File: 211 KB, 787x735, EC3F391C-8413-48AA-80B4-D74514DFF36C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then they are fucking up by not owning both. Buidl is the master key that will control everything.

>> No.21853223

Glad I sold at 3.9

>> No.21853818


>> No.21853837

I actually hold a small suicide stack of 3K buidl but this is what puts me off the most. It's a good idea but they are just too busy posting memes and drawings and little hints for their giveaways. Is it a European thing?

>> No.21853894

Are you that fucking nigger that has 69k and pumped the price up
Fuck you

>> No.21853981


blatant lies. eat shit julians