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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 622x615, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21845045 No.21845045 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ did you /fit/ today?

>> No.21845076
File: 168 KB, 657x527, 1597616733123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I did.

>> No.21845098
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>> No.21845108


>> No.21845128

Ran a few miles, no off days. Every other day it's cardio/gym, weekends it's both.

>> No.21845133

No I sprained my wrist rock climbing KMS

>> No.21845142

I hiked for 5 miles and swam for an hour. Then I did kegels and masturbated for two hours. Did some day trading and made 5 ETH profit

>> No.21845195

Imagine thinking that reading makes you smarter

>> No.21845395

Propaganda goes through all pathways. TV is obviously the worst, followed by radio, internet video, and modernist books. You can gain some wisdom and knowledge from books but its like wringing out a bone dry towel two days after a shower.

>> No.21845426

I walk for an hour every day am I going to make it?

>> No.21845599

>masturbated for 2 hours
That was my exercise for the day as well!

>> No.21845644

I will do like 75 pushups and some weights but my back has this muscle inflation thing so maybe nothing too heavy

>> No.21846156


Yes. I only ever heard of /biz/ from /fit/

>> No.21846199

>masturbated for two hours
based and edgepilled

>> No.21846382

flex lewis is actually a very intelligent guy

>> No.21846442
File: 674 KB, 1080x2220, wwnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did, 2h ago

>> No.21846513

exploding knees

>> No.21846936

good job to all the anons who /fit/ today
i'll be posting a reminder thread every day to encourage you all to do something active, even if its just a walk!

>> No.21846962
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1552627326370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a sex doll that i bang in different physically demanding positions for a few hours every day

>> No.21846972

no where do I start I dont even move anymore?

>> No.21847005

I normally go four or five times a week but its winter here so like every winter I have a nagging sniffle and cough, so if I go to the gym I'll get accused of having the Shanghai Shivers

>> No.21847013

go for a walk in the morning or evening.

>> No.21847046

I used to be able to run marathons when I was in the army. I feel ashamed just to fucking start off walking. biz has made me financially successful but has ruined me.

>> No.21847102

no shame anon. we all start somewhere. get off your computer right now and go for a quick walk, even if its just for 10 minutes.
this thread will be up every day to encourage you all, so we can keep you motivated and check in on your progress. You can do it.

>> No.21847140

Fuck it i'll do it.

>> No.21847154


>> No.21847231
File: 127 KB, 1642x2048, YGAUTlF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do

>> No.21847278

whete my home gym squad. gonna work out in an hour

>> No.21847378

yep. did bodyweight hiit last night, doing kettlebells and pullups today. no point in making it if your body is disgusting anons

>> No.21847404

gj anon. the first part is always the hardest. let us know how you feel when you get back.

>> No.21847421

no, cried with my wife about our dead cat while my daughter slept

>not of the above would've been possible without /fit/, however

>> No.21847489
File: 80 KB, 312x320, Feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deadlifted 3pl8 4x5 today brehs

>> No.21847513
File: 93 KB, 1082x695, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, did some resistance band exercises.

Chest, tris and bis. Also did pull ups until failure. I can do about 13 without kipping

>> No.21847526
File: 19 KB, 355x414, F8FCBDC0-9047-4855-9187-D94172734062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bruh, and made 100k while doing it.

>> No.21847562

VR boxing, TOTF hour long sessions

>> No.21847579

love a good run. i did a few miles today
i feel you. RICE that and heal up
checked and let us know how it went
good to hear
idk what that is but if you /fit/ gg
a few hours is a lot great job keep it up
can always do some burpees at home
life (and death) happens. need to stay /fit/ for your family anon. back to it tomorrow.

>> No.21847637

great job we love to see it.

>> No.21847711

please Im addicted to this place

>> No.21847768

checked and i will
we are going to make it financially, physically, and in every other way. i'm going to make sure of it!

>> No.21847886

>even if its just a walk!
Walking more has changed my life more than any other fitness endeavor. It's no joke
>t. 400 lb bench, 500 lb atg squat, under 12% bf year round vegan

>> No.21847926

Hit some clean and jerks and muscle ups on my explosive day.

>> No.21848294


Do you retards actually believe this, or is this level of shitposting how you degenerates get your giggles?

>> No.21848323
File: 65 KB, 600x458, newrepublican[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giant-headed skinnyfag

reminds me of pic related, top kek. If you're not doing both, ngmi

>> No.21848387

565 pretty easy no straps deadlift, first time since lockdown pretty hyped should be closing in on 605 very soon. 205 bw

>> No.21848399

walking is unironically the patrician's cardio
based ubermensch
life requires a certain level of grugness and galaxy brain to succeed. its the midwits who never get it

>> No.21848450

Yes and I checked the ARPA price again today, so fucking comfy

>> No.21848497


>> No.21848524

why not anon?

>> No.21848554

They finally opened the gyms in NY and now I lost all my strength. I was struggling with 2 plates when I used to bench 3 plates.

>> No.21848563

I haven't lifted since March. I need to cut the shit and get back on it.

>> No.21848652

>VR boxing
Prefered serup?

>> No.21848727

I wouldn’t want to look like the thing in that photo.

>> No.21848971

I use the Rift S, part of me wishes I got the quest since it's tetherless, but I think the added tracking with the Rift S may be needed when throwing heavy overhands.

I've seen people use ceiling pully systems and I if you are tethered I believe that is the way to go but alas I can't fuck my with ceiling in my current living situation. Seen here


I tie the cord to the back of my Rift halo so it's always trailing down the center of my back and then leads back and left towards my tower. I primarily box South Paw for physical therapy reasons so when I advance forward I'm not getting tangled up on the cord and box barefoot do I can better read where my tether is. Many people recommend getting the cable extensions so if you step on it it just disconnects there and doesn't yank your PC. 95% I forget the cord on there.

I do marathons, first character all the way up to Money Maker, the Mike Tyson of Thrill of the Fight and aim for knockouts on each character.

>> No.21849153

Fuck no ... For 3 years i didnt visit the gym , but today is a different day for a change.. i will go to deadlift the hell out of me . Tnx fren and buy XSN

>> No.21849201

Im only 6ft 1 there is no point getting fit

>> No.21849560

no problem. aint nuttin to it but to do it
go for a walk
good job anon
manlets can look good

>> No.21849664

wtf is this

>> No.21849764

A less boring means of cardio

>> No.21850208

boxing is practical as hell

It gives you real human interaction skills. Quells anxiety like nothing else..

>> No.21850474

Nothing, i don't have the goal to have a ridiculous bodybuilder's physique. I want to stay thin and rich. Muscles are for plebs and a symbol of the working class of being able to perform excessive manual labor which is not my thing.

>> No.21850490

I've got about 5 years total of BJJ training. This VR business has me motivated to take some standup classes once gyms open back up to round out my skill set.

>> No.21850633

anon, this is ridiculous and you know it. healthy body, healthy mind

>> No.21850691
File: 40 KB, 479x720, 1579463412413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet you probably look like the thing in this photo

>> No.21850714
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, ldxC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother of COPE. Enjoy never being looked at twice by the opposite sex. Enjoy only attracting people for your money and nothing else.

>> No.21850754

>life requires a certain level of grugness and galaxy brain to succeed. its the midwits who never get it
This is just grug cope, propagated exclusively by grugs.

>> No.21851299

I've been at a wedding last weekend where some bodybuilder who wore a suite, it was just great. I think he felt ashamed and misplaced. You guys never learn. A bodybuilder's physique is a lower class attribute. Nothing against staying healthy, but being pumped up is just ridiculous (also considering the time an individual must invest into monotonous indoor plate lifting)

>> No.21851400

yes, being healthy requires like 30 min daily. OPs pic looks retarded and will not be taken seriously in any professional setting because obviously he spends too much time working on his body like a fucking woman instead of useful skills
its about face and natural charisma. look at dicaprio and post malone. no muscle needed. you are the one coping if you think with muscle alone youll get to their level. working out is about being healthy, if you do it for pussy you are already a gay faggot

>> No.21851629

This. Women don't even like especially muscular body types. If you look good and are not fat you are galaxies ahead of any fitnessfag with mediocre face. Deal with it.

>> No.21852336

A common misconception about very muscular or fit people is that they spend all their time working out. It actually is sometimes the opposite. Some bodybuilders only lift a couple times a week, for like 20-30 mins at a time. If you know what you're doing, you can get stronger and leaner with only one resistance training workout a week. Read Mike Mentzer's works and quit spending hours each week doing sloppy, unproductive exercise.

>> No.21852400

If you only knew. Pro Bodybuilders only do workouts with a lot less weight than they could actually lift as the muscle mass attained through roids would immediately damage tendons. It's more about the right pharma than the right training. However i think you're correct concerning non-roiders, a lot of them could train more efficient and save a lot of senseless time in the gym.

>> No.21852451

Your last sentence is spot on. People pay too little attention to the details of lifting. Like the cadence for each individual rep, the turnaround (positive to negative or vice versa), and the time spent between exercises. There really is no point to rest in between exercises unless you're wanting to be a powerlifter. Too many people do sloppy, fast, momentum reps, stand around and talk for 3 minutes, and spend an hour in the gym but only like ten minutes under load with actual weight.

>> No.21852553

yes father