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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 162 KB, 777x777, HEX_transparancywhiteoutline777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21842218 No.21842218 [Reply] [Original]

awfully quiet in here...

>> No.21842238

are we back?

>> No.21842424

BPD on the horizon and the goyim are looking for the next defi happening. this will uptrend until a week before nov. 19th. not that I care I'm 100% staked for the next 15 years.

>> No.21842790

15 years of this? Jesus dude... Richard must be really proud

>> No.21842804

kys richard

>> No.21843081


>> No.21843088

That's what crypto is for. Making money. Lambos. Hex is the first and only project to acknowledge this. Imagine if early BTC adopters were forced to hold.

Imagine a crypto that is honest about crypto and is designed around that. This thing is going to be a fucking monster.

>> No.21843188

KYS Richard

>> No.21843220

What does it do?

>> No.21843289

>Supply: 300billion

>> No.21843463

i think you're right... god damn this shit is cheap right now. fuck it i bought a stack

>> No.21843478

You do realize supply is arbitrary? The supply of coins is a completely arbitrary number that has no correlation to anything meaningful, but typically you want it to be high so that it can be thought of and used pragmatically (RH made the supply high because trading .000043 BTC is a pain in the ass i.e. he left it room to grow).

Market cap is the only thing you should worry about.

>> No.21843538

The more important question is 'what does any other crypto do?'

Or 'Why do people buy crypto?'

If you can understand that, you'll start to understand what Hex is about.

>> No.21843567

K thanks for the sell signal.

>> No.21843644

if you're a TA fag, this coin is showing all sorts of bullish indicators. bullish divergence on daily RSI and MACD. sell volume dying off. hex hasn't been this cheap since pretty much the beginning days. OP is right that there is a big event coming up in november (big pay day). either HEX starts picking up price now or it dies forever. we'll see what happens. i don't think this thing dies

>> No.21843673

Whatever you're holding, trust me we can all come up with snickering remarks about it. If you don't like the coin don't invest, we don't need you, that has been proven. But Hex has never seen any intelligent criticism and likely never will.

>> No.21843955

Highly doubt it dies forever, if everyone leaves the market the staking interest becomes insanely lucrative. That's the balance. Less people, bigger returns. Literally stake it till you make it. The more you believe in this thing (through actions and not words the more you stand to make).

The market has already proven that people are willing to invest and hold (this thing is only down 50% from a 100x or whatever it is throughout these volatile months). If you talk to people here and look at the community you can see that there are clearly people that "get it." The fantastically volatile land of crypto has left people jaded. I guarantee you there are people tired of playing the cypto game and just want to fucking buy and hold.

That's really all crypto ever was, and anyone that did got their lambo. A coin that acknowledges that and understands how crypto works is going to be successful. The code speaks for itself. Not saying I'm not excited for other projects, but there's nothing else like this and it's going to slowly eat up the market.

>> No.21844258

Get axion. Same shit with better returns and is still cheap because it hasn't been released on mainnet yet

>> No.21844289
File: 360 KB, 794x509, mclarenlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You HEX people are fucking retards. How can you not see all of the clear red flags. I'm rich so you have to listen to me.

>> No.21844526

it's an interest generating contract. where the stakers get the interest. but I guess you love israel so much that the concept of interest being used in your favor, and not against you, is foreign.

>> No.21844551

total supply is expect to peak at 500B

>> No.21844622

>if everyone leaves the market the staking interest becomes insanely lucrative.

the HEXUSD chart tells the whole story. rip anyone not intelligent enough to hail mary at least one stake.