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21839708 No.21839708 [Reply] [Original]

How Britain stole $45 trillion from India... and lied about it. (imagine if India switched places with post-WWII Japan...)

>> No.21839747

Excepted and condensed from the Al Jazeera article:

The Great British Theft, Part I.

Here's how it worked. The East India Company began collecting taxes in India, and then cleverly used a portion of those revenues (about a third) to fund the purchase of Indian goods for British use. In other words, instead of paying for Indian goods out of their own pocket, British traders acquired them for free, "buying" from peasants and weavers using money that had just been taken from them.

It was a scam - theft on a grand scale.

The Great British Theft, Part II.

How did this work? Basically, anyone who wanted to buy goods from India would do so using special Council Bills - a unique paper currency issued only by the British Crown. And the only way to get those bills was to buy them from London with gold or silver. So traders would pay London in gold to get the bills, and then use the bills to pay Indian producers. When Indians cashed the bills in at the local colonial office, they were "paid" in rupees out of tax revenues - money that had just been collected from them. So, once again, they were not in fact paid at all; they were defrauded.

Britain used the windfall from this fraudulent system to fuel the engines of imperial violence - funding the invasion of China in the 1840s and the suppression of the Indian Rebellion in 1857. And this was on top of what the Crown took directly from Indian taxpayers to pay for its wars. As Patnaik points out, "the cost of all Britain's wars of conquest outside Indian borders were charged always wholly or mainly to Indian revenues."

And that's not all. Britain used this flow of tribute from India to finance the expansion of capitalism in Europe and regions of European settlement, like Canada and Australia. So not only the industrialisation of Britain but also the industrialisation of much of the Western world was facilitated by extraction from the colonies.

>> No.21839788


In fact, during the last half of the 19th century - the heyday of British intervention - income in India collapsed by half. The average life expectancy of Indians dropped by a fifth from 1870 to 1920. Tens of millions died needlessly of policy-induced famine.

Britain didn't develop India. Quite the contrary - as Patnaik's work makes clear - India developed Britain.

If India had been able to invest its own tax revenues and foreign exchange earnings in development - as Japan did - there's no telling how history might have turned out differently. India could very well have become an economic powerhouse. Centuries of poverty and suffering could have been prevented.

Complete article: How Britain stole $45 trillion from India

>> No.21839798

not even newfags would be baited by this

>> No.21839839

This is so fucking important. I grew up thinking the west was gracious enough to give the third world money and resources and that the third world was fucked up for squandering them. The reality is that we have every right to be in the west because we literally built it with our labor and our lives. The west wouldn't be shit without black and brown people. This needs to be screamed from the rooftops and taught at every level of schooling

This needs to be front and center in British textbooks. but a quick glance at those textbooks shows they barely even cover this chapter of Indian history. Absolutely shameful imo. And despite all this, goraa have the audacity to come and spew racist nonsense about India being third world and shitholey on reddit and wherever else. They literally stole our quality of life from us, and we will never get it back. The West is our land because its our peoples suffering and destruction that built it. We have EVERY right to be here.

>> No.21839852

Everyone here knows "Britain" means the house of Rothschild which in turn means jews are and always will be the problem. jews and shabbos goy stole 45trillion from India, not Britain

>> No.21839948
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>> No.21839950

at the top of the problem you have zionist )ews

>> No.21839998
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>> No.21840020

I think it is very obvious how much the UK regrets involvement in India, and the US regrets slavery.

In the UK it is considered racist by most to fly the GB flag. Birmingham and a few other cities are more brown than white

>> No.21840091

This is really hard cope to justify why indians are pooing on the streets, no country has developed itself without relying on largely copying western technology

>> No.21840117
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lol you bluepilled lefties all complain about a certain thing but are not intelligent to understand that “thing” is literal Jews. Israel was created BECAUSE OF the UK/ Rothchilds. And the UK to this day is paying for it as London isn’t even white anymore.

The Jews brought Africans to the America’s and to this day we are still paying for it. You didn’t build shit you made kikes rich. And those kikes now rule the country.

>> No.21840170

Nice proof street shitter

>> No.21840175

How many white men died in the civil war to free Africans from slavery? And we are still considered racist to this day? We were the only race to put a stop to slavery. THE ONLY FUCKING ONE.

You brown and black subhumans won’t understand until you are up against a wall against a firing squad.

>> No.21840246
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>> No.21840281

The schools already teach that shit. You're on 4chan. At no point are you getting a sound look at western schooling. Most here are trolling or misanthropes.

>> No.21840292
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>> No.21840328

Sucks for you thats how conquest works pajeet. Its cope anyways you guys had shit like the caste system and shitting streets before the british ever showed up

>> No.21840354


>> No.21840449

fuck off paki

>> No.21840575


>> No.21840707


>> No.21840716
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>That low IQ stare.

>> No.21840744

>India lost during the game of empires.
Big boo hoo. All over the world you have 2 types of nations, those who are looking forward and improving, and those who are looking backwards and wasting their energy crying about how weak their ancestors were during the era of empires. The Chinks got fucked over a hundred times worse than the Pajeets in modern history, and they are currently a massive threat in many westerners eyes. Meanwhile the only threat Pajeets can provide is scamming defenceless old people over the Web. Fucking pathetic

>> No.21840746


>> No.21840783

India was occupied by a corporation lmao.

>> No.21840784

Anglos steal. They’re pathological persistent liars. Also look up yamashita gold and the USA. Don’t forget anglos also stole native West Indian land, Australia, and New Zealand.

>> No.21840892

And the sad part is let’s pretend they gave all the land and wealth back. Most of these people are so poor for so long they wouldn’t know what to do with it. It will simply go to already corrupt and wealthy oligarchs who would then give it back to the white devil honky.