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File: 14 KB, 598x152, moon3satwall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2183841 No.2183841 [Reply] [Original]

>3 sat wall is going down anytime now
>growth is increasing exponentially
>he still didnt buy it at 3 sats

seriously, what are you guys doing? why are you falling for coins thats been shilled over and over (like SIA, XRP, XEM, DGB) while this is happening right now?????

>> No.2183852
File: 158 KB, 600x654, 1495641526806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2183857

Tell me what purpose it serves you fucking retard and maybe I'll put money into it.

>> No.2183867
File: 440 KB, 1161x1600, IMG_3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2183873

Go read about MoonWord and SmartLikes on the updates ANN.

>> No.2183889

no. I don't know what any of that is. I'll put ten thousand in right now if somebody can explain its purpose.

>> No.2183911
File: 10 KB, 569x105, moon3satwalll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to do your research for you

you fucked up, pic related

>> No.2183924

I wanted to buy in again, not going to make it on time will this dip again to 2 sat?

>> No.2183930



>> No.2183954

no purpose other than greater fool memecoin upward gravity pulling all coins to moon

>> No.2183961

of course not

but you still have a chance to buy in before it really takes off like RDD

>> No.2183968

dammit, fucking transfer times.

>> No.2183970

KYS you stupid cunt

ANYONE who buys this fucking shitcoin deserves to lose their money.

>> No.2183978


Mooncoin Innovations
Smart Likes (monetizing likes)
Moon Word (blockchain recordkeeping).

Low inflation with gradual reduce.

Great Dev team , experienced guys mostly from other projects. This coin actually has a lot going for it.

Bought at 1,2,3 sat so far.

>> No.2183979

>be me
>buy in at 2 sats
>DOUBLE my profit in a few hours

why are you this angry?

>> No.2183984
File: 401 KB, 601x601, 1468785968502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy RDD when it was below 10 sats
>he now has to take out his self-loathing on those who are smarter than him

>> No.2184011

ESPers is the another good pump, I'm staking them and getting great amounts back from POSW

>> No.2184019
File: 33 KB, 928x197, No shitcoins allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dicks out then faggots (blockfolio is down again)

>> No.2184038

>he can't get his money out of the exchange

are you retarded?

>> No.2184077

I'm waiting on (((varification)))

Until then I'll take it day by day

>> No.2184150

That buy wall is gonna jump in around 4 sats when they see it mooning and not coming down.

Keep holding and it might reach RDD levels, lets do it again.

>> No.2184314

Did you check your mail?

>> No.2184339

ITT: jews and goys

>> No.2184394

Big exchanges aren't going to ignore the fees they could be making off MOON volumes for much longer

>> No.2184397

Everyone in this thread does realize that you need $200,000 coming in for this thing to break 5 sats right?

I wonder who could have set these massive sell walls so low? Hmm...

>> No.2184425

the 4sat sell wall is only 18 BTC i.e. 50k USD

we've burnt through ~80 BTC sell walls since yesterday

>> No.2184443

>chat for gamers
why senpai

>> No.2184702

I got 7M at less than 1 sat...should I put the rest (0.07 BTC LOL) into this?

>> No.2184723

since 0.07 BTC is fucking nothing and you can get 20x-30x proft now the answer is obvious

>> No.2184738

MUH 200 DOLLARS...that's a lot for me right now