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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 158 KB, 685x887, asian girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2183759 No.2183759 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /biz/ approved ways of making money? Other than trading crypto, starting a business or sucking dicks.

>> No.2183779


>> No.2183814


Creating ponzies my goy

>> No.2183825

Sucking balls

>> No.2183832


>> No.2183836
File: 20 KB, 300x286, loadsamoney-300x286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find crabs at the beach.

Dress them in barbie outfits.

Take photos of them.

Sell those photos at the beach.

>> No.2183839

getting a job

>> No.2183906

Story time!
> Join Army.
> Go on personal Christian jihad to middle east. > Come back a mess.
> Get 1750 a month in tax-free compensation. > Supplement with part time call center job at top 5 American bank.
> Use GI Bill to get undergraduate degree.
> While in school get an additional 1500 a month in gibmedats.
> Free tuition. Free books. Free laptop.
> Work part time job at call center after class. > Still a mess.
> Get vocational rehabilitation benefits
> Attend graduate school for free.
> Get 2000 a month in gibmedats
> Plus new computer, etc etc.
> Finish graduate school with 5 years of experience at a well-regarded bank and degrees in economics and mathematics.
> Get 200k/year job as an analyst.
> MFW I literally get paid to mine the rumor mill that is /biz/.
> Still getting 1750 a month in tax-free disability money.

Seriously. Go to school for as cheaply as possible. Get involved in as many /biz/ related extracurriculars as possible (investor's club, small business association, etc etc), publish papers, push yourself, work part time in the sector you want to be in after graduation.

>> No.2184046

for you ... wage cucking till you die miserable, broken, and without accomplishing your dreams.

>> No.2184173

put dicks in ass, much more money that way

>> No.2184203

open ass for dicks even more

>> No.2184216

That's admirable, if I were to receive a steady 1750 of gibs each month, i presume i'd just call it quits and live a sedentary life.

>> No.2184327

Eating ass

>> No.2184631

Tough to live in the northeastern US on 1750 a month. Seriously debating doing this for 5 more years or so and then moving somewhere far, far cheaper.

>> No.2184685

sucking cock

>> No.2184710

dealing cocaine

>> No.2186127

Suck dicks for Bitcoin. The amount of dicks you'll have to suck year-over-year will decrease logarithmically over time and by year 3 you'll only be sucking your own dick.

>> No.2186188

>Christian jihad
You mean Crusade? That just shows me how retarded the Murican military are. Fuck you faggots. I only wish you died by the blade of a taliban you scum.

>> No.2186192


getting a job!

>> No.2186237

sucking cocaine

>> No.2187536

Sucking dick

>> No.2187593


>> No.2187665

The concept of jihad differs wildly from a crusade, maybe he meant exactly what he wrote.

>> No.2187686


>> No.2187874

selling kneepads

>> No.2187876

>t. mohamad abdi

>> No.2187953


>> No.2188202

cool clock ahmed

>> No.2188373


Some decent discussion around dropshipping was starting to happen a few weeks ago but it got drowned when the BTC & ETH rallies started.

>> No.2188688


>> No.2188720

Robbing peeple.

>> No.2188735

fuck you.

>> No.2188736

Dick sucking is not volatile

>> No.2188758
File: 41 KB, 718x478, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8zMTY4ODY1NjY4MDkyMzk1NTkvMzE3MDExNzcxMDcwMzQ5MzEyL1BFLVRFLmpwZyJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

investing in mooncoin, its literally free money at this point

>> No.2188895

Are you kidding, the dropshipping ship has sailed long ago. That scam is very worn out at this point. It is practically impossible to make money doing it without huge amounts of startup capital at this point, and some serious SEO skills to match.

>> No.2188907


Seriously this though, just go to someplace where they have banned handguns and rob randos on the street, very very unlikely that any of them will be able to defend themselves, and then you can just hop in the car and drive home.

>> No.2188952

Dropshipping is not a scam if you set everything up yourself. However, you make better roi putting that work into affiliate marketing.

>> No.2188976


>> No.2188985

Qt grill

>> No.2189235

food stamps lit

>> No.2189463

Depends, what are you ready to do ?
There are literally hundreds of things you could do. Are you looking for an easy buck ? That's going to cost you a lot. If you are prepared to work for it you can make your initial investment in no time.

I got a white, beater benz truck when I was 19 put some stickers on it, made a WIX homepage in two days and started posting ads on my local craigslist for moving services below market price. I was able to start making 100 euros/day just moving other people's shit.

>"Oh, anon, 100 a day is shit !!!!!"

I come from eastern europe where the average salary is 3 euro/hour and from those 100 I didn't pay shit in tax since it was always in cash.

After I gained a good amount of customers, I got another guy to move my shit and payed him 30 euro/ day.

I used the money I had made to buy a bit fancier black merc (used minivan) and made another WIX site. This time I placed ads for purchasing and delivering food ( later cooking and prepping it) for eldery. This became a really huge deal for me and I dropped out of Uni because I was making A LOT of money. Turns out there are a lot of people who are willing to pay for you to service their elderly dads/moms in a more ''classy'' way than sticking them in a fucking nursing home.

I have this business now as my primary income but I will be making a leap into manufacturing bio pellets for fuel. It's relatively cheap to get into and there are a lot of businesses who still need cheap heating fuel here in Eastern Europe.

It's really a question of what you are willing to do, and how lazy you are. I know that most of the guys here are interested only in shitcoins (including me) but that's just a fun leisure activity !

>excuse my english

Hope that answers your question.

>> No.2189614

Sucking dick is am honorable profession.

>> No.2189671

Small business IT services in small towns. Be the only one they can choose from and offer everything. wifi, point of sale, web presence (deploy wordpress templates), networking, consultation. Everything. Offer managed services at an affordable monthly rate.

>> No.2189686

Nice man

You sound pretty cool

>> No.2189728

if nothing can save her it dosent matter if I post here

>> No.2189744

Just don't come south and vote Democrat, so fucking sick of people moving here and voting for the policies they just left.

>> No.2189859

nice trap

>> No.2189877


>> No.2190144

>selling kneepads
You're doing it right

>> No.2190159

>What are some /biz/ approved ways of making money? Other than trading crypto, starting a business or sucking dicks.

>> No.2190173

I think I can see some of her pubes

>> No.2190185


>> No.2190205


>> No.2190353

fuck man if i could enlist during the 2006 - 10 military budget booms.

>> No.2190452


That's cool man. I'd like to aim by businesss to help elderly people also, I have always strongly felt they are not appropriated enough in society. I barely have anything I care about, but for some reason i care about old people a lot.

>> No.2191377

hey (You)

>> No.2191644

fuck you

>> No.2191789
