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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 129 KB, 1125x1216, 10D5EA22-0670-4A81-9BAA-946A388B77DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21835811 No.21835811 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you biz piece of shit posw scam coin cost me my life savings and parents home equity loan I am fucked

>> No.21836277

what went wrong? lightning cancelled?

>> No.21836317

fucking lol. Where are the shills?

>> No.21836336

always buy high, sell low

>> No.21836342

Thanks for your money op. I sold this past weekend.

>> No.21836347

Little tip: don’t buy into the coin whose threads have 200+posts all from pajeets

>> No.21836351

>play stupid games win stupid prizes

>> No.21836352

still way up from early august prices AND it's literally recovering already

>> No.21836355


>> No.21836359

2 Nice red dildos.

>> No.21836365

what is this pattern called?

>> No.21836384

churning out the new meme images for the next scam

>> No.21836389

That’s a good tip

>> No.21836399
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i should make a coin and shill it here, u niggers are retarded as fuck

>> No.21836406

Although op is probably larp, nobody should ever go all-in on anything. Being "all-in" is fucking stupid no matter what the situation.

>> No.21836426


>> No.21836462

It finally dumped? We don't need to see their shitty threads anymore?

>> No.21836565


>> No.21836595
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>> No.21836660

KEK I was all set to drop 10k on this piece of shit too. Just forgot about it and spent the money elsewhere.

>> No.21836676

Shoulda bought ZCash

>> No.21836688

Yes but a new shitcoin with pathetic shills appears the second one dies so nothing gained

>> No.21836729

>Price dumps
>Lower entry point than you planned for
>Lol no thx i'll buy something thats proven to go up like the random shitcoin #3956659 that pumped 13x since yesterday

>> No.21836740
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Oh we stakies are doing just fine

>> No.21836744
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>> No.21836828

And now I'm officially underwater on my 320k stakies. Last 6 nodes haven't even begun generating rewards yet. I was told $5 eom but we can't even do 50 cents.

>> No.21836874

it's already back to yesterday's price so you must have bought at ATH, get fucked retard

>> No.21837202
File: 747 KB, 1280x719, Dreamyourfuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really sorry for you man. You should NEVER put everything in one bag. NEVER.

If you can scrape together a few hundred then buy HVN, it could help you recover your funds. I'm not saying it will, but the chances are very high.

>> No.21837282
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I know it's a meme but literally just hold guys. :^)
This is still going to $50 EOY

>> No.21837337

Been holding over a year, thought about buying at 0.05 but was on honeymoon when I noticed forget about it for a couple weeks and fucker starts mooning before I'm even back home. By the time everything is transferred I'm 0.35usd average buy. Picked a bad time to quadruple my stack but lying ass pajeets promised on their mother's cow it would be at least a dollar if not 5 eom. Such a swear seems serious to me so I hope they come back as ass worms that live in my ass and they have to eat and smell my poop for the next 100 reincarnations until they have paid karma back to me.

>> No.21837396

This is the best shilled rug pull I ever seen, god damn son

>> No.21837430

It’s going to zero you faggots better get out before you become ze bag holderz!

>> No.21837432

Retarded advice but it fits to the board lol
t. neither holding nor thinking about holding XSN

>> No.21837465

More like $50 EOD

>> No.21837645

Wow, another 10x in promises. I'll make you a deal then. I'm not greedy so I'll sell you my stack for $3mm. That's less than $10/ea. I'll even let you use the mn names I picked out. Some real gems in there. Milky, Moo, Tiddies, Medela, Lactina, Venus, Kek, Eve, and more.
I'll even let you pick the currency. Wire transfer, usdc, usdt, btc, eth, or link. Saves you time babysitting the charts trying to catch a market sell. Just think, you can get a good deal on 1% of all enabled masternodes. I always found it odd that a good 20%of all nodes were expired, new start required, pose_ban, etc.. If it's such a sure thing why would so many let theirs go down or unfunded? Their loss results in a bigger slice of the block rewards. Hmu. Throw in a few pairs of your little sisters dirty panties and I'll take a couple 100k off the price.

>> No.21837710

No you just gotta wait 18 more months

>> No.21837754

Hahaha fucking idiot

>> No.21837821

What a pleb. Should have went link.

>> No.21837845


>> No.21837892

this but unironically

>> No.21837972

Should have bought Fetch.ai

>> No.21838055

aaand its back up...

>> No.21838109

>Bought 1 ETH worth of STA at 0.25c
>STA drops to 7c
>I put 100$ in HEX2T instead of putting more on STA
>STA goes back to 20c
What the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.21838227
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>> No.21838239

>what went wrong? lightning cancelled?

lightning network is dead in the water.

>> No.21838271

I have lost so much money. My aave loan health factor is 2.3 on a six figure loan. How could I be so retarded. I thought it was just ironic pajeeting that made the shills act so stupid. Despite them I looked into and decided even with the community it was a solid buy. It makes binance richer, it deprecates uniswap, it prints free money every day, it even has code written for ledger, btc, LTC, monero, etc. that is so good they refuse to use it out of embarrassment at the thought of putting it next to their own code. They have been around for years and come back after the original devs scammed. Surely they won't scam twice with the same product I thought, no team in crypto is dumb enough to think anyone would fall for that. Yet they knew I'd think that which in precisely why it works so well. I got burned hard. At thin point I'd get back 8btc at max if I market sold the stack on livecoin. What happened to $5eom? I'm one eth dump away from the poor house. I even told my wife I'm quitting my job in September because I found a real sleeper project. We were going to use the $20k in savings as a down-payment in December when the market usually slows a bit. She was skeptical but said I'm the man so she has to trust my judgment. I made her do anal that night with the sudden confidence boost and hopium high. Lhe said I had to get her a bag and fancy ring once we make it for doing it. After she showed me her choices I naturally said she's no cheap whore and to pick what she really wants. It was a fucking designer something other for $5k and an estate 3 carat marquise diamond ring in platinum from the Edwardian period where marquise are rarely used. I feel like such a jackass. When she finds out I'm probably not getting laid again for a year, and anal/oral is completely off the table now. I'll start focusing on foreplay and eating her pussy since I rarely do either. Hopefully she'll be happy enough with it that it blunts the anger once it discovered.

>> No.21838292
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>aave loan health factor is 2.3 on a six figure loan

>> No.21838355

Worst of all she's a nurse so there's no end to her bitching after every shift about how hard it is to give pills to someone and ask doctors what to do next. My jobs hard too and she makes more than me so I don't get what the problem is. All I know is I'm fucked figuratively and probably literally since we got a strap on so she could 'do it to me first so we're even'. She fucked me once with a dildo my size and a few days ago was only the third time I got to enjoy her butthole. I honestly don't know what to do. This is req, xvg, and trx all over again. Those were just my mistakes though, not from our joint account. I'm honestly thinking about gargling the #5 buckshot I keep behind the headboard.
I'm hardly even sleeping anymore. Not like I can do anything once it gets to close but I feel like watching it is protecting me somehow. It's like I'm just standing at the gallows waiting for the executioner with no eta. The anxiety level is insane.

>> No.21838473

its 0.38 right now where the fuck are you even seeing this

>> No.21838479

Same thing happened to BNT around when it launched v2: big market sells to shake weak hand and accumulate before launch.
It also slowly bled after doing a quick 2x....

>> No.21838706
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Take your meds schizo. These panties aren't for sale.

>> No.21839449

You have been the architect of your own destruction.

>> No.21840282


>> No.21840475
File: 200 KB, 361x363, 1583819598381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw xsn and had extra money
>Threw extra money at it when it was at the Dip after the top.
>Look at it rise and realise its making a decending triangle.
>Sell back into BTC old reliable BTC
>BTC holding strong while this dumped while making a bit of profit in the process.
>Not a burger so dont have to pay tax on a crypto to crypto events
Feels good bros BTC is always the saviour. Bet your life on BTC.

>> No.21840566

you should look into the Niggercoin

>> No.21840704

xsn biggest cope bag holder reply winner

>> No.21840751
File: 13 KB, 224x225, 1598142594886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good coin sir good buy sir

you guys know the drill, sudden shill thread by pajeets, idiots fomo in, huge dump,

then come the wojak what happened threads
(you are here)

then comes crypto limbo

>> No.21840803

All you had to do was get in on link idiot.

>> No.21841594

It's already back up. Just some idiot market seeking too much at once. Wish I had but orders set on 0.25. I'll set some now.