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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 420x579, IMG_9609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2183188 No.2183188 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that in 1988 the Economist predicted the rise of a new global currency in 2018, pictured here perched over a pile of burning fiat.

>> No.2183214

it's XRP

>> No.2183224

how do u know this

>> No.2183236

anon pls

>> No.2183369

good joke

>> No.2183388

Always side with the Jews.

Those crafty kikes were willing to genocide 6 million of their own people to underhandedly gain control of the global financial system.

>> No.2183397
File: 25 KB, 396x385, 1484413326720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its bitcoin with instant lightning network and SECURE smart contracts

>> No.2183399
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>> No.2183408
File: 44 KB, 600x400, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF

>> No.2183423

Considering that China is becoming world's biggest economy and how much they accumulated gold I bet on them.
Thou it will be wild ride when American economy breaks around 2030.

>> No.2183729

Whatever it is, you will not get rich from it.

Buy bitcoin, is the true revolution. The government coin will be hyperinflation with 0 privacy.

I doubt the governments will adopt bitcoin, this doesn't mean bitcoin isn't going to get even more fuelled to reach jupiter and beyond since it will be the capital B unregulated blockchain, and everyone needs an unregulated blockchain to move money (even jews).

>> No.2183755

>reminder that in 1988 they predicted

They also predicted bye now we'd have flying cars, live on Mars, and have robot servants.

Do you think we'll all be able to buy a flying lambo with our BTC gains??

>> No.2183766

no but you will be able to buy lambo with only 1 BTC

screencap this

>> No.2183773


>6 Million

[Citation Needed]

>> No.2183782

The Economist also predicted that Trump's presidential bid was just a bargaining chip to get tax concessions from the Republicans.
>Give me what I want and I'll back out of the race
>Otherwise I continue to stay in Republican primaries, and maybe even run as a independent

Sooooo Yeah....

>> No.2183785

Its true that bitcoin is the face of the revolution but its decentralized nature will upset the elite. I think it will be demonized and XRP will be the pick of the elite. Didnt bill gates endorse it?

>> No.2183893

>Buy bitcoin, is the true revolution. The government coin will be hyperinflation with 0 privacy.
implying that the government didn't created bitcoin...

>> No.2183912

Betting on it, whatever happens, I am not convinced that they will give up the power they have. They will introduce something to replace the famous bitcoin and people will swallow it.

>> No.2183918

That is an interesting take you have sauce?

>> No.2183923
File: 703 KB, 1121x630, 4ucv41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>jews controlling the financial system were the cause of hitler's anger towards jews
>jews orchestrated the holocaust to gain control of the financial system
>the holocaust didnt even really happen lol

you /pol/tards never cease to amaze me with your logic

>> No.2183935

How is this related to the thread?

>> No.2183946


>> No.2183957

go look for satoshi nakamoto

>> No.2184022


he said only one of those 3 things...

also the only person ive ever heard say that hitler enacted the holocaust to seize control of the financial system was a jew.

>> No.2184023

I have been saying this for years. Bitcoin is the revolution people need to stop thinking so much about it and convert every asset they have into btc

>> No.2184055

You skipped a few steps.
>Hitler hates Jews and international elements for pushing unfair treaty of Versailles on Germany
>Weimar Republic is made up of Jews and traitor Germans who are profiting off the misery and suffering of the German people due to reparations
>Rotheschildes and other banker families run the German banks
>Hitler kicks out the Jews, stops paying reparations, and makes an economy not based on debt but on labor through the use of government issued marks
>Germany recovers overnight and has practically zero unemployment with no debt
>This cucks the Jews out of their reparation money
>American and British Jews now leverage their money and influence to lobby their respective governments to fight against the Germans for slighting them
>WW2 starts

Meanwhile, in America, the Rothschildes own 52% of the Federal Reserve, which was established in 1913. Coincidentally, this was also the year that federal income tax was passed with the 16th amendment.

Also, you're a faggot.

>> No.2184098

Hitler was financed by the richests jewish families. Search for the rothschilds man, they never lost anybody due the war. Look at their assets, they own the world they've must control even bitcoins.

>> No.2184112

woodrow wilson said that he's biggest regret was selling the USA

>> No.2184204


>> No.2184243
File: 96 KB, 375x444, jew1434989024150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh sides

>> No.2184303

Stop being retarded and spreading this meme. Learn more.

>> No.2184309



>> No.2184319
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, l20534420th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its already broke and Trump is just china`s n russian`s puppet

>> No.2184358

You mean CIA?

>> No.2184375


The terms the Germans set on the Russians in 1917 was way more harsh than Versailles, Krauts just like an excuse to invade other countries.

>> No.2184385

could be

>> No.2184386

Bill Gates said good things about bitcoin too. Also tons of jews involved with Ethereum, shocked how many of you are bagholding XRP still.

>> No.2184485

Financed initially, yes, but that was while the Weimar Republic elected the Nazi's into power. Later, Hitler enacted policies that neutered the Reichstag bank and he replaced the currency with a work based currency, stating that for every mark that is given to the population, a set amount of work must be accomplished. This eradicated the old debt based, and entrenched, economy and replaced it with a labor based economy. Que autistic semitic screeching by bankers across the channel and the pond. Seriously, take a look at Churchill and his enormous debt that was paid for by (((secret benefactors))). Churchill was not his own man.

I know that you're a normie who probably fell for the misinfo on how Hitler is partly Jewish and how the Bolshevik rebellion was enacted by ethnic Russians, but come on now. I expect better from /biz/.

>> No.2184695

>economy and replaced it with a labor based economy
In that sense it was perfect. I know all the things are an act for the illuminattis to profit

>> No.2184715
File: 392 KB, 1223x1600, economist world currency - BITCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the high-res version.