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2182950 No.2182950 [Reply] [Original]

how can bitcoins become mainstream if the fundamental part of using and storing them is a farce

>don't keep them on website wallets, its unsafe
>print them on paper but how do you send and use them without a website terminal?
>use a hardware device, costs money and can break losing all your money


>> No.2182969

It isnt. It cant replace banks/real money.
Its just something for people to play and gamble their money on.

>> No.2182970

>don't keep cash under your mattress

>> No.2182987

you can store billions of dollars on a single slip of paper and transfer it instantly anywhere in the world

>lmao that's stupid who cares

>> No.2182991

>hardware devices can't be backed up

>> No.2183008

except cash can be used, a code on a peace of paper can't

>> No.2183018

>The configuration of your device is backed up on a recovery sheet. Easy restoration on any Ledger device or compatible wallets.

>> No.2183040

it can also be stolen was my point, so you secure it in the bank. bitcoins you just secure in different ways.

>> No.2183057

Because it's anonymous (unless you believe that it was created by le secret societies), so buying anything with it doesn't really get you caught.

>> No.2183071

>what is encryption

>> No.2183080

Don't think about it too much. ITS THE FUTURE it doesn't have to make sense in old world terms

>> No.2183095

the mark of the beast wireless chip implanted under the hand or forehead.
This all has been predicted by the bible

>> No.2183097

>it doesn't have to make sense in old world terms
except it does

like, why would you spend bitcoin in shops if its going up by 10% daily ?

>10 years ago someone paid 70 million for 2 pizzas

>> No.2183101


hardware wallets are like $100, thats not that much money. Plus you have a backup on paper in case it gets lost, so you can recover.

>> No.2183102

Kek keep being poor. Lambos by December, yacht by next year

>> No.2183103

as btc grows it gets less volatile. it only fluctuates a few % now instead of double digits. in the future it will fluctuate even less.

>> No.2183108

except for today...

>> No.2183117

2-of-3 multisig paper wallet stored in 3 different locations
2-of-3 multsig digital wallet backup stored in 3 more different locations

>> No.2183126

Man it wasn't so long ago people were cracking the shits about using paypal, now you see them fucking crying when they can't

>> No.2183164

i have a few btcs im just a bit confused as to where to store them really atm

>> No.2183204

probably worth a hw wallet for that amount my man

>> No.2183225

>i have a few btcs

Literally convinced my parents to get a second mortgage and take out as much personal loans as they can and to put everything into crypto.WTF are you doing

>> No.2183536

>print them on paper but how do you send and use them without a website terminal?

You use a mobile app

>use a hardware device, costs money and can break losing all your money

The cost of making a hardware wallet is dirt cheap so the prices will go down. There's also no way one can break unless you smash it with a hammer