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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21813187 No.21813187 [Reply] [Original]

We won’t have to worry about an income but at the same time there is literally nothing we can do anymore. We are basically chained to our homes and you can’t do any blue pilled things or activities anymore. Everyone wearing masks indefinitely and the country on the brink of a civil war with 10’s of millions out of a job.

>pic related chart means almost nothing

>> No.21813217

Not from burgerland, dont care.

>> No.21813828

The collapse will be global. We're working up to a veil drop of the world government apparatus that actually runs things and the endgoal of the 6000 year plan.

>> No.21814099

>We are basically chained to our homes and you can’t do any blue pilled things or activities anymore

how tf is this a bad thing? gtfo my board normie shit

>> No.21814375

It’s fine when the world is normal. It sucks when everyone is a NEET. Been here since 2017 fag

>> No.21814417

>country on the brink of a civil war
You must kill at least 5 commies before you die.

>> No.21814447

>blue pilled
Moooooods get rid of /leftypol/ here

>> No.21815106

>6000 year plan

Based and messiah-pilled

This is one of the more disturbing things I’ve read about and it isn’t talked about enough

>> No.21815507

total market cap is going to reach 1 trillion before eoy

>> No.21815564
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Dude maybe you should just end it. You make this fucking thread like every few days. Go cry somewhere else. I'll still be able to do everything I want.

>> No.21815588
File: 84 KB, 1280x450, ratusb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be wary, my friend.

>> No.21816334
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>> No.21816368
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This shit will be over by next year calm the fuck down. Why are you like this anon? I know it's been a bit shit but pandemics do not last forever. The economy will recover and we'll get through the crisis, calm your ass down.

>> No.21816450

You faggots think I just started this. I was making threads in early 2019 saying that link will be more about survival than making it like people who made it with btc and eth when the world was nornal. I was saying this shit long before covid came out. I knew what’s happening now would come in one form or another. I mean what the fuck??? Do you ever leave your home and see what’s happening out there? Oh yeah that’s right, we basically can’t leave our homes

>> No.21816564

Anon at any day of any year there are people speaking doomsday scenarios, I'm not christian but I'm pretty sure a good portion of them unironically believe in the end of times and are constantly trying to predict it. I have been on this site for close to a decade and that shit comes and goes all the time, with or without the virus it would have been the same stories. The virus and all it's effects are a self fulfilling prophecy. The world always seems crazy and in a way it is but we will get on just like always. We managed through the black plague, and the spanish flu. Both which were way worse. Black plague killed like half of fucking europe.

>> No.21816648

you're a fucking retarded normie faggot and i hope you die

>> No.21816693

Very rational and thoughtful of you, take your meds.