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21812111 No.21812111 [Reply] [Original]

I am a somewhat functional asperg autist. I am really bad at reading social clue, subtle social behavior. Socially total shit and inadept. I am the opposite of socially savy. I am the opposite of street smart.
I am. Not socially calibrated. I just say directly what I want or think.

How fucked am. I? Is there hope?

>> No.21812136

You have to learn and you can only learn by going out and socializing. You have two choices. Go take action over and over and slowly refine your social skills through experience or wither away as some freak autist outcast. Up to you.

>> No.21812252
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Took an online test the other day. 30-33 was possible autism, 34+ was autisitc. I scored 27, not a shock to me, though I'm very good at reading people and situations my humor is sometimes very unrelateable for normies. I can usually gauge what is widely acceptable and what is utterly bonkers but there's a blindspot where I'm at a complete loss so I usually won't take a chance making a joke. I don't know if its autistic but if I can say something I find amusing that isn't antagonistic but might only make me laugh I'll say it if there won't be reprucussions just for my own enjoyment.

>> No.21812304

pre 9/11 aut_nat here.
there is no hope.
it gets darker with age.
socialize less.

fuck your online tests.
go get diagnosed by real autism testers like margarette bauman. the jew.
like real OG autists do.

>> No.21812310

>freak autist outcast
what the fuck is wrong with being autistic?

>> No.21812481

No reason or desire to. I don't feel outcast so much as fringe and in my adult life its only helped, never hurt. >>21812111
Reading "How to win friends and influence people" might do you a lot of good. Basically people want to talk about themselves, they mostly don't really want to hear you talk. If you really listen and take an interest in what they say it goes a long way. Most normies aren't aware of this but they are aware enough not to sperg out, when you meet someone who understands and practices this stuff you can really have a good conversation. You'll be able to tell them just what you said about "saying exactly what you think and believe because you're autistic" and they'll understand and give you the freedom to speak without fear.

>> No.21812520

Pretty fucked, but there is always hope.
That picture is fucking depressing.
I don’t have autism but am socially fucked up enough that I’ve been tested for it. Turns out it’s just a personality disorder (avoidant).

>> No.21812544
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>ghost of a little boy

>> No.21812819
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Social Skills are learned. Trust me they say it can't be done but it is possible.
I used to be a low T, wuss, pushover. But I got a job in a very toxic place and completely changed my personality. I am now the cool boss guy that you don't fuck with. I can sometimes be a bit eccentric but I suppress it.
You might want to research how to get a masculine frame to get people to not fuck with you.
But to fix your "autism" you may just need to practice talking to people.

>> No.21812932

And to add because I think this gets overlooked way too often. Sometimes your social circle is just absolutely terrible. It's really hard to get good at socializing if the majority of the people you have to deal with day to day are absolutely fucknuggets to deal with.
So it's not just about learning to socialize it's also about finding decent people to socialize with. It sucks

>> No.21812997

If you hang out with chads slowly the way they act will rub off on you and you will slowly turn into a chad. They will also keep you in line and keep you from acting like a fucking autist.

>> No.21813073

Your fucked, only chance to make it is to become full autist programmer or ruthless management (only problem is you get there with social connections).

My advice read books about social behaviour. Figure it out why people act the way they act.

>> No.21813125

desu just listen to cumtown, rooshv, jay dyer, sam hyde for whatever reason the bro shit really tones down the neuroticism then you can be less cringe you also need to socialize, i used my time as a barista to practice socializing it helped a lot i could barely hold a conversation before but now i appear more or less normal to people i have a couple friends now and a gf honestly never thought that would happen

>> No.21813141


>> No.21813158

Between "very" and "morbidly".

>> No.21813161

No, not really. You were never autistic, just a pussy

>> No.21813176
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I am whatever point of the spectrum that causes you to be a 30 year old virgin

>> No.21813191

also maybe get off chan i met a guy kind of pathologized by /b/ was the type who would say "topkek" in real life ended up going down the sexpat route in phillipines

>> No.21813280

good post. this approach has helped me detect the few close friends i have. however, be aware that it puts you into a passive frame. there are a lot of exploitative normies who take advantage of that if you are timid

>> No.21813283
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I scored a 20. I cant believe I spend the majority of my time refreshing a Slovakian beanie knitting picture board full of turbo autists

>> No.21813519

hey but she's got an iphone!