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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21810646 No.21810646 [Reply] [Original]

How profitable and easy would it be to sell spices, soap, etc on amazon. I am trying to homestead and bring in enough of an income to sustain my living costs.

Any other income ideas are appreciated

>> No.21810694

Etsy is probably a better pick for a marketplace. Or even just FB marketplace.

>> No.21810744

amazon are a flying pain in the cunt
as rnd example out of 10,000 more, you cant sell anything without your own barcodes and shit for a start. Their whole 'jump through some hoops seller, then, jump through some more' ain't worth it for smaller quantities. eBay or etsy or some shit, but AMZN for own products, its now gotten to be a complete PITA. You need someone dealing solely with their BS fulltime

>> No.21810823
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people go to etsy for homemade vibes and you can charge a little bit more