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21810039 No.21810039 [Reply] [Original]

Coinspot Australias biggest exchange

>> No.21810059

Haven’t held any privacy coins for years

It was only a matter of time before they are banned

>> No.21810068

Does it surprise you Australia stopped a private coin from being traded?

>> No.21810083

Should I load up? Now or never

>> No.21810093

Monero was probably our last chance to have a people's run currency. Sadly the greed will not allow this to happen.

>> No.21810322

This delisting will have zero effect on global prices

It also will have zero effect on you being able to acquire of if these on other non Australian exchanges

>> No.21810359

Was just about to go all in on Monero bros, how do i get it now in Straya? Preferably without KYC

>> No.21810402

If it can't get past regulations it has no real future.

>> No.21810422

Localmonero cunt

>> No.21810432

Might not believe it, but price of these tokens will go up

>> No.21810433

>country literally founded as penal colony
fuck these hypocrites
hope the emus rek the cunts

>> No.21810468

Regulation can't touch the dexes.

>> No.21810916

lol. Nope but ZEC will.

>> No.21810937

Binance is next

>> No.21810976

a sign of things to come to all exchanges

>> No.21810992



>> No.21811003

literally how do you shut it down
It's no different to saying you're going to shutdown bitcoin

>> No.21811006

I dont privacy coins period anyway, if you can't prove where the money went etc they are just going to freeze your bank account.

>> No.21811020

Sometimes it's better to store your assets in a private and secure coin rather than some jew bank.

>> No.21811040


>> No.21811093

What to do when all the ramps in and out are monitored? I know I pitched localmonero earlier and that is an option but it’s a real concern of mine

>> No.21811172

>if you can't prove where the money went etc
Fortunately you can

>> No.21811190

No one cares

Its regulated by the CFTC in the states, shame newfags missed the '15 ruling or even bother to understand it.

>> No.21811202

this is why i never invested into privacy coins, it can be so easy to ban them, and it doesnt align with the values of our future, which is sadly. "LESS PRIVACY FOR EVERYONE" thats why i invest in chainlink. might as well profit.

>> No.21811208

OTC trades for other assets locally. Literally carry it on a pendrive.

>> No.21811248

Crypto is still such a niche thing generally and xmr and similar privacy coins even nichier. We’ve got a long way to go for adoption to be broad enough for what you suggest to be viable

>> No.21811255
File: 69 KB, 544x335, lice_holocasut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jew hates crypto

>> No.21811327

As an ausfag who doesn't want the tax man to come. I'm glad that this is the Gov admitting they can't track your crypto if you buy monero at some point

>> No.21811381

No surprise. The Australian government is feverishly desperate to control each and every single thing each 'citizen' does. They hate freedom with passion.

>> No.21811389

I earn passive income from my xsn Masternodes, i dont have to sell all of it.

The ones i sell i can prove but i can also choose to keep some private eg monero.

>> No.21811434

Not that surprising. Australia has some god-awful laws about encryption and whatnot. Having Monero available wouldn't look too good to their Chinese masters.

>> No.21811445

Based literally free advertising for XMR. Long XMR

>> No.21811452

Yeah but how do you move that money into the real world to pay expenses?

>> No.21811483

Sell xsn for btc. Sell btc for fiat on on ramp exchange. Pay income tax since nodes count as income not capital gains (pretty sure).

>> No.21811508

Monero will be more for hiding my total power level (wealth).

>> No.21812190

You're giving them too much credit...

>> No.21812237

We know. LOKI fixes this.

>> No.21812314

>it can be so easy to ban them
About as easy as banning piracy. How well is that going?

>> No.21812359

kek monero is implementing lighting. something something stakenet dex

>> No.21812393

Was expecting since a long time ago, surprised they only do it now.

>> No.21812569

since when
lol sure

>> No.21812620

Ask Japan. It isn't hard at all if the government actually want to ban piracy instead of making a show of opposing it.

>> No.21812681

This fucking government man I swear.
Bunch of fucking babies.
You can just buy other coins and then exchange those for monero. This stops nothing.
Also, I wonder how much coinspot is gonna profit by pulling these.

>> No.21812987

Once again Australia is confirmed to be fucking gay.

>> No.21813047

Could you be more specific about what Japan is doing? Unless they have North Korea tier restrictions on access to the outside Internet, and I don't believe they do, it's not possible to prevent torrenting.

>> No.21813129

The chances of catching people are slim to none but the charges are so strict for the handful of people they do catch are so severe (prison time for people who upload copyright material) that it prevents most people from ever even trying to see how it works.

>> No.21813374

Within a few years 90% of exchanges will be DEX with legal onboards. They can ban exchanges but not DEXs & making it illegal to own Monero is touchy.

>> No.21813451
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x950, DEX RAIDEN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. layer 2 dex's are going to change the game.

imagine when a privacy coin has integrated the lightning network.

it will usher in a new error or cyberpunk finance.

this is when we will start to see big gov bringing the hammer down hard on crypto. they will try, but ultimately they will fail.

>> No.21813603

I see. Well, in the case of a Monero banning in the United States, I don't think there would be a similar effect in terms of preventing crime. People trading drugs or attempting tax evasion are already committing crimes with severe punishments. They could add additional layers of inconvenience but I don't think the same type of deterrent effect would come into play because the people in question have already refused to be deterred. Banning it would kill off trading/speculating, but that's not what they care about. It would also announce to the rest of the world which tech you can use to hide your financial activity from US intelligence, which is probably detrimental to their geopolitical goals.

>> No.21813618
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These. Yet burgers keep wanting to move here, it's a far worse nanny state than the US. We even importing the newest models of niggers from Africa now too.

>> No.21813950

This anon understands.

Monero has a view key so you can show transaction history if required.

Also tari are releasing a regulatory whitepaper to help exchanges list monero and comply with regulations.

>> No.21814048

is it possible to have a stable privacy coin? I like monero but a stable privacy coin makes more sense imo

>> No.21815220

TTT for aussies

>> No.21815484
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>tfw governments talk about banning a P2P technology.

Hmmm where have I seen this before... Oh yeah Napster. As we all know no one ever downloaded a song after they got shut down...

>> No.21815514

>decentralised coin
>he thinks it can be stopped

>> No.21815537

Use a coinswap site, changelly etc