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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21809920 No.21809920 [Reply] [Original]

We're MOONING boys

>> No.21810110

116k bzrx ($75k) buy 15 minutes ago

>> No.21810206

the whales know what's up.

>> No.21810249

2$ dollars EOM

>> No.21810398

holy shit did you hear that. it's the printing sound of your ticket to financial freedom

>> No.21810498
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Here we go

>> No.21810543


I have no idea what that tx is... it looks like they bought bzrx on margin?

>> No.21810571

shills vs fuds

>> No.21810575

Let's all dump on this guy as an epic prank

>> No.21810595

Unironically might be my comfiest hold besides LINK, biz was nice to shill this early

>> No.21810626

i hope all newfags researches this. It's literally the next moon shot.

>> No.21810656

it does just keep going up

>> No.21810659

This shit is such a scam. Get out while you still can.

>> No.21810679

tell that to portnoy

>> No.21810684

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.21810692

Weak FUD attempt...

31k holder here. Feeling comfy

>> No.21810736

the ceo spelled principal wrong in his linkedin bio
hard sell

>> No.21810768

>"this shit is such a scam"
>provides no evidence whatsoever to back up his claim

Laziest FUD attempt I've ever seen

>> No.21810774

all it takes is $75k to move the token. we are too early. /biz/ does it again.

>> No.21810779

This is still mainly traded on uniswap, no major CEX yet. Just a matter of time before it gets listed on kucoin or even binance.

>> No.21810805
File: 91 KB, 1467x910, FulcrumBZX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fulcrum UI is already out and it looks sleek as fuck. Once the bug testing phase is over, be glad that you held BZRX.

Because when it launches, it's gonna suck in all the degen defi money like a blackhole and we can pay hookers to lick our asshole when BZRX gets to $10.


>> No.21810811

comfy with 40k bzrxxxxx

>> No.21810956

I heard BZRX has a margin trade function, how much x can I use?

>> No.21811033

up to 5x for now, see the pic attached >>21810805

>> No.21811086

BZRX will have AAVE mcap EOY. Screencap this faggots.

>> No.21811087

20x will be cooming. hush hush.

>> No.21811138

Using fulcrum can we leverage bzrx on calls?

Also... anyone try to use this in conjunction with furucombo?

>> No.21811146

these guys always killed it with the UI. nice

>> No.21811155
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should monke buy?
im deep in the red so im desperate at this pooint

>> No.21811158


>> No.21811168

it might correct a bit but BZRX is probably the only thing in crypto that I give a 99% chance of going up exponentially.

>> No.21811221

get a suicide bag of 10k. personally to see some serious monthly gains shoot for 50k bzx. If you're a poorfag buy vbzrx instead. It has a 4 year vesting periods, but you'll be able to collect fees during those 4 years.

>> No.21811307

Conservative price predictions end of September yall?

>> No.21811324


>> No.21811328

3 $ minimum

>> No.21811338

2-4$ with minimal downside

>> No.21811344

Wouldn't surprise me, honestly. I know a few BZRX whales I chat with and they basically told me to strap my tits in.

>> No.21811356

My titties are strapped. Can I use a flash loan?

>> No.21811414

October is the explosion month. People will fomo after seeing how much bzx stakers got for August staking.

>> No.21811426

We are at $85mil market cap now.

Balancer - $174mil
Kyber - $334mil
Compound - $550mil

$1.25 put us at BAL's mcap
$2.49 put us at KNC's mcap
$3.88 put us at COMP's mcap.

So anywhere from $2-4 is highly possible (if they dont screw up of course)

>> No.21811439

I can't wait anon. I'm trying to accumulate 100k but I don't know if shitcoin flipping will get me there in time.

>> No.21811459

Lol i 4x’d on fucking orbi when it was initially shilled here, Through all of it into bzrx

>> No.21811473

All I've been doing is putting shitcoin profits into BZRX. I gamble with 2eth every day and usually come out with 5-10sh by the end.

>> No.21811489

huh? August staking?

>> No.21811496

buy vbzx desu. it's a lot cheaper. sure at first glance you cuck yourself for 4 years, but you're cooming and collecting rewards in the meantime.

>> No.21811504

Well i think the beta for staking drops EOM

>> No.21811529

>meant september staking.

>> No.21811551

4years is too long for me m8. I expect the crypto bubble to both boom and bust in around that time frame.

>> No.21811582

you're collecting fees with vbzx exactly as you would with bzrx.

>> No.21811600

Vzbx is a pain to fucking buy. Its basically a warrant

>> No.21811601

so sexy

>> No.21811616

use balancer and buy under 12 eth batches. done.

>> No.21811628

Btw, does anyone know how do i play with those sliders on that calculator? I wonder what will be a good estimation for those figures

>> No.21811651

there are calculations in older threads that anons posted about.

>> No.21811683

Oh dope thanks

>> No.21811727

np. good luck to you and us.

>> No.21812279

imma say this again
xdai stake and this

>> No.21812527

Is 80K enough? I could get up to 250K but would rather buy after a successful launch. I hate buying pre product coins. I know i’ll get less gains but there is also less risk.

>> No.21812733

Just risk what you’re willing to lose.

I currently have 10K bzrx, 25k vbzrx

>> No.21812771

Obviously, I’m willing to risk up to 250K BZRX in value. Just trying to get a gauge on others sentiments

>> No.21812789

Lots of potential.

Thing is after the exploit, devs actually took the time to fix it and get it audited for months. Id wager they wouldn’t want another fuck up, especially with AAVE breathing down their throat

>> No.21812818

i think there will also be some kind of "pro" ui?

>> No.21812838
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>> No.21812846

Still got multiple (you)s so is it really the weakest?

>> No.21812883
File: 266 KB, 711x579, at last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invested $700 into the presale 2 years ago because "zrx but with chainlink"
>thought it was a scam since "token literally not needed" and considered the money gone
>fast forward to now
>"token literally gives you money"
>up 40-45x to around $30k
>cashed out $2.5k before I realised how lucrative the fee sharing system is

not fucking selling desu

>> No.21812884

The fuck up is the reason I’m betting on them. You don’t fire the employee who made the million dollar mistake, they learned a million dollar lesson. I’ve talked to the team a few times and they seem genuine just have a constant fear of being played a fool.

>> No.21812937


>> No.21812977

80k is solid. 250k is retarded and delusional if you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.

>> No.21813048

Poor boi 31k stack here

>> No.21813067

I’ll probably just get some vBzrx after launch for cheap. I’m more interested in earning fees than trying to time tops on crazy pumps.

>> No.21813115

Yep. Holy shit even the vbzrx prices are spiking.

>> No.21813131

Some anon mentioned earlier, Bzrx won’t have parabolic pumps but rather 20% daily increases that somehow go under the radar. Might be fucking correct

>> No.21813254
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Found post

>> No.21813372


>> No.21813425

when they jump in it's going to feel SO GOOD

>> No.21813440

230k here lol
>all in

>> No.21813468


Thats pretty worthless though. Nobody can predict what is going to happen. Shouldn’t listen to that kind of garbage.

>> No.21813474

Kinda noticed... the price action b/w bzrx and vbzrx are correlated. So take that into consideration

>> No.21813488

Obviously they are correlated lol. Its just I am comfortable with a four year hold earning fees for a 70% discount.

>> No.21813510

Im pretty comfortable with that vesting schedule. Ircc though after 6 months you can start collecting fees.

Ofc, just that the defi market is pretty nice rn. Tho, I do that bzrx’s platform if done correctly can be as gamechanging as uniswap has been.

>> No.21813531

Bzrx would be the only decentralized platform offering margin trading for US residents which is a pretty nice niche to own. US has a lot of degenerate shitcoin gamblers and with how often they get liquidated the fees willl be nice

>> No.21813751

This is why I'm bought into it.

>> No.21814621


>> No.21814642

when I wake up this is gonna be 1$

>> No.21814759

holy shit we're gonna make it. 150k bzrx chad reporting in

>> No.21814792

How much bzrx to buy for moon??????

>> No.21814938

quick what exchange to get it on? it seems like everything only carries crab coins or is withheld in my 3rd world shithole (US)

>> No.21814946

Uniswap, poloniex. I don’t trust mxc

>> No.21815242


Don’t have to worry about setting up an account on an exchange

>> No.21815261
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I need this 50 Eth to turn into 150 Eth or more

When will it happen

>> No.21815275


>> No.21815670

Realistically prob a month from now

>> No.21815819

Obvious satsgang p&d.
Careful with this one bros.

>> No.21815854
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>> No.21815940

If it actually got to that level, I don’t know if I’d just sell to Eth and leave for the next few years until Eth hits $8k-$10k or let it ride and hope BZRX gives me bigger gains that I can then sell to Eth/btc

>> No.21815959

Just sold all my aave that I've been holding since 2c in March and bought a 6 fig bzrx bag. No idea what it does, and desu I dont know what aave does either. But they are both "DeFi" and bzrx has a much smaller MC. Seems like the right move.

>> No.21815979

good move

>> No.21816076

Guys is $10 an actual possibility with this one?
If not, how about $5?

>> No.21816099

>2x the rewards of compound

yes anon this is a moon mission

>> No.21816102
File: 864 KB, 2732x2048, 5565F42B-BB3C-4805-A006-074786287E0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the only coin I’m unironically shilling these days

>> No.21816130

Soon $1?????

>> No.21816173

>setting sell targets for bzrx
Anon, you don’t sell your cash flow. This is the staking ticket to NEETdom. Why would you sell that, ever?

>> No.21816191

it could even be today for all we know

>> No.21816206

>could only get 500 a couple of weeks ago

>> No.21816216

thats a pretty comfy meme anon ill give you that

>> No.21816235

take into account the market cap of other defi platforms like aave, compound, snx etc.
aave is about 740m now, which means $5 is realistic before the supply increases

>> No.21816237

Are 2000 enough for staking? How much would I make?

>> No.21816298

You can stake 2k.
Ideally you’d be staking more, but get what you can. Buy vbzrx if you can’t afford a bag of bzrx.
See calc: https://bzx.network/calc

>> No.21816332

When does supply start increasing? Was it feb next year?

>> No.21816344

when supply increase? how much?

>> No.21816350

u can't find vbzrx anywhere

>> No.21816364

next jan or feb but it will be slow as fuck


>> No.21816433

I've never seen this before.
will the coins be staked?

>> No.21816445

January. At a rate of around 2% a month for 3.5 years.

The telegram community is pretty helpful and non toxic

>> No.21816486

These staking rewards seem insane, would make me wanna buy more but its almost too good to be true.

>> No.21816516
File: 188 KB, 1600x900, F30E67D0-2972-4046-ADF5-F3A996F3447C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the contract address.
Its split b/w Bzrx stakers, vbzrx stakers, and LT bzrx. Still highly dependent on trade volume and fees, less stakers= more money for you. Use the calculator

>> No.21816540

yeah i did use the calculator, with all the sliders set to low/very low values id still be making $1k a week from staking with what i currently have.

>> No.21816546

Yes, actually the increase won't matter so much in the long run considering the insurance fund which will receive fees and keep the price stable

>> No.21816570

ath again....open 1$ waiting room thrd gooys

>> No.21816582
File: 706 KB, 1125x2007, A6FA2E4D-3938-4C15-AC56-500E3E50FDF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Useful tidbits from admin

>> No.21816624

Why does the amount get more if the percentage staked is less? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

>> No.21816627

Feel like fomo'ing in after seeing that staking calculator.

>> No.21816650

Less stakers= more money to be given to the smaller pool of stakers

>> No.21816722

Realistic staking rewards on 100k tokens is $300 a month. Don’t be blinded by “potential” and instead look at realistic. If it can hit realistic, then it can start heading towards “potential”

>> No.21816779

$300 is not a cap though, if the LP token staking is chosen one can yield much higher rewards

>> No.21816790

where do i find the contract address for vbzrx?

>> No.21816855


>> No.21816868
