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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21802624 No.21802624 [Reply] [Original]

what do you do all day?
im getting bored of cooming and playing vidya
I wanna meet new people IRL but things are still semi-locked down
I guess I never would have gone outside anyways but still

>> No.21802868

I feel the same way. This market crabbing all day is not helping either. I usually end up laying in bed listening to noise music. Shit drowns everything out before I eventually fall asleep.

>> No.21802955

Why not use all that free time to learn something?

>> No.21802996

I'm even more pathetic and read fanfiction all day. At the very least I could write erotic fiction for money but no, too lazy for even that. I only make money in crypto right now because I lost my job due to rona.

>> No.21803025


>> No.21803027

Just try edging for 4 hours

>> No.21803050
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gonna make another monke video
this is my latest one

>> No.21803121

Trying to code my own game but I lack imagination even though I am decent at programming

>> No.21803635

I should but idk what
what kind of game? fwiw I've always wanted to see a Link To the Past dungeon maker, like super Mario maker. would be cool to see what people come up with.
but ofc that is using ideas that other companies already own

>> No.21803679

desu just get a job at walmart. you can mind your own business all day and get paid while doing it. oh didnt finish stocking the canned fruit.
>well i did all i could, see you tomorrow boss

>> No.21803815

Read a book, make something. Learn to draw or play an instrument. make a game yourself.
What Vidya are you playing anon? I've come to like shorter narrative games, and not the infinite grindfest most of my friends play all the time.

I've met a lot of new people playing boardgames (can also be done online)

When i was neeting it up waiting for school to start i bought myself an electronics kit with an arduino and did some coding/electronics stuff with that. Drawing schematics and planning projects you build self was really fun. would recommend even for beginners.

>> No.21804126

>What Vidya are you playing anon?
right now war face
>When i was neeting it up waiting for school to start i bought myself an electronics kit with an arduino and did some coding/electronics stuff with that
I used to have pihole installed on one of those but it randomly crashed out of nowhere and then I spent 4 hours trying to debug the damn thing couldn't figure out what went wrong. what projects have you done with those?

>> No.21804245

Does edging actually work?

>> No.21804267
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Boomer NEET here.
>Wake up at 5:30, check the news and premarket.
>6:30, go out and exercise before it gets hot.
>back inside, make coffee and breakfast, shitpost and trade
>around 9 or 10, back outside to work in the yard. Got an acre, always needs improvement.
>Get tired after an hour or two, back inside, shower
>make lunch, eat
>fill remainder of day with vidya, movies, shitposting, trading, more news
>go shopping or other outside errands, sometimes afternoon, sometimes instead of yardwork
>make dinner, eat
>bed around 9:00
>every couple weeks spend 2-3 days with girlfriend
>every week play D&D with some buddies
Pretty comfy, desu

>> No.21804337

Since there's no general thread for finances I'll use this, I'm trying to build my credit score, but I don't really need credit cards, is there a place where I can buy crypto with a credit card?

>> No.21804856


>> No.21804909

thanks bro, gonna try and rack up a student loan tier debt, just need to get these kikes to approve my credit cards

>> No.21805175

NEET here:
My activity’s are
Kayaking in the summer, skiing/skating in the winter
I do those pretty much daily for exercise
Other than that I just study occult shit, browse /x and /biz, and inject the marijuanooz into mah blood
Gets pretty fucking boring sometimes.
I’m going to start painting big murals in cities cuz there’s nothing left to do

>> No.21805275

lol this guy is working for free.

>> No.21805465

why is he so sad?

>> No.21805688

I work part time as a videographer in the legal space. Make a few hundred a week and only work 1-2 days for 4 hours since corona. Otherwise I work on home brewing. If I’m not doing that I’m sleeping, reading, etc.

>> No.21805905

I edge all day and then coom right before bed

>> No.21806526

Always be grateful that you can be a NEET
Read about steam cleaning jobs during the industrial revolution if you aren't
Strive to create well-paid honest jobs and honest wealth once you've made it