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File: 920 KB, 1280x720, cnsdead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21798576 No.21798576[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Biz I'm about to do you all a solid.

>> No.21798597
File: 5 KB, 300x168, bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons i come here to do you all a service.

before i post my dyor, please market sell CNS immediately as this is going to end the project once and for all.

i will give you 5 minutes out of the goodness of my oldfag heart but if you aren't out by then i'm crashing this plane with no survivors.

>> No.21798653

just to let you all know i 50% exited at $0.01 after getting in at $0.0023. the rest i sold earlier today after digging up all this terrible history.

>> No.21798956
File: 146 KB, 873x613, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first lets start with the origins of Centric, as they claim to be from Jan 2018.

they started as UPDC, UpStake token, which is basically just CNR. an untradeable centralised shitcoin that you could only buy direct from their website and 'stake' with them.

you can guess how this ended; https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/upstake.com

further digging on old bitcointalk threads finds numerous scam threads: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5124000.0

seems like a scam to me right anon?

>> No.21798997
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they have since rebranded to Centric Foundation, and airdropped all previous UPDC holders their new shitcoin CNR, but they still had the problem of how the fuck they back up CNRs hourly rise.

somewhere along the line these scamming fucks (more about them later) came up with the clever little idea to support this:

create a second shitcoin (CNS) and peg it to $1 to the first (CNR). now they can magically claim that CNR always goes up in value.

>> No.21799029
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with this little move and the rebrand, they are now able to get listed onto legitimate exchanges and dump their RIDICULOUS bags.

sadly this was on mainly newbies and poor people in 3rd world countries who sadly fall for this, hence the philippines sec warning.

get this, even though the centric foundation has a shitload of CNR to sell, they even had the fucking nerve to create a centric bond so more free money from newbies to pay for their exchange listing fees!

>> No.21799063

Glad others are catching onto this now. I looked into this myself and every angle of this shitcoin project was scammy, dumped my stack immediately

>> No.21799152
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, cnsgab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we move onto the ceo, an obvious marketing front to pass off the blame of a shitcoin scam onto an unsuspecting thot.

anyone who thinks that this woman is remotely able in the blockchain space needs their fucking head checked.

she is a marketing major, purely to take the blame off the real founders (more on them later) and pump this shitcoin so they can offload.

>> No.21799267
File: 69 KB, 739x1600, tracy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone familiar with the telegram or discord know it is a complete shitshow.

a popular face in the chat is admin Tracy, a deranged lunatic who quickly bans people who asks questions about the dodgy claims and history of Centric.

well what do we know about Tracy, lets have a look at her social media shall we...

>> No.21799313
File: 144 KB, 739x1600, tracy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look who it is, someone who shills CNS relentlessly on twitter, and she seems to have her own youtube channel...

>> No.21799351
File: 132 KB, 757x1600, tracy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 'crypto' channel that makes videos mainly about centric.

and if we dig a little deeper into that channel...

>> No.21799387
File: 171 KB, 914x1600, tracy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guessed it, all the way back to good old scam days of UpStake UPDC.

do you see where this is going anon?

>> No.21799444

Wonder where those cns pajeet shillers are now. Always research before buying shitcoins off biz

>> No.21799502

Watching the telegram is painful. Seeing all these people getting scammed. Join it when ask about the CEO or HPDC and you get banned. I actually feel somewhat bad for a these pajeets

>> No.21799517


>> No.21799632

somebody @bitlord he needs to see this kek

>> No.21799667

I encourage all anons to go to the telegram and ask basic questions and watch yourself get shot down. Even posting this link they refuse to refute these points, it ends in an instant ban

>> No.21799929

my belief anons is that Tracy and her husband are the ones possibly behind this absolute shitcoin scam.


>> No.21799952

thank you, about to sell entire stack and get more OMG

>> No.21800013

I bought a Small bag of this maybe 2 weeks ago before I went to bed, couldn’t get to sleep because I felt uncomfortable hodling so dumped for a small loss immediately. Saw the blatant scam stuff on their site after buying. I hate these scams that target vulnerable & poor people

People should contact bittrex & call them out for listing this shit

>> No.21800089
File: 30 KB, 360x450, Bane_TDKR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bittrex will have their reckoning for this, and Bitlord the low level pnd loser.

>> No.21800246

Thanks for this, I've held during the dump but I'm out. I suppose it saves me from getting absolutely nothing back

>> No.21800469
File: 56 KB, 303x619, 1598220626977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I feel sad.
I legitimately believed the shills when they said I would make money on the monthly 28% returns. What went wrong? For once that I actually learned to hold through a dump in half during the month believing fully in the project, turns out it was a fucking ponzi
how do I stop being a brainlet please

>> No.21800564

they are easy to spot anon, this one was a bit harder to call as it required some deep googling and linking things together, must scams are uniswap so that is why it passed under the radar initially.

>> No.21800661

in the movie, bane crashes the stock market for personal gain. how is this any different lol

>> No.21800721

i'll admit my gain was selling off before making this thread and potentially killing the project for good, but i think most people would have made the same move desu

>> No.21800729

They also have an army of bots on twitter/YouTube/reddit which are faking a community and shilling for them

>> No.21800739

Show proof of your supply fag

>> No.21800773

godspeed anon do not hold out on sell orders just market sell there is potential for this to get delisted.

>> No.21800805

he market sells you get filled on your buy walls lol cheeky twat

>> No.21800954
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here anon

>> No.21800998

after everything i just laid out for you, you think i want to buy back in? top kek

>> No.21801009

That's not even enough to push the price below 400 let alone ending the project

>> No.21801017

Be glad you can get out before this fully goes to zero, I bet most in the telegram won't even see this and will continue to buy up "cheap CNS" as the owners continue to sell off

>> No.21801042

They can literally keep shilling, get even more dumb buyers, pump the price 10x then start selling. They would have 0 reason to rush exit scamming you retarded FUD'ers

>> No.21801045
File: 39 KB, 860x513, Brainlet wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a fucking brainlet? i wanted to SELL before i posted this, so I don't bleed out in value you dumbfuck.

>> No.21801191

This is the second time they have done this, of course they know what they're doing in terms of how to sell off. All it takes is a Twitter push and some delistings and the idiots that continue to hold could be out of pocket even though they've been warned it's a scam

>> No.21801202

you reckon u can push the price back to 0.002? :p
theres always going to be demand for it no matter what u try to do

>> No.21801228

yep, just rebrand and everyone forgets, so scammy

>> No.21801255

Best buy up then if you think that's the case

>> No.21801324

everyone in the telegram needs to post thread link and leave, people need to hear about this shit.

>> No.21801388

there is literally like 650 million cnr in circulation
1 cnr is 12 cns and rising ;^)

you do the math on why this is bound stay a dead coin

>> No.21801409

Oh and I forgot to add another old chestnut.
Before the rebranding the old CEO (before Gab) died in a "car crash" hum hum hum

>> No.21801643

Anons, I have some unbelievable hot off the printing press FUD. Stay tuned...

>> No.21801649

Some more research has been had and it gets worse the more I look. There may be a fake go fund me for their previous CEO that was involved in a crash

>> No.21801686

Show proof instead of just typing pls

>> No.21801759

so googling about the UPDC days brings up this...


the UPDC ceo who 'died' in a car crash

>> No.21801859
File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, updcceo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then a link to this gofundme pops up.

look into that text...

would you believe it! his gf takes over as CEO! IT IS GETTING RIDICULOUS NOW. THIS IS A SCAM ANONS GET OUT NOW.

>> No.21801897


>> No.21801915

Wtf you can get 60k$ because you were in a traffic accident? Find me a car

>> No.21801966

Google “ Logan Schauer” go on the top go fund me link

>> No.21802040

No where in that gofundme that you just showed does it say he died in the accident which means you are lying.

What else are you lying about?

This whole thing feels like a personal vendetta. I have never seen people go so out of their way to expose a project as a scam. Usually, the move onto other things.

>> No.21802063

Ummmm you truly are a brainlet. The Centric foundation claim that Gab took over as CEO after the previous one died in a tragic car accident.

>> No.21802131

If I was to guess I’d say you’re Tracy the mod that makes the dodgy YouTube videos

>> No.21802218

Not possible to still try and defend the project after all that’s been posted as evidence

>> No.21802278

just let your bags go as I did mine, this is only going down from here and I will get Bittrex, Probit to delist this shitcoin scam once and for all.

>> No.21802520

Alright show where on their website it says that Logan Schauer was killed in a car accident. I'm not Tracy. I'm someone who holds CNS but is not convinced by this BS. This feels like an attempt to drive the price down further so you can load up your bags.

Again I have never seen someone(s) go so out of their way to protect other people's money. It feels like you have/had a personal relationship with these people and want to see them crash and burn.

I still have yet to see a single argument why what Centric is trying to do will never work.

It's just so and so is a con artist, the hot CEO can't possibly be anything but a dumb bimbo, and guilty by association because someone (probably the OP) lobbed accusations 2 years earlier on a different forum.

I just converted all my CNR to CNS and moved it over to the exchange in the event I decide to sell. The whole thing took less than 2 minutes. They've also paid me over 100K CNS in interest in the time I held CNR just like they said they would. Doesn't feel as scammy as you make it out to be.

>> No.21802561

Thanks anon, I already made over x5 on this total shitcoin and left a small bag but that does it - even if you're only like 25% right in this accusations I still can't stand holding this obvious bitconnect-alike scam any longer.

>> No.21802603

I know right he made like 3-4x on his investment in such a short period of time and going out of his way to personally attack and defame the project after that.

>> No.21802662

doing god work op we need more people like u on biz

oh and buy xiot

>> No.21802716

Ummmm, after taking profit on this and then after it basically dying I wanted to research why it was bleeding out so much. I posted a warning to sell and have unloaded all I have discovered, after seeing all this and you still decide to hold CNS then your choice but don't come crying saying no one told you.

>> No.21802721

are you aware that the CEO that died girlfriend is Gabriella Davis according to their story.

>> No.21802753

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>> No.21802776

im an oldfag who doesn't want noobs and poor people getting done over by a scam anon, is it really hard to believe that sometimes biz looks out for their own? This board has made me so much money only right i return the favour and expose this shit.

>> No.21802818

Returning the favor cause you made money?

What you're doing right now is your causing everyone to bail which is costing all of us money. So not sure how you are saving me money by convincing me to sell at a pretty big loss.

>> No.21802854

He's saying he's saving you from further potential loss.

>> No.21802920

So how do you propose I go about awaring people on this scam?

Just because I made money and you didn't is irrelevant, this is gonna go to zero just like their last coins

>> No.21802952

just fucking wait for the team to roll out news, partners and new exchanges. follow the roadmap, then reevaluate if your money is in good hands with centric or not. what the hell is the point of fudding at this time, seems dumb.

you guys realise they have a 7-10 roadmap, this oldfag think its an overnight game to make 1000% profits. this shit stabilizes over time so expect volatility early in this project.

also, this is a good way to shake out butterhands. people who are interested will hold and see what centric has to offer.

>> No.21802986

7-10 year*

>> No.21803022

He's saying they're gonna exit scam, pull the rug and just leave. BitConnect also had a roadmap kek

>> No.21803085

I don't believe him though. I have yet to see anyone actually attack the centric model.

They just say there will be too much CNS but don't seem to realize that the price of CNR is set to rise 10x in a year.

It is going to cost significantly more CNS to buy CNR next year. Right now it costs 11.8 CNS to buy a single CNR. In a year it will cost 110 CNS to buy a single CNR.

In other words it will cost much more CNS to buy less CNR in the future which resolves the issue of oversupply.

Unless I get real evidence, I'm leaving it in. I think this guy has a vendetta against these people.

>> No.21803162
File: 16 KB, 400x400, Confido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confido also had a roadmap.

>> No.21803206

it's too early to say. realistically we just need to see what centric has to respond to this, i'm still holding and will for the next 1-2 years.

i've done my research and the FUD by the phillipines government was debunked.

if you don't believe in centric then just fuck outta here and jump onboard with another project instead of defaming it and ruining other peoples investments.

>> No.21803248

Last bit of advise. Sell now or sell for less (or potentially nothing) later.

>> No.21803259

yes, I know they did. but like i said, lets see if centric follows theirs. then i will reevaluate my investment in the future

>> No.21803298

It's obviously dogshit, even without everything he's saying. It's a useless tron token.

Even the code audit remarks on the fact they falsely reference $ values. The damn auditors tried to slip in a scam warning into their audit!

Obvious scam is obvious.

>> No.21803306

What isn't there to believe? Everything I posted is proof can you seriously not deduce that?

The fact is all the old CNR holders are just people who got scammed originally in the UPDC days who will continue to dump to recoup what they lost.

This project isn't going anywhere you really think they are going to open Centric centres all over the world and become a viable crypto stable coin? Please have a word with yourself before it is too late.

>> No.21803403

Price is sliding as we speak, looks like people may have finally DYOR and seen how dodgy this looks

>> No.21803414 [DELETED] 

If you buy $5000 worth of CNS at the current price of $0.0044 you will receive 1,136,363 CNS tokens. If you convert to CNR you would receive 96,293 CNR.

Fast forward one year and for this example let's assume the price of CNS is $.10

That same person spending $5000 would receive 5000 CNS tokens. If you convert your CNS into CNR you would receive 451 CNR.

So buying $5000 worth of CNS/CNR at the current price nets you 96K CNR.

In a year at the hypothetical CNS price of $.10 you are only able to purchase 451 CNR with the same $5000.

That's 451 vs 96K. That's why early adoption is being pushed so hard because the value of the dollar is going to crash against CNR based on their centric's model.

I have a feeling that a lot of people have no idea how what I just laid out works because if you did you wouldn't have let the OP trick you into selling your tokens for next to nothing.

>> No.21803467

If you buy $5000 worth of CNS at the current price of $0.0044 you will receive 1,136,363 CNS tokens. If you convert to CNR you would receive 96,293 CNR.

Fast forward one year and for this example let's assume the price of CNS is $.10

That same person spending $5000 would receive 50000 CNS tokens. If you convert your CNS into CNR you would receive 451 CNR.

So buying $5000 worth of CNS/CNR at the current price nets you 96K CNR.

In a year at the hypothetical CNS price of $.10 you are only able to purchase 451 CNR with the same $5000.

That's 451 vs 96K. That's why early adoption is being pushed so hard because the value of the dollar is going to crash against CNR based on Centric's model.

I have a feeling that a lot of people have no idea how what I just laid out works because if you did you wouldn't have let the OP trick you into selling your tokens for next to nothing.

>> No.21803569

> $.10
yea i think ur missing a few zero's there buddy

>> No.21803577

you're just repeating the pitch that you fell for

>> No.21803579

Everyone screencap this anon when liquidity dies, gets delisted and he is stuck holding CNR that rises in value but can only sell one CNS for 0.000001. You are a fucking moron anon I have tried to warn you.

>> No.21803589

The OP was already caught in a lie. He claimed the former CEO faked his death and stole 60K via gofundme and then posted a gofundme where it clearly says he did not die.

OP then claims it says this on centric's website but still hasn't posted this evidence.

I want to know what else the OP is lying about.

>> No.21803621

Where on earth are they getting the volume to support 10 cent? If people wanted to cash out the price would crash to zero in no time, but by then I’m sure all the devs will be fully cashed out

>> No.21803627

I shit you not if it goes to the bottomless pits, i'll be stacking up. fuck ya OP

>> No.21803676

I came in sadness to help anons get out and see the truth, now I'm laughing at how fucking retarded you are

>> No.21803727

you could just ask for a donation address in the telegram and send your money to them directly, to save the extra steps

>> No.21803751

Let me break it down a little more simply for you.

I was told in telegram that old CEO died in car crash and current CEO was influential in taking over the project and driving it forward.

Now I have just found evidence that old CEO is still alive, possibly created a fake gofundme for easy money, and is the boyfriend to current CEO.

Does this really not smell a bit off to you you fucking imbecile?

>> No.21803858

So I have to believe you when you say that someone in telegram said something?

Again it doesn't say in the gofundme that he died. It says that he was in a coma and needed money for the medical bills.

>> No.21803902


Don't worry, some of us exited before taking a loss. The moment I saw that CNS/CNR wallet, it instantly gave me Bitconnect vibes, so I was able to sell when it was mooning.

>> No.21803919



>> No.21803937

Do you not find it slightly unbelievable that he would need a go fund me after the last exit scam where they made loads of money? Also the centric bonds, have you researched into that skyatlas?

>> No.21803953


>> No.21803989
File: 358 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200824-011206_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek looks like I have done my job, I did warn you over a couple hours. You should have sold anon...

>> No.21804019

You're a special kind of peice of shit.

>> No.21804033
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>> No.21804036

good job anons, you got tricked by op. he bought all your bags KEK

>> No.21804069

No ones buying these bags, it’s being exposed for what it is- a worthless scam

>> No.21804085


>> No.21804144
File: 3 KB, 289x40, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was OP buying your FUD bags

>> No.21804183

I know that nobody cares but for those who are still hodling, I just moved my 900K tokens back into CNR.

I think the OP is full of shit.

There has been an effort on twitter for the last 2 weeks by "multiple" accounts to fud this project. I have no doubt the OP is the same person.

Like I said earlier, I have never seen someone so intent on letting everyone know that something is a scam. Normal people just move on and take their money elsewhere. They don't spend weeks trying to get all of us to sell. This is a personal vendetta by the OP or the OP wants to buy in at $0.002 or lower.

I will sell when I want and not when the OP tells me.

If I am wrong and this goes to 0, then it's my fault and I have plenty more bullets to fire on the next project.

>> No.21804198

Kek at these comments saying I'm buying back in. absolutely not im going to kill this coin, get it delisted and celebrate at ending a scam

>> No.21804205

I've noticed the effort once it starts is pretty coordinated so it's either one person or like a team of fudders.

>> No.21804240

Why was you holding CNS? You must have been selling off, sorry we’ve destroyed your sell off Tracy/skyatlas

>> No.21804273

Last comment from me for the night- please don’t read these shillers comments and buy in, you’ll be helping a scam and be buying their bags that they’re selling off

>> No.21804310

This is ridiculous, you are literally telling us that you are just butthurt you bought at the top... "celebrate at ending a scam", if we lose, we lose. If we win, then great. You are honestly wasting your breath, we all understand the risks of investing.

>> No.21804316

I was holding CNS because I moved it over onto the exchange in the event that I believed the OP.

I don't believe the OP so I put everything back.

>> No.21804348

I also moved onto exchange and actually sold, but bought back and now have like %15-20 more CNS. Thanks OP

>> No.21804389

I made money on this. sold 50% at 0.01 and last 50% market sold today. I bought in at 0.0023...

>> No.21804432

why is biz such hard work can you really not see how fucking bad Centric is. Its not like I'm putting low level fud out in a cheap attempt to buy in lower. I have posted proof i have sold everything and posted my dyor on this shitcoin scam. Up to you what you do now.

>> No.21804444

You better keep buying while it’s cheap then, I can assure you that you’ll be holding onto a worthless crypto. You can’t see a crypto when the volume drops to zero and the only people holding are you and your shills