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21798048 No.21798048 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do to cope with the fact that even if you make you will never have a woman who truly loves you because your genetics and personality are shit?

>> No.21798065

Women aren’t capable of love. They are barely even human.

>> No.21798078

you dont cope

>> No.21798104

Women are nothing to me. All that matters is my quest for immeasurable wealth.

>> No.21798135

my genetics and personality are great im just a mentalcel gambling addict

>> No.21798137

Doesn't bother me, I'm not built to love. I'm just here to pump and dump cryptos, stocks, and whores.

>> No.21798139

it puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!

>> No.21798202

No point in dwelling on what never could be.

>> No.21798247

Don't care. I love myself and I love God. I don't need anything else. Now, can I interest you in a uniswap gem sir?

>> No.21798280
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>projecting this hard

>> No.21798341


>> No.21798345

am i the only chad here or some shit? jesus.

>> No.21798407

I’ve had many women “love” me. It is all a ploy for attention.
They are constantly checking their own worth like you check what the price of LINK is. This is because the woman’s prime currency is her pussy and fertility. And they want to cash out before the dump.
Then they find an underpriced uniswap gem and goes all in on that, and cashes out at the top. Women are not so different from us. The way we view tokens are the way they view men.
Don’t waste your time. The prime pleasure in sex is pleasing your ego, which does not make you happy long term

>> No.21798443

Change. Simple as, a loving relationship is one of the primary staples of a healthy happy life. There are plenty of women out there looking for the same. Honestly, these thots are like chocolate, just something primal we all want to fuck. It's fleeting though, I've fucked 10/10 girls just through confidence and afterwards you have a few days of feeling cool then emptiness. Even if you were banging Belle Delphine after a year or two you might have to look at porn or imagine anther girl just to fuck her, I know it's crazy but we as men are wired to desire different partners to spread our seeds to as many girls as possible. The trouble is it's a hollow pursuit in terms of long term happiness. Find a chick who is smart, and you can have a good time with. Looks are not as amazing as people think one of my exs was a 6/10 and we had a good 4 years.

>> No.21798469

by posting threads like these on /biz/

>> No.21798544
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>> No.21798610

Women are like cars. Most of them are used, they cost a lot and break down often. You're better off leasing.

>> No.21798623


OP is a r9k faggot

>> No.21798639

Women truly only love their spawn. It's literally built into them.

>> No.21798650

im gay for traps anyways

>> No.21798757

Weren't there a few threads a while back from some anon who claimed to run a breastaurant? I can't remember if he claimed to do coke or not. Seemed like a dream in your 20s and a nightmare if you're still doing it in your 40s.

>> No.21798844
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>> No.21798920

I find the women in that video repulsive. They seem like soulless cogs that come off of an assembly line

>> No.21798938

I got a hot gf that admires me, with that loser attitude you are doomed to stay alone and miserable

>> No.21798944

>Women are FOMO retards chasing uniswap scams
>Men are based HODLers that succeed long term
A based analogy.

>> No.21799033

omg im so sad women wont love :(
lol i dont care bro

>> No.21799119

I already have and had women love me and I'm a drug addict loser who didn't finish high school. It's the last thing I'm worried about. And honestly if I ever get rich I'll make sure no bitch will be in a position to use me for money - they aren't important to me, sex isn't important to me, getting validated by 45 IQ whores isn't important to me.

>> No.21799247

>your genetics and personality are shit?
mine aren't shit it's just im a turbo introvert and the modern women are so extremely slutty i don't give a fuck about them anymore all i want is to become insanely rich off crypto

>> No.21799406

Oy vey!


So what is your technique?

No, you're the only delusional Chad wannabe

>> No.21799691

Not above themselves. They'll often sacrifice their young to spawn another day.

>> No.21799748

i have no money but i'm attractive, tall, and can deadlift 500lbs so my genetics are fine

>> No.21799793

If you're on 4chan something is wrong with you

>> No.21799851

If women don't regularily come up to you and say that you're handsome/ask for your number, you're not attractive. People who call themselves a """"mentalcel""" are below average at best

>> No.21799873

not necessarily on the outside.

>> No.21799882

If someone wanted a definition of "coping" and evidence of sad miserable 4channers, look no further than this thread

>> No.21799895

>i have no money but i'm attractive, tall, and can deadlift 500lbs so my genetics are fine

I'm trying to imagine having not made it with that stat sheet

>> No.21799902

yes, but not physically

>> No.21799941

What would I do? I mean I have a job and I'm studying law but i don't really know what else I can do to "make it" at my age (22)

>> No.21799972

sounds like cope, then again they can't do that if you never leave your house.

>> No.21800529

>trust me bro I'm attractive!
nope. again, if women don't regularly compliment you then you're not

>> No.21800572

I already do because my genetics are good. I feel bad for all the anons who are nerds, autists, and weirdos. I like you guys and want you to be successful. I really think you can make huge progress on yourself by getting a personal trainer for a while to get momentum in building a better physique, and stop reading the news, pol, and entertainment. Once you divorce yourself spiritually from the world, you will be much happier - like a burden has been lifted from you. Be a bright soul, commune with nature, wear nice clothes that fit you, and lift weights. Anyone can do these things. I believe in you, frens.

>> No.21800624

Ah ok. You're younger than me (late 20s)

>> No.21800659

if only you walked a day in my shoes lol

>> No.21800732

this isnt r9k. or pol.

we fuck bitches here nigga


>> No.21800751

Does this man seriously have a harem? Being mormon must be nice :^(

>> No.21800920

thats a restaurant retard

>> No.21800992

based and Blackpilled, women dont find most men attractive thats why they never compliment men on their looks. unless youre undeniably handsome youll go all your life getting a handful of compliments and most of them will be from friends and family. The truth is if you were attractive(top 20%) you never had to try.

>> No.21801044

I do not give a shit what a woman thinks, i’ll Simply get a young virgin and mould her to how I see fit.

>> No.21801108

O well, guess I gotta bang different whores from all over the world instead

>> No.21801118

It just means he isn’t a normie. The most chad people are not normies anyways. Chad actually isn’t a normie, brad is.

>> No.21801259

I've had 3 women cry after leaving them, the key is to leave before the love and excitement wears off.

Long-term "love" isn't real.

>> No.21801274

Because my personality isnt too shit and my gf is obsessed with me and wants to be a trad housewife. Fuck off losers.

>> No.21801544

probably ugly gf

>> No.21802007


Mentally I’m a shitskin tier Human

>> No.21802092

>sex is pleasing your ego, which does not make you happy long term

>> No.21802358

are they supposed to be hot or something?

>> No.21802548

I dont think I guy who has prob never even touched a girl know or can even say if a girl is ugly or not. Stay mad incel.

>> No.21802630

my mans

>> No.21803096


Speak for yourself, I'm a solid 8/10, have good genes in almost every respect of health, was completely shredded before the lockdown and now am only moderately shredded, scored 140+ IQ on WAIS II when I was 16, and cultivate lots of personal interests that have made me a pretty well-rounded person. Also I went to a top art school learning to pursue whatever course of thought that interests me and have fucked dozens of 10/10 art thots

and I bought LINK at 27c within 10 minutes of first learning about it, and now am sitting on a small fortune

>> No.21803133

Can't change your genetics, but personality is on you anon.

>> No.21803176

Ah yes, the Ted Kaczynski type. I've read about your kind.

>> No.21803504

>have a woman who truly loves you because your genetics and personality are shit
If someone loves you just for somenthing you give her/him in exange than it's not true love

Problem solved

>> No.21803544

>The prime pleasure in sex is pleasing your ego
but it's pleausure

>> No.21803651

>If someone loves you just for somenthing you give her/him in exange than it's not true love
Interesting cope mechanism

>> No.21803846

first of all stop projecting like an incel fucking faggot.
2nd of all, ive fucked more than 100 women, had more than 60gf's and 2 exwives.
it took me almost 2 decades of fucking women to finally realize that i was actually happier being single and just making money.

>only a complete fool would ever sign a marriage contract with a woman.

>> No.21803917

>Interesting cope mechanism
Intesting how simple logic is a strange thing for you