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21797595 No.21797595 [Reply] [Original]

is anyone else going to swing the rebase? I am.

>> No.21797727


At 5:55PM I'll be dumping everything.

>> No.21797835

If you’re gonna go around posting your etherscan address, put your money where your mouth is and send a small amount of tokens and announce it. I’ll be watching

>> No.21797852

Ahah youre gonna fake me out and buy! hahaha what a game we play

>> No.21797882


>> No.21797889

post wallet


>> No.21797893

oooooh, I'm on the edge of my seat. I hope I don't fall asleep and miss it. so thrilling, you can cut the excitement with a rusty cheeto.

>> No.21797955

based, i'll get some ETH ready

>> No.21798007


>> No.21798090

pussy boy

>> No.21798243

it's pussi boi to you. Maybe you show me yours and I'll show you mine?

>> No.21798346

hell no, holding all of my flow until $10 at least

>> No.21798360


now lemme see the wage stack ur gonna swing

>> No.21798512

I never said I was a whale. I dont have a wage stack either. And Im still not showing you my address. I have many things in it and I dont know what kind of shit a random anon here can do so Im gonna leave it. Ill tell you what... Ill be dumping around 7 eth somewhere around 530. Nothing too crazy. Im just seeing who else is on board.

>> No.21798543

im not even gonna bother looking at yours as it may influence my plan. Im sticking to it i dont care how poor your think i am

>> No.21798568

good luck swingy

>> No.21798675

>I have many things in it and I dont know what kind of shit a random anon here can do
Conformed larp, if you don’t even understand the basics of crypto why pretend like you’re some ETH stack holding flow faggot?

>> No.21798698

thanks, you as well mr hodler.

>> No.21798769

I believe it is you who doesnt understand. There are things in my wallet that you could easily trace a particular name to. It would be easy. And like i said.. i dont care how poor you think i am or what you think im doing. Good luck.

>> No.21798786

so not only are u a total backtracking pussy, but you are also a fucking leaking retard

why the fuck would u make a post about swinging 7 ETH LOL. here's a tip, if ur gonna swing do it after u get the 1% u dumb fuck,

and that goes for u too. see through larp, why would a top 1 holder dump before the rebase when he would get a $1500 surge at 6PM. do better

>> No.21798789

Ok boomer

>> No.21799111

Do it after the 1% while watch the price dump 8/10%.. great strategy bro!! Teach me more!! You have not one red donkey fucking clue what my stack looks like. Keep on with your tirades though Im enjoying this.

>> No.21799164
File: 58 KB, 570x537, 1598160836184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun. but next time keep ur little trades in the order books and not on this board. peace

>> No.21799206


If you go back and look, the word "maybe" was clearly stated. You didn't have to share yours and I still haven't even looked because I truly don't care. But Im sure many others have had a good long look by now. Maybe dont be so proud.

>> No.21799231

ill post whatever the fuck I damn well please whenever the fuck I want. In fact Im going to make another thread rn, come join in

>> No.21799398

so i sold at .98. Hows that 1% treating you bro? I know Im stupid and poor AHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAHAHAHAAAHAHAH GOTCHA BITCH SAY SORRY

>> No.21799451


>> No.21799627

Whales have been dumping all day, we’ve been eating their stacks for breakfast. When they disappear all of this big sell pressure is suddenly gone and the price is suddenly at 1.50 again. Cap this

>> No.21799773

I thought about dumping at 2.4 but thought it could get to $3 kek
Ended up getting out relatively unscathed, shitcoin with no inherent value, get out while you can

>> No.21800138

I dont doubt you anon. The only trading pair is Flow/ETH on uni and look at it. When it hits a couple more i think we're in for a nice ride!

>> No.21800196

time to roll down for now boys. .74 lets go!!

>> No.21800298


>> No.21800312

hey youre right thanks