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21795533 No.21795533 [Reply] [Original]

After Adelyn failed the spelling bee she was disowned by her family for committing a grave Chinese sin. Her father told her that he no longer had a daughter and the entire family turned their back on her. Distraught with nowhere to turn she headed back to campus her place of shame. It began raining then, silver streaks that hid her tears as she struggled to stay warm.
Sergey found her there at the library clutching a wet dictionary just trying to keep warm while memorizing the words. Sergey spoke to her in soft words that warmed her heart. Although Adelyn didn't know Sergey very well. He didn't look like a scammer; he just looked like a thin nerd that meant no harm.
Sergey saved her that day and brought her to a place where spelling doesn't matter. A place where people do as they please without worrying about knowing anything about the problems of the world.
And that place, frens, is ChainlInk, a new land of opportunity where problems that really don't exist are being solved. Adelyn says Sergey is a modern day Wittgenstein and orcales are his problem. Adelyn is not sure what an oracle is or why it's needed or even if it's needed but she still keeps that same dictionary on her bookshelf to remind her of that faithful first encounter with Sergey. The dictionary is faded and torn and really isn't much help but it still brings her warmth and that's what's most important.

>> No.21795593

>those dubs >that post
We are fucking BACK and we really never left

>> No.21795600
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>thin nerd

this story doesn't add up bro

>> No.21795671
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>> No.21795918
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Still Adelyn couldn't figure one thing out. Why did people bought 32 million worth of tokens for a product that wasn't made and wasn't aknowledged by enterprises. Why would Sergey waste his time solving a problem that wasn't really a problem?

During a fun gathering in the office where Sergey was in a good mood Adelyn asked

>Sirgay why token? why neety?

Sergey smiled and stroked his hand through his beard. Well I'm gonna let you into a little secret!

Our token doesn't solve the oracle problem, but it solves my financial problems!

You know for a long time I asked my self how I could become rich by scamming people and get away with it. Well it was quite easy!! Just register your company in the Cayman Islands , create tokens out of thin air, sell them for 32 million, pretend it's some hot shot tech solution on anonymous fora, develop some sort of product that is barely usable, keep a failed eco system alive with some of said token and hype it to a 5 billion market. Meanwhile sell those tokens to "investors" euuhmmm people who might use our product.

>ok Sirgay very nice I can smartcon go?

Yes you can Adelyn, yes you can