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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 162 KB, 1280x720, PRQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21794284 No.21794284 [Reply] [Original]

$1 waiting room.

>> No.21794400

1c waiting room more like.

>> No.21794562

I have about 1300 in unrealized gains with PRQ. It hit another ATH today, i think. Should I take the profit now, or is this actually going to take off?

>> No.21794583

FPBP, don't fall for the retard OP scammer.

>> No.21794615

I'm making bank too, it's a good project, good team and only just listed for trading. I'll be holding for a while.

>> No.21794641

Not saying it won't make $1 but a bit premature atm.

>> No.21794862

ignore the devs dumping above .08 for the last 3 days

>> No.21794930

It's ok when Sergey does it.

>> No.21795014

Nah dont dump on us friend, we need to hold and get past the 7c barrier.

>> No.21795180

Link has a usecase beyond 'muh discount on services and totally not a token burn' - the CEO of coinshitro literally was their advisor for tokenomics, you retard

>> No.21795197

russian scam

>> No.21795210

also self bumps don't work and not using a vpn 'accidentally' is retarded

>> No.21795227

sell all now or you'll be left bagholding at $0

>> No.21795312
File: 67 KB, 498x335, 523523532352235523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fudding, I will never sell my parsies

>> No.21795338

Butthurt with your coom and orbi?

>> No.21795363

you honestly should sell. buy back at .04 if you want to, but this token is normie bait

>> No.21795395

This token is not needed at all, can't wait for the pink wojaks when people realize this and dump their bags.

>> No.21795462
File: 614 KB, 700x640, 1598209774513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1€ soon

Coinmetroid reporting in.

You guys are gonna make it

PRQ/XCM chadfolio

Kevin also told us, that we are gonna make it, see link:


>> No.21795535
File: 30 KB, 1034x246, 1597978856936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're not too late anon.

>> No.21795554

nice to see it get shared already
were all gonna make it

>> No.21795557

This is version 1.0 Major announcements coming in September. Daft to miss the boost from that at least.

>> No.21795679

>hey guys, i just dumped a bunch of my hard earned money into your years old fledgling company. what are you up to?
>>yes. very good idea sir. lots of uh GOOD THINGS coming. yes very soon sir. next month.

>> No.21795697

Alright i want some input on my plan
>buy xcm since its low
>one it goes up a little sell
>buy prq once it its low
any thoughts

>> No.21795747

I've already made 10x on orbi how much you make with parseq? oh right not even 2x because a whale with infinite supply keeps dumping KEK

>> No.21795777

get in their telegram and you'll see its all pajeets literally shilling their bags here and elsewhere

on the other hand the smart people are talking about the dumping whale with infinite supply FUCKING KEK

>> No.21795955
File: 586 KB, 1095x944, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, they look like indian scammers, you're right

>>that level of FUD


>> No.21795984

It's hitting 0.2 within 3 weeks, whether you retards like it or not.

>> No.21795994

>all white and no women

>the smart people are talking about

>> No.21796031

I've been throught the team on linkdn. They are top end and not a woman in sight, nor a pajeet. I suspect you are a pajeet woman who feels left out.

>> No.21796106

I bought a speculative bag and immediately regretted it

even if the product had an actual use case (it doesn’t), the token is literally not needed. the tax implications of paying for the Parsiq workflow service with a security that fluctuates in value (PRQ) kills the incentive to use the token for that purpose.


>> No.21796173

>even if the product had an actual use case (it doesn’t)
first time i can actually say..
Stopped reading there

>> No.21796180

Works until it doesn't.

>> No.21796193

what vpns actually let you post on 4chan?
do the SENT coin ones work?

>> No.21796195

Weak FUD

>> No.21796275

>prq spikes 300% in less then a few days
>while you were on XCM..that's still crabbing

rip plan

>> No.21796298

There's a coordinated telegram tranny attack on PRQ because of the all white male team

>> No.21796431

Well, at least it will be over soon when they inevitably suicide.

>> No.21796603 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 480x689, prqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont buy PRQ on uniswap, buy on CoinMetros exchange instead. Much cheaper prices on PRQ pairs and smaller fees!

They also have PRQ promo: free 5€ worth of PRQ for new users!!


>> No.21796712

fake scam

>> No.21796723

HOW does this scam message keep getting posted and why did they pick prq

>> No.21796726

There's no 's' in CoinMetro. Has this actually worked on anyone you dumb faggot?

>> No.21796757

Fuck off ranjeesh.

>> No.21796807

the exact scam link has been posted dozens of times how the fuck is it not banned

>> No.21797343
File: 29 KB, 774x358, Screenshot_2020-08-23 0 066328 PRQEUR Exchange CoinMetro com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just posted a 1.1m sell order at 0.48
5c will be a big battle.

>> No.21797400

Doh. 50c

>> No.21797696


>> No.21798223

i'ts the whale with the infinite supply tg keeps talking about while the parseq team says nothing. probably th whale is on the team. maybe dev

I would have probably bought a bag otherwise because of this but that whale is being too obvious in his scamming. should have just waited until it got listed on binance or something

>> No.21798370

A whale with a sell order at .50? I will be very happy if we get there and I'm sure by then all dips will be bought.

>> No.21798759

I will get in AFTER this crash

>> No.21798912


>> No.21799133

I think sent works ive seen some ppl posting claiming they were using it.

>> No.21799214

why only FUD prq with phishing links?

>> No.21799326

on nordvpn im banned 100% of the time

>> No.21799353

Gonna remind people that the ICO was at a measly .025 and they couldn't even sell 75% of their tokens. Why? Because they offer the same scamonomics XCM does, a minimal token lock & rebates on service, which ultimately does nothing to drive price unless (paid) adoption is enormous. I'll also go ahead and talk about the whale (likely a dev) that can and has been dumping millions of them at a 0.08 ceiling. If they had great token plans, why would they dump their token so early? Really makes me think.

>> No.21799379

Sorry, couldn't sell more than 25% of their tokens, 75% went unsold. I repeat, 75% of their tokens couldn't even be given away at .025.

>> No.21799395

it is incredibly bullish that youre making this post even though the historical record of the token does not support your claims

>> No.21799479
File: 309 KB, 2276x1094, Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 5.36.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My maths weren't perfect but here you go. Literally 250m were up for sale and people didn't want to touch 150m of them at .025. A private sale (likely the whale) bought the majority at .0175. Check it yourself, faggot: https://parsiq.net/token

Hope you get dunked on for days.

>> No.21799573

PS. Their 5 year retention wallet is because the devs dgaf about the tokens, it's a cash business, dumbass.

>> No.21799685

>Sell tokens at a fixed price, don't sell all of them
>It's a scam!
Are you new to crypto?

Wait for Epoch 2.0 then and FOMO in

>> No.21799705

wasnt this before there was a product and now they do have a working product?

>> No.21799753

They had a working product at the beginning of a year and likely a beta at ICO.

>> No.21799786

a* the

>> No.21799817

Check Estonia law regarding cryptocurrencies. Anything juicy you think they will do, they wont. Why? Because of the fucking laws there. Same reason XCM has shit tokenomics- guess who advised them on their legal opportunity? One guess, starts with a K.

>> No.21799926

Ok we get it, you dont like the coin, dont buy it then. In 2 years you'll be like those bitter angry linklets who make angry posts all day about link because they didnt get in

>> No.21799962

you mean this guy?

>> No.21800022


>> No.21800209

genuine thank you i actually fucking hate this guy and will now cash in my prq

>> No.21800335

np anon, I feel the same

>> No.21800426

Not again
This isn't a pump and dump coin. I hate it when legit projects make it to /biz/

>> No.21800490

Noooo its a scam didn't you hear the other guys

>> No.21800679

even the shills can't refute the private sale whale cause he's being too obvious

no one straight up continually dumps 1% of the supply in a legit project. especially with low liquidity fucking kek

>> No.21800853

It's not what you think, brainlet. It's the total amount of PRQ in the sell order book with average price of 0.48.