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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 225x225, bZx-logo-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21791309 No.21791309 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like we're mooning again! Did you buy your bags in time?

>> No.21791345

I've been in for weeks, made a thread yesterday: >>21755200

I still think there's plenty of up room, but we may be about to exit accumulation phase.

>> No.21791431

Also, I mentioned in that thread yesterday that BZRX will moon in the same way AAVE did.

That is to say, almost all threads about it on biz will go ignored because the gains will only be 20% per day. When shit moons like that over weeks/months, it always goes unnoticed which is why the charts almost always have a lack of fomo in them (good for us as it'll be easier to spot the top a few weeks from now)

>> No.21791478

Few weeks from now? You aren't holding for passive income?

>> No.21791509

I’m unironically holding for pumps and passive income

>> No.21791593

Locked and loaded.

>> No.21791596

Is this a better hold than Akro? I'm 50:50 between these two atm...

>> No.21791616

My current plan is to sell, but I'll be following closely the staking rewards to see if they are worth while.

If I had millions I would hold, but at the moment I'm only in the hundreds of thousands so I'd rather try grow that capital via other low caps than keep it locked up for a cash flow which may last 10 years tops.

>> No.21791656

It was either all in on this or XOR. Hoping I made the right choice

>> No.21791775

Vast majority of the newly released low caps nowadays are rugpulls/scams, this has a fair chance to pull off an aave run

>> No.21791823

I only have 40k bzrx.
Will I make it?

I could sell all my sbree and stake to get to around 90k, but I'm not sure if that's a good move rn.

>> No.21791845

I feel you, I just see this being something to comfortably hold through like December than dumping in September. It seems like staking at launch while this likely starts to snowball is the way to go, at least until they start releasing more tokens. But who knows

>> No.21791894
File: 62 KB, 505x632, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think $1 is certain around launch, but probably worth holding on for staking income

Also I think Binance listing is likely (they're hot on defi right now)

>> No.21791921

keep both

>> No.21792141

Why would I buy this useless clone when I can all in LOKI and stake for millions soon.

>> No.21792309

You can still make money on those if you sell quickly

>> No.21792615

You sure can, but that's what everyone thinks, and you run the risk of failed transactions when gas prices are so high

>> No.21792722

Literally dumping right now

>> No.21792750

No, I only got 300

>> No.21792950

this and xdai stake will be the only legitimate shit thats been shilled on /biz past few months.

>> No.21793036

It's about to double top at it's ATH. Time for the moon. So comfy

>> No.21793120

Very true. It's a big risk, I personally like to try and sell well before the top to avoid that. But we've all been burned before.

>> No.21793247

do bzrx transactions all happen on layer 1 or do they have some sort of rollup or layer 2 solution?

>> No.21793328

all layer 1 for now. relaunch will include gas optimizations and chi token support, so that's useful these days

>> No.21793373

Someone redpill me on BZRX, I'm back after being 2 years out of crypto

I'm probably gonna get fucked again but whatever

>> No.21793454

if u can read english theres many sources

>> No.21793514

Think of BZRX as a key variable in the function that solves the /make it/ problem

>> No.21793618

I have been DCAA selling my LINK for BZRX the last couple weeks. I wish I would have just went all in when LINK hit $20. I only hold 10k BZRX at the moment and still have 200 LINK that I plan to sell for it

>> No.21793962

platform relaunching soon - by the end of august. if you check the archives there are some juicy threads anon. good luck to you.

>> No.21794149

how much to make it?

>> No.21794331

50k make it bag
10k suicide bag

>> No.21794546

50k make it?
what's your time horizon anon. i'm bullish but that's a bit optimistic, what are your targets?

>> No.21794643

what's "making it" to you guys anyway?

>> No.21794655

I don't think this will beat comp or lend but I think it can find a nice little home in defi if they can just just provide on the product I'm happy sitting on this till a 150/200 market cap

>> No.21794692

Check out the staking calculator on their website at 50K BZRX

>> No.21795271

It's completely subjective, which is a good point. I'd say in general $500k-1m might be considered making it to most, but again it depends entirely on your situation, cost of living, etc.

>> No.21795547

FUCK. you faggots told me that AAVE V2 would win. When should I start buying bzx?

>> No.21795605

Making it is when you have enough money you can put a decent sum in bonds or safe stocks that will grow your wealth over time. If you can get 500k, you can easily make it if you do safe investments through boomer stocks. Anyone that has decent wealth and does futures or other risky shit does it for thrill, not money.

>> No.21796020

What sort of daily volume can we reasonably anticipate? Trying to use this staking calculator

>> No.21796059


>> No.21796274

these daily estimates seem EXTREMELY optimistic for a service that is going to be interacting on layer 1 and paying insane gas fees

>> No.21796451

they're not if you know who they're integrating with at the end of the month :^)

>> No.21796484

I thought the calculator took those fees into consideration.

>> No.21796512

for what reason would anyone bother integrating with them?

>> No.21796564

>he doesn’t know

>> No.21796713

team hinted on this

>> No.21796716

please tell me i want to make it

>> No.21796765

what happened to HUMANS posting on these boards instead of what might be bots

>> No.21796766
File: 168 KB, 1260x1422, 1596594790239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the company that invented margin trading on defi
>defi, the crypto paradigm that crypto behemoths like binance are scrambling to get in on
>for what reason would anyone bother integrating with them?

>> No.21796788

there's no point speculating the why when it's already been confirmed. Top 3 defi integration on launch. AAVE is a competitor that stole their ideas, its either COMP or Synth but I think Synth is much more likely

>> No.21796821
File: 3 KB, 125x114, 1367565680445s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard detected

>> No.21796856

is this the team youre talking about

>> No.21796932

Are you a bot? No idea what the fuck that is, nor did I even use the word team in my post

>> No.21796989

has it been? i thought it wasn't but the options were Compound, Synth, Kyber or Coinbase?

>> No.21797184

oh sorry it was the other guy that replied to me at the same time that said "team hinted on this"

>> No.21797258

>can't even break 60c

>> No.21797651

>up 5x from 12c
>not mooning
okay faggot

>> No.21797988
File: 40 KB, 800x450, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that there are people who bought at over $1 after the uniswap listing.

>> No.21798468

This is the real deal. See you at $3

>> No.21798604
File: 72 KB, 210x374, IMG_0198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No brainer buy, own the farm.

>> No.21798909

Is it too late to get in at 60c

>> No.21799172

Nah it’s still only 60 million market cap you’re probably not gonna 10x but you can double your money easy

>> No.21799374

Sad to see all these idiots on this board not holding some BZRX. Their loss