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21781231 No.21781231[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've had sex with Japanese women, ask me anything.

>> No.21781244

How was her dick?

>> No.21781334

Did they have that weird Asian smell to them?

>> No.21781490

Does it smell and taste like sushi down below

>> No.21781499

Was their vagoo horizontal?

>> No.21781508


>> No.21781516

Do the have little worms crawling out their ass from all that raw fish they eat?

>> No.21781529


>> No.21781543
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I've never really been around asians, do they have a distinct scent like niggers do?

>> No.21781564

Do they try and act "hot" or "cute"?
Do they do that cute squealing shit and pretend not to like it or succumb?
Did she have pubic hair?
Did she have any funny fetishes?
Did she speak in Japanese as you fucked her?
What does it feel like?

>> No.21781753

I can answer for Koreans and yes, it's faint but pervasive and annoying. It wears the soul down but eventually you come to accept and even like it a bit.

>> No.21781807

why would you have sex with anything else

>> No.21781808

Yes, their homes reek of it too. A bit like how Indians reek of cumin and BO. Yellow fever faggots are disgusting

>> No.21781823

you realize to everybody else whites have a stink

>> No.21781858

>Ask me anything
>Doesn't respond


>> No.21781879

japanese girls are fucking boring because their behavior is extremely predictable and fake/superficial. it's like they have a default response/facial expression for every situation and they never deviate.... kinda like NPCs

i think it has to do with their culture of saving face and what not. but boring af as a westerner

>> No.21781926

Asians in general are most likely to be normies. Its hilarious how incels worship them

>> No.21781948

>ask me anything
>1 post by this ID

>> No.21781998

During intercourse do they moan at frequencies on the edge of human hearing, a bit like Ryoji Ikeda's data.minimax?

>> No.21782000
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>> No.21782018


I've heard something about white people smelling of dairy.

>> No.21782032


>> No.21782058

I've heard we smell of wet dog.

>> No.21782061


>> No.21782103
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no pp.
some do but only when they don't use soap or conditioner etc.
No, if this were the case she probs has std.
was normal one like white women.
because i like japanese women.
No, if they did you should probably go to a doctor straight away because you're going to be sick.
I put my pp in her vago.
Chinese do, Japan na, Koreans were fine.
yes depends on girl tho
Younger shave or laser depends on person
funny hmm she likes the smell of my socks
yes she spoke japanese and english
feels gud
not question
chinese homes smell like a shit in a chiicken egg that was recently mailed to a smelting factory.
I smell gud tho
ceo is calling was busy.
maybe in your japanese anime >>>/a/
Some yes, depends on person.
No >>>/a/
>heard something about white
This person needs to have a shower and stop bathing in diary products
that person needs to go to mental hospital

>> No.21782131

chinese and hong kongers do have a distinct personality, not sure about koreans, but japanese definitely don't.

that being said, they are definitely superior in terms of aging and overall looks. western girls hit the wall at 25yo while most asian girls still look fine in their 40s

>> No.21782152

dog, dairy, coldcuts etc

>> No.21782178


>> No.21782189

This just made me think and realize that the Japanese's affinity for raw fish is why they are the smartest and most orderly Asians. In fact, it's known that fish is very beneficial for the brain.

>> No.21782232

Have you told her to pray to Sergey every day?

>> No.21782246

Is it true Japanese woman love western men?

>> No.21782505
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sounds like a poor person
not my lambo but I am putting uzaki chan on it when I feel like buying one.
they eat clean food, high standard of living, are generally not dumb, good society low crime ( minus tokyo )
I convinced her to buy linkies
generally ye