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21761065 No.21761065 [Reply] [Original]


A narrative has been created, that the elites don't want you to own chainlink, that it was meant only for them, this is false. the attached documentary explains how contractors use tech to study and understand online groups, and then influence their behavior. /biz/ and 4chan more broadly is one of those groups. /pol/ can be shilled and demoralized and made so confused any value it provided to right wing thinkers is extinguished. but what about /biz/, they are well aware of the emerging crypto space? You know, the one that the WEF, Oracle, Deloitte, and Cisco all predict will capture 10% of GDP by 2027 (Gee any of those names associated with link?).

As most of you know, they like to control both sides. and so to disarm you, many of you will get exactly what you want, a few millions bucks so you can quit your wage cage (hell most jobs are going away, so why not provide a lifeline for 3000 idiots). And what a way to disarm you, they've got you dreaming about mansions and lambos, people thinking about these things aren't a threat. They will succeed in neutralizing you as you act like n*ggers on welfare day.

You didn't think you were some detective by noticing Smartcontract.com being mentioned in the 4th Industrial Revolution book, did you? Laughing out loud! it was put there specifically for you to find.

Yes you'll make some money, but at the end of the day that money makes you LESS of a threat to them. What the hell are you going to do with $15M, fund some limp-wristed republican running for a house seat? Laughing out Loud! You've got a big 150K stack, well they've got 150M stack. New financial elite? More like financially irrelevant!

You'll do what most humans do, spend it making you life materially better. As you should, because the life of the no-linkers certainly isn't going to be getting better. Enjoy it, but many of you will waste it or get it taken in divorce. Oh well, at least you were given a shot.

>> No.21761151

>hurr durr if I keep inserting "Laughing out loud!" into my shitty FUD post I seem like the Rothschild larper from 5 years ago

rolling on the floor laughing my ass off!

>> No.21761170

Q farted and it sounded like link. Strong buy signals.

>> No.21761173

Okay mr Rothschild,

What else am I going to spend my millions on???
I can use my multi millionaire status to network with other millionaires to raise enough money to feed the world, and tell them how bad the kikes are

>> No.21761201

Name one (1) use case for Chainlink coins.

>> No.21761255

>starts with a shitlink
>wall of boomer/x/ drivel
shoo shoo shizo shill

>> No.21761259

this is some of the weirdest fucking fud I've ever seen..

>> No.21761286

Pee pee
Poo poo

>> No.21761305

I’m here to make money, I don’t give a flying fuck about that other shit.

>> No.21761356

>You're all going to be rich

FUD! FUD! FUD! mmmmrrmrhhhfrrr. notice I never said "we" I said "they". I'm just telling you how it is.

>> No.21761425

they are truly master schemers
making a few neets millionaires just so they aren’t a thread to them

>> No.21761482

Nobody on this board wants to overthrow the world order OP; we're in this for generational wealth. I'm sorry that /pol/ is too stupid to have a real conversation about politics with, but we just don't give a fuck unless it has something to do with the market. I'd like to start a nice charity for my wife to run, that's about as involved in world affairs as I'm going to be

Also, $1000eoy

>> No.21762085

we will create a network of free white men who insulate their collective wealth and bargaining power from the rest of the world through the use of meme indoctrination and superior lifestyles that collapse the psychologically coercive dialectic of the outside world and attract people who who do not want to control or be controlled.
it is not about overt displays of wealth or political action as OP the (((infiltrator))) suggests, but instead a doubling down on the fierce schizoid desire to be free that drew us all to obsess about Link in the first place
some of us have indeed played incorrectly and provided kyc information to bad people who will use it to attack us, but that is just the cost of the dream
pee pee poo poo

>> No.21762218

I like how 42 was BTFO by the chainlink team on telegram.
It was almost sad. Hahahahah

>> No.21762299

Welcome to/biz/. It was just like that when the oracle insiders revealed Fernando's fuck ups, even tho it proved all to be true soon enough.

>> No.21762688
File: 950 KB, 2047x2048, EfWL8-DWkAAbTWj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened?

>> No.21762799

Banned and got his posts deleted for nazi speech.

>> No.21762814

>double dubs
>actual pic of kek
Yeah. I'm thinking we're gonna make it

>> No.21762885

Haha this, except that larper was actually convincing

>> No.21762954

Got screenies?

>> No.21763297
File: 1.04 MB, 1439x1802, Screenshot_20190323155336_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously guys do they ever come here?

>> No.21763361

>You didn't think you were some detective by noticing Smartcontract.com being mentioned in the 4th Industrial Revolution book, did you?

What book is that?
tell me more things/ you seem to know stuff

>> No.21763376

stay on pol you attention-whoring schizo

>> No.21763997
File: 47 KB, 306x576, 2B2A39E200000578-3187624-image-a-21_1438920770976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will buy and run an orphanage that will raise children to be real killers, and send them to execute (((the elite))).
But thanks for the money.

>> No.21764157
File: 34 KB, 750x744, 1597693375852 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm laughing out loud right now
its monkey season $1000 eom

>> No.21764200
File: 330 KB, 499x499, 1536407548109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't bother reading. Just tell me this. Are you bullish or bearish on LINK? Doesn't really matter since I won't be selling, but a nice dopamine hit won't hurt.

>> No.21764218

Who gives a shit I just want to be able to raise my kids well and give my family a good life.

>> No.21764241


O.g. linkers barely come here now because of what's going on. Mocrocliques for strats that are working well. Same thing with upper echelons. Coming here is like rolling in pigshit once you realize it's the blind leading the blind. Every level up that you ascend further separates you from the type of thinking that kept you in the previous domain

>laughing out loud
He has at least read the old threads, if not more.

>> No.21764303
File: 129 KB, 1000x432, smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peepeepoopoo up up up

pic related is me

>> No.21764522

>Yes you'll make some money
Stopped reading there. Have fun fighting the globalists though. I'd rather chill on my private island.

>> No.21764661

>taken in divorce
Dumb MRA poster who couldnt find a good woman if she shot him in the head

>> No.21764774
File: 20 KB, 378x423, 1557086911089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why fight the globalists when I can just join them and make myself and my family wealthy? Fuck the rest of you, the newfags that have came here are babbling fucking retards that had 3 years to buy but out of what I can only imagine was some cosmic levels of stupidity they knew about LINK and waited until it already did a 100X to buy in.

And they're the smart ones. That's not even touching the subject of niggers, soiboys, trannies, gays, spics, mudslimes, etc etc. Oh no, a few million dollars in the form of partial ownership in the entire world's GDP going forward is all I get? Damn, sure sucks to be me

>> No.21764837

Id be thrilled to make 15mil and be “irrelevant” to the elites. Laughing out loud!

>> No.21764896

never selling you psychotic, irrationally-minded faggot

>> No.21764923


>> No.21764951

>blind leading the blind.
Lol so true. Also pajeet scammers at every turn

>> No.21764987

>that crazy conspiracy theory is actually false
>now let me explain to you my very own crazy conspiracy theory

>> No.21765015

Did you take your schizo pills?

>> No.21765027

>What the hell are you going to do with $15M
this is the type of fud we get now. think about it.

>> No.21765069

I agree with you if you look in the archives you can see the first threads of link was actually all spoonfeeding. Way before assblaster and drunk anon

Read the threads in Sergey voice and you will be amazed. The early days was actually spoonfeeding from Sergey himself.

>> No.21765144
File: 1.37 MB, 750x959, 1572818126741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making it is FUD now

>> No.21765228

>The kikes want you to get rich, so you wouldn't be a threat

>> No.21765247
File: 357 KB, 1037x400, 4DF4CDBD-4F3C-4355-BDF1-2AA111DE87B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21765380

imagine taking the time to actually write that out

>> No.21765403

>>21765144 Checked and lolled
What will the next evolution of FUD be?
>Chainlink will give you lambos with hyperdrives to travel the galaxy
>Angels will give you blowjobs when you have Link
>You will get a wife, kids and wheatfields
>You will find enlightenment and usher in the new Golden Age
I should make sure to sell all my Link right now to ensure none of that happens.

>> No.21765653
File: 432 KB, 1585x1600, 008C41EA-7391-43DE-84D0-D2981671FA4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schizoid style striving for independence and freedom from retard groupthink another anon was talking about earlier is our ticket out of here. Would not be surprised if the reason people establish a colony on another planet is to avoid taxes and draconian laws. I have my own moral code I abide to and my own sense of right and wrong I follow and don’t need any laws telling me I cant do this and must do that. Comfort in stale rules or freedom, take your pick. Think about this though: what really sets the elite familes apart from the everyday debt slave?

>> No.21765819


>> No.21765889


That picture was so bad, it made your post unreadable

>> No.21766105

Thats fine. A few million to exit society is all i ever wanted anyway.

>> No.21766213

this, OP is the biggest faggot ive seen on here in weeks

>> No.21766344

Keep up ADHD brain

>> No.21766493 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 735x1308, 4B54F38E-637A-4CC3-9EF4-ADCCD005B7BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy how the only FUD left is making it isn’t as good as it seems.

Imagine selling your LINK when this is the kind of shit they throw out.

As several have said, exiting society is exactly what we want. Why would any of us stick our necks out for hordes of normie apes that would literally trample people to death for toilet paper and Chinese plastic trinkets, in the best of times.

I know for me Corona was the final wake up call that you literally cannot help anyone besides your immediate blood family, and you have to be a strong enough head of household to often drag them to prosperity against their will.

The lottery is a perfect example of why you can’t free the average serf from serfdom, they seek the yoke, they are frightened of freedom.

So yes, pay me and I’ll fuck off. The yoke is torture for me. I wish to be free, I WILL be free.

God have mercy on everyone else, may they seek him and mend their shortcomings.

>> No.21766547


>> No.21766694
File: 317 KB, 1486x999, 1596865535300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt read. therefore, i didnt sell.

>> No.21766849

Sadly no

>> No.21766885

Holy shit OP you actually took the time out from sucking dicks to type this. Did you think this would get a good reception and people would think you were an elite. Put your kneepads back on, fag.

>> No.21767331
File: 446 KB, 900x644, sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laughing out loud!

>> No.21767335

Making the number in my bank account go up