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21760039 No.21760039 [Reply] [Original]

I hold 10K LINK and I still feel like I don't have enough. I feel like I did back when I only had 1K. That my stack is so small it's worthless.

How do my fellow 10K holders feel about having such a low amount of LINK when everyone else has double, triple, or even more LINK than you do?

>> No.21760059

I have 90k because I got priced out of 100k and it irritates me daily

>> No.21760101

I used to feel like my 2.5k stack was nothing but now that I see all these nulinkers with just hundreds, I feel pretty good.

>> No.21760269

I am comfy with my 10 link stack
be happy you have 1,000x as much as me

>> No.21760332

1.5% of wallets have 10000+

>> No.21760357

Which means several thousand people have WAY more LINK than I do.

How? I'd kill myself if I only had 10 LINK. How the fuck do you live with yourself?

>> No.21760362

1.5k here. Feel good but of course its never enough. No amount would be enough. But we must be thankful for what we have.

>> No.21760378

I have 250 kys you fucking humble bragger

>> No.21760380

It’s not the size of your stack, it’s how you use it

>> No.21760451

You're both gonna make it if you have patience and iron hands

>> No.21760471
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>10k is humble bragging
>When 100k stacks are common on /biz/

>> No.21760490

If you swung you'd have 17k

>> No.21760549

tfw only 500 linkies, never gonna make it

>> No.21760558

I know you’re being facetious but only a retard would not appreciate that

>> No.21760599

23.5 link here I’m gonna make it right guys

>> No.21760627

Only 550 here breather, it hurts

>> No.21760639

Get 20k PNK for insurance

>> No.21760646

>How? I'd kill myself if I only had 10 LINK. How the fuck do you live with yourself?
You sound like a fucking loser. Link could pump to 1m per token and you would still be a fucking faggot who hates himself. Money isn't everything, and if you think it is it's because you suck at life. You will never be happy.

>> No.21760658

There's only like 300 wallets with that much, so not that common. Unless this is like that thing where we all pretend 10k was the suicide stack all along.

>> No.21760679

I just wish I had been paying attention when it hit 12 cents. I think I was just lazy that night didn't want to log in. You know some wise anons were right when they said 100k make it 10k suicide. I'm a retard for holding my Neo when I could have converted it all. I had more trust in Neo than Sergey. Forgive me Big Mac

>> No.21760693

Actually I would be happy because anytime I am not at work I am 100% happy and content with my life. The only time I am not happy is when I am working, which means if I was rich enough to not work I'd be happy 100% of the time.

>> No.21760723

jesus fucking christ you have 10 mil just use 1 mil to buy each shitcoin you like and make another 10 mil or more, how hard is that

>> No.21760749

Kys you fucking weebo

>> No.21760768


You may have 10,000 LINK and I may have 124.7.

But what I read from you tells me I'm richer than you.


Not only are the people with more link richer than you.

But also the people with less link.

>> No.21760815


Making it has nothing to do with Link.

>> No.21760824
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Weird cope but okay

>> No.21760829

You say that now but I was in that position once. Neetdom is amazing until you realise how fucking useless you are, then the nihilism takes over. You need to find a purpose in life and work towards it. You can't just be a fat, lazy slob forever and ever. I'm going to setup a charity exclusively for white people when I make it, I'll put everything into it. I know better than getting on the hedonic treadmill. You might scoff at this now but you'll figure it out at some point, especially if you actually do hold a make-it stack of Link. Good luck.

>> No.21760832
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>one shot at life
>only 18.4k stack LINK
Everyday I suffer

>> No.21760841


Anon it’s true that 10k isn’t really a huge stack, but it’s not nothing either. Also it’s probably a significant % of your net work right now. I’m in the same boat with a 13k stack. I’ve never sold a link, but I’m gonna have to sell in the 50$ range. Hopefully I can rebuy lower but I’m not doing it to swing, that’s just too much money to risk

>> No.21760860

Bro I spend a good portion of my free time working out. I'm not just going to be a lazy NEET. I'm going to use my work free life to learn new languages, learn to play instruments, and learn how to draw. Things I've always wanted to do but never felt like I had enough time to because of work.

>> No.21760902

He's not wrong. You are not happy, so what is the point in having money? If you're deeply resentful of your place in life, so much so that not having some imaginary internet money would cause you to an hero, then you're no better off than anybody here. If he is happier than you are then he's not coping, he's right, he's richer than you.
Happiness > money.

>> No.21760913

and this is why 6k stacklets like me will end up leapfrogging so many of you, I won't even touch my stack until I see mid triple digits, and even then that's only a maybe, if it coincides with a huge btc bullrun (meaning imminent market crash).

>> No.21760956

I have a few thousand and feel perfectly happy. I’m going to stake it even after the singularity and get free linkies to add to my stack. Additionally, if there is anything I’ve learned from bitcoin, ethereum, and now chainlink it’s that, so long as you have the right mindset and look at the world in a truthful way, there are many many opportunities to make it. It was so easy to buy a stack of link. It would have been so easy to buy bitcoin or ethereum. How much easier is it going to be to buy the right things after I have a ton of money due to link?

>> No.21760997

Damn when I made this thread I wasn't expecting this much cope from nulinkers with garbage tier stacks jealous of my link LOL

>> No.21761012

I swinged on matic last year and could've bought 120k link but didn't set a stop loss and ended up with 90k link, but I fell for the 100k meme and kept swinging and got rekt by google.
Now 50k link like a stacklet faggot. Just a little above the 44k link I accumulated in 2017/2018

>> No.21761024

I only have 6 link because I'm poor and only managed to buy at 8. If anything I'll end up with a couple more bucks to invest somewhere else.

>> No.21761026

I’m at 30k Link and fucking hate myself for not pulling the trigger on buying another 20k Link in March when it dipped. I entered in everything and literally just had to press confirm but I just didn’t for whatever reason. Irritates me every day

>> No.21761045

Yes you were and you milked them good.

>> No.21761086

You are an annoying little cunt, he definitely seems happier than you since he doesn't need to flex/humble brag about his stack

>> No.21761115
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I only have 11 link coins

>> No.21761127

So close to making it

>> No.21761145

I really wasn't but this is hilarious I might start making this thread daily to farm cope from nulinkers.

>> No.21761209
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Only 23k, not 25k which is a nice number, could have had 100k or more.


>> No.21761362

You wouldn’t know what to do with it