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21757783 No.21757783 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21757818

literally never anon, this hurts the bizraeli in me

>> No.21757826
File: 2 KB, 138x43, Annotation 2020-08-12 195630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never. only when eth hits 100k or something you will make it, because these shitcoins youre holding will all dump. yes they're up now but youre chasing green candles.

>> No.21757879

put every shitcoin in that folio into BTC. you are holding whale bags.

>> No.21757954

Spread out to thin on btc and Eth. The shitcoins you have are a gamble but have 100 times potential. If everything works out in your favour you can expect to have just about 1 million at the peak of nex bull run but i’d probably sell half of everything once my portfolio hit 500k.

>> No.21757971

big yikes. consolidate all into LINK or you will never make it. you diversify once you've made it to KEEP your wealth, you don't make it by diversifying.

>> No.21757975

How do you not own a single LINK or RSR at the very least? Most of those coins wont even do a 10x. Enjoy holding the same bags for the next 2-3 years while everyone excels into hundreds of thousands.



>> No.21758045

this. OP will never make it. At under 50k portfolio, he should really be concentrating on 3-4 coins, not over diversifying like he's Warren Buffett.
I'd say put everything between BTC/ETH, then research the fuck out of small-medium cap coins and invest your next paychecks into one or two of them if you find them worthy projects.
Maybe eventually shift from BTC/ETH to more undervalued projects.

>> No.21758225

>fell for the rsr meme
I've been on this board for a long time and LINK has been shilled since 2017 daily, PNK daily since the start of 2020, but RSR constantly all of a sudden. Same shit happened with STA and so other coordinated pump and dumps. Memes are easy ways to attract newfags. Unless they're really autistic memes they're probably shills.

>> No.21758270

>At under 50k portfolio, he should really be concentrating on 3-4 coins, not over diversifying like he's Warren Buffett.
listen to this shit. I have first hand experience in onverdiversifying like this. I had severe FOMO I didn't want to miss out on ANY gains, thus any gains I did make where off-set by the losses of other coins.Right now im
80% PNK
10% ETH
10% IDNA
and I have like 5 link

I'm basicly betting it all on PNK, but I'm slowly trying to diversify into another coin ( not IDNA thats just a suicide stack). Not sure yet what I should go in but I am researching. Looking at these percentages it looks extremely risky. and it is. but the reward will be the better. I researched a lot about pnk and i truly believe in the project. it puts my mind at ease having invested so much into it that when it does blow up I will have made it.

>> No.21758326

RAR won't be going above $0.10 for the next 2 years as only 6% of the total supply is publicly available.

>> No.21758341

>Unless they're really autistic memes they're probably shills.
the power of autism. this shit is real. only autistic people will get these autistic attempts of humour. no normie would ever laugh at the memes we make here, but only when they "normify" it. In other words they make something "omg so relateable" but with the new meme template. and the shill memes here are so obvious because they try to do zoomer humour but fail miserably since it doesn't have a topic at all. collective autism has a topic, literally a meme.

>> No.21758349

2 years

>> No.21758427
File: 707 KB, 964x540, D977292E-4F58-4F46-A1D9-77541F2D5875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNK has a great team, real use and strong community

>> No.21758526

Uniswap sirs do the needful

>> No.21758538

>he fell for the defi meme

>> No.21758554

>no XSN
>no LINK
You will never make it.

>> No.21758579

40k ftm

>> No.21758630

you’re only shot at actually making it this bullrun is to long the BTC dips. use 3x leverage max so you don’t get rekt.

Holding is useless when you have such a little amount, you’re just praying for a 1,000,000x which won’t happen. Trade and compounding the % gains is the only way.

>> No.21758740

>How do you not own a single LINK or RSR at the very least?

Had 150 LINK, sold at a 700% profit @ $17

>> No.21758792

I made easily 1/2 the RSR memes and threads, it's not coordinated. I'm just a massive faggot for peter thiel and normiebase.

>> No.21758818

dump it all except VET and ICX

>> No.21758828

lol I have 10k and only bought some cause Peter Thiel's name was attached to it

>> No.21759016
File: 924 KB, 1236x1945, WHITESONLY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 500K. honestly look, ive learned not to get in the fucking way of jews, billionaires, and autistic retarded shit. the midwit theory thing is fuckign true. unless youre 130iq+ or schitzo, you're best chance is to be retarded, buy shit like link and pnk, follow the schitzos and random geniuses and billionaires, and hold. chasing green candles is what a 100-110 iq person does. know what i did when rsr dumped? i just bought more because the memes are good, normiebase, upcoming exchange listings, billionaires, obvious winner if you take your brain off the table, not unlike link or pnk.

>> No.21759273

I have 9k Tezos cause a very intelligent and knowledgable friend gave advance warning, good news may come out, but he also said that Corona Virus impacted the general market so it's no longer a given. What other shitcoins are you looking at? I'm thinking some Cosmos cause they have better staking rate.

>> No.21759488
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literally just lurk more. if you want to turn your brain off: buy LINK and PNK. RSR is a no brainer, but so are many other small caps/mid caps

>> No.21759562

Literally this. That's why I'm convinced that PNK will be the next LINK but I haven't picked up a bag yet because I have everything in link.

>> No.21760017

The answer is right in front of you.
Sell everything all in stake.

>> No.21760765

>unless youre 130iq+
140 IQ here, I'm reading the papers like a madman and trying to get way too knowledgable in coins which in turn will shill their way into my mind. If I read it's hard to seperate the marketing from the true, nor is it really nice to dive into every single part of their github its very tiresome and time consuming. way better advice is to just go "haha funny indian village man lets roleplay" than it is to try and understand every part of a platform as well as the market theyre trying to capitalize.

>> No.21760803
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>know what i did when rsr dumped? i just bought more because the memes are good
also RSR memes are uther trash and the reason I did not research this coin nor will buy this coin.

>> No.21760820
File: 13 KB, 239x211, C9A9EEE5-3065-4CCA-B7CB-B919F26F967C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.075 BTC
I’m sorry anon

>> No.21761220

How much is suicide stack and make it stack for PNK?

>> No.21761360

10k and 100k

>> No.21761411

How high do you think PNK will go?

>> No.21761510

idk man. just being hopeful. a lot higher than their current 60m marketcap that's for sure.

>> No.21761771

But do you really thinking the practical use of their coin will catch on in a serious way? I doubt it.

>> No.21761975

talking about your % gain is how i know your won’t make it