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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 1280x718, STADEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21749800 No.21749800 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21749828

Proof ur a dev

>> No.21749932

Do u remember, when u were Dev of The Burn token, u used to share fake email screenshots of partnerships and exchanges?

Do u recall, u were once a scammer.

>> No.21749964

Why are you fucking me?

>> No.21749986
File: 39 KB, 1379x364, GitHub signedin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proof ur a dev
Signed into code.

>> No.21750014

>Do u remember, when u were Dev of The Burn token, u used to share fake email screenshots of partnerships and exchanges?
We had several tokens that were released without adequate marketing and were subsequently abandoned. Other tokens were named after us but did not involve our team.

>> No.21750079

when moon?

>> No.21750092

where's my money

>> No.21750101

Is there a relative roadmap to get onto strong exchanges?

>> No.21750102

thanks for the $1000
but you're still an asshole

>> No.21750129

Do you actually believe in this project? Will it actually do anything or just crab and then dump?
Also how many coins do you hold?

>> No.21750144
File: 11 KB, 400x400, C3F6E139-32F0-431B-89E1-40C4711BFCEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really are a dev look into the upcoming XSN DEX, having you guys on there would be sweet.

>> No.21750150

>Is there a relative roadmap to get onto strong exchanges?
Our marketing team is in negations with several exchanges, due to SEC regulations we are not allowed to divulge details.

>> No.21750163

are we doomed? also nice dubs

>> No.21750182


>> No.21750183

How does 1000$ in 2025 sound?

>> No.21750196

>nice dubs
Thank you for the compliment.

>> No.21750213

Hi dev, is there a full source code of the current STA version available?

>> No.21750245

Thanks for replying to my question. Getting onto exchanges is my main focus as that will create volume that we need.

>> No.21750273

Why isn’t there a discord?

>> No.21750285

>Hi dev, is there a full source code of the current STA version available?
We are currently updating and and splitting our test nodes. When full interoperability is achieved and tested out, we will post on GitHub.

>> No.21750316

Do you remember when was the last time you sheet on a clean toilet? Do u recall? No Rakeesh, you don't?

>> No.21750334

The actual dev Scott or the advertising guy? Also I kept telling the advertising guy to change his name to Rick Sanchez to get down with the kids nowadays, but he won't budge.

Did everybody tell you that you look like Brendan Fraser?

>> No.21750340

I like your concept, but how are you planning on not going bankrupt? You do not have a reliable way of getting cash.

>> No.21750384


>> No.21750408

Another thing, pooling is still too complicated for normies who have trouble even buy BTC on Coinbase. Do you think this will get easier by time?

>> No.21750409

I am keen to keep my identity anonymous as I often work on with 3-letter government agencies.

>> No.21750411
File: 612 KB, 864x1404, staterafrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you working on?

>> No.21750471

>what are you working on?
Interoperability between master nodes to reduce transfer speeds when traffic is increased, allowing for faster transactions by splitting tx hash uses.
Whereas most tokens have effectively tangled distributed consensus due to split master nodes, our MoIP will be non-custodial, meaning tx dialectics will be effectively reduced to zero.

>> No.21750547

There was someone mentioning a possible creation of wrapped STA. Is this factual? and if so, can you elaborate on its use-case.

>> No.21750566
File: 2 KB, 479x34, STA investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am part of group that has some info, pic related, and I can assure you that main thing being done is getting to a simple, nice GUI solution to easy pooling for normies and new people in all this.

DEV can also confirm?

>> No.21750609

How do you plan on not going bankrupt? You have no reliable income.

>> No.21750638

explain your question?

>> No.21750646

>There was someone mentioning a possible creation of wrapped STA. Is this factual? and if so, can you elaborate on its use-case.
Tx dialectics will worked using a deterministic escrow at median speeds reducing has rates to 0.00364 sqr per transaction.
Wrapping STA will give interoperability function speed both convergenace and divergance whereas other tokens are locked into SHA-256.

>> No.21750678




but nah, lol, I got in at average 0.2, am I retarded for not selling? Are you gonna fuck me with big brown Bobo dicks? Look me in the eyes and tell me true.

My hands are still iron tho, I'm too stubborn to be smart.

>> No.21750710

>How do you plan on not going bankrupt? You have no reliable income.
We intend to rely on people buying the token and selling our tokens at ATHs. Given foreknowledge of exchange introductions, we can in an excellent position to preempt the ATHs.

>> No.21750771

Maybe im dumb for asking but how would you get income from this? Do you get a cut or what?

>> No.21750780


>> No.21750822

one thing i don't understand about STA is how the volume farming is actually valuable. i have a layman's knowledge, though. if simply creating volume was valuable, why not just code a pool to make arbitrary swaps? i must be missing some key idea

>> No.21750831

STA has had wild fluctuations since day one but when it pumps, it pumps massively

>> No.21750862

Originally, we held only 4% of tokens; however, we found we could manipulate the price higher for everyone when we accumulate and sell with opportune market movements. Subsequently, we now hold a high percentage distributed across several wallets.

>> No.21750889


>We intend to rely on people buying the token and selling our tokens at ATHs. Given foreknowledge of exchange introductions, we can in an excellent position to preempt the ATHs.

So your business model is insider trading? kek

>> No.21750906

the FUD is weapons grade

>> No.21750921

dump incoming

>> No.21750923

I am calling LARP

>> No.21750926


>> No.21750936

>one thing i don't understand about STA is how the volume farming is actually valuable. i have a layman's knowledge, though. if simply creating volume was valuable, why not just code a pool to make arbitrary swaps? i must be missing some key idea
Arbitration occurs when pooling is instituted with both convergence and divergence of tx intermissions. That's why farming has operation lags and DeFi has become ubiquitous in the crypto space.

>> No.21750943

Correction: based LARP

>> No.21750945

LMAO ok this is incredibly well thought out fud.

>> No.21750961

moon wen?

>> No.21750963

>So your business model is insider trading?
As our token is currently not listed as an SEC-approved security, it is permissible to do so. Should regulations change, we of course would comply.

>> No.21750974

STA CB(ased)O

>> No.21750986

Don't listen to
He is a faggot larper.

Volume generates fees to liquidity providers, which in this case is people who have pooled

>> No.21750990

if this doesn't dump the token it will prove once and for all FUD doesn't even work

>> No.21751005

>He is a faggot larper.
See proof at the start of thread.

>> No.21751010

>Inspect element

>> No.21751011

that i understand, but why is 'volume for the sake of volume' generating fees good. might as well just increase fees and skip deflationary magic entirely

>> No.21751023


lmao nice larp you fud faggot

>> No.21751042

>why is 'volume for the sake of volume' generating fees good. might as well just increase fees and skip deflationary magic entirely
Volume anticipates deflationary movements, meaning that fees decrease due to interoperability (I explained this earlier in the thread).

>> No.21751075

Stop falling for this shit, anons. FUD or shill, STA always has a thread active, and as long as it's on one's radar, one may be tempted to buy, and that's what the team wants: to milk it for as long as possible. Stop buying. Let it burn.

>> No.21751109

please please please can you dump it back down to 0.03, and warn here beforehand? I really want to top my stack up to 100k but am desperately short of funds rn :(

>> No.21751155

>STA always has a thread active
yeah and chainlink had about 10 always active for the last 3 years. fuck off

>> No.21751170

>that's what the team wants
If there was ever a team that wants their coin to fail, that would be a really bad sign and a clear indicator to not buy. Are you functionally retarded?

Organic volume generates more fees. If you just increased the fees, it would make people not want to trade and volume would decrease. I'm not sure I can explain why the deflation hypercharges the balance pools, but it does. The main thing I like is that the deflation occurs constantly even if volume is low

>> No.21751172

>can you dump it back down to 0.03,
We risk losing community when the price is that low. Our intentions are to keep it above 0.10 although we value fluidity of projections and incorporate our marketing data and projections.

>> No.21751205

what is up with wSta?

>> No.21751217

Although it is very tought-out fud, you can fuck off now >>21749800

>> No.21751218

OP is a larper

>> No.21751242

>Organic volume generates more fees. If you just increased the fees, it would make people not want to trade and volume would decrease. I'm not sure I can explain why the deflation hypercharges the balance pools, but it does. The main thing I like is that the deflation occurs constantly even if volume is low
Hypercharghes are dependent on node splitting and deflationary indices which cannot be instituted before testing. Volume will decrease between nodes when traffic is increased, this gives novelty to transactions and reduces fees (and speed) sub SHA-256

>> No.21751243

I know, but what is up with wSta anyway?

>> No.21751248

Very clever in saying "how they supposedly hold many wallets" which was FUD for a longer time now

>> No.21751253


>> No.21751259

Based fud. Good job OP. If STA is pissing off so many, it is unironically bullish.

>> No.21751280

>OP is a larper
See proof at start of thread. Although I am happy to end the AMA should questions be exhausted.

>> No.21751288

Way to put STA on CEX's.

>> No.21751293

Mine pic related and info I said here >>21750566
still stands, many things in work, easy access, huge GUI webpage, exchange listings (all top 25 and up, but it costs money, and not small amount), marketing etc. FFS it is a 3 months old project that went from hell and back to the top. Patience

>> No.21751295

I'd say it's just stupid enough to be believable, because no one sane would believe that a fudder would be stupid enough to act so stupid in purpose. It's like 3 layers of fud.

>> No.21751326

Statement in TG, long time ago and reminded by Abu numerous times..

>> No.21751344

imagine if it was real LMAO

>> No.21751347

Words are empty, I want to see a screenshot.

>> No.21751348

Yeah pretty bullish to have FUD this sophisticated. Unless this is some 9D chess mindfuckery and I'm 3 levels behind

>> No.21751349

I will still give him some credits, it is well though out FUD, It is 2 levels up, still, if you are not pajeet or idiot, well..

>> No.21751380

Look at it go...

>> No.21751415

You're only 1.5x away from the base floor.

>> No.21751416

Yep, no more questions from anyone

>> No.21751426

>Statement in TG, long time ago and reminded by Abu numerous times.
Our developers listen closely to our marketing team and participate in marketing events when advised.

>> No.21751442

When is the operation?

>> No.21751463

Lol nice fud buy STA

>> No.21751465

OP's wallet

>> No.21751468
File: 1.24 MB, 303x307, 😣😣😣😣.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is satanic

>> No.21751504

>Yep, no more questions from anyone
Thank you for sharing this time with me. Please visit our GitHub to see our frequent updates and coding progress:
Please join us on Telegram:

>> No.21751523

>Thank you for dumping the price for me

>> No.21751542
File: 15 KB, 744x221, ABU FUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like all the FUDers like OP or general ones, I always post proof what I am saying for a fact, so for anyone in this thread, here it is. PIC REALTED

>> No.21751553

Please do not share our team's information, private or public.

>> No.21751571

GTFO man, you lasted 3 replies, begone

>> No.21751573

How u find this?

>> No.21751632

>GTFO man, you lasted 3 replies, begone
I am happy to answer further questions should you have them. Please focus on tech questions rather than price projections.

>> No.21751633

begone ranjeesh, off you go, designated shitting street is calling

>> No.21751664

Here is how it works

>Create fud thread
>Get the attention of holders
>Once everyone is paying attention, sell your stack to cause the price to drop
>Make sure everyone sees so they are more likely to panic sell or just generally demoralize them
>Buy back in at a lower price
>Rinse and repeat

It could actually be
or they could be discord trannies working together

>> No.21751722

You will see this same thing every time it crabs. They did it a day or two ago

>> No.21751742

>They did it a day or two ago, too

>> No.21751749

now i'm curious who are the retards that sold lmao

>> No.21751764

Looooool anon just gtfo

>> No.21751766

HAHAHAH not so smart are you, where do you see price talk, cmon man, just let it go, it is too obvious now hahaha

>> No.21751771

Dude just sold $15,000 in the red, holder of ONLY /biz/ shitcoins.

>> No.21751837

how much fucking WAIF can one person need. this is degenerate