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21744059 No.21744059 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most based chad genius billionaire in crypto?

>> No.21744105

Founder of EOS. Made $4bn and retired

Founder of Litecoin. Made $1bn and retired.

>> No.21744109

I've messed up getting with extremely beautiful women in my early 20s. Will top tier escorts fill the void in my late 20s after I make it?

>> No.21744126

imagine if he just casually broke her legs, wouldn't that be fun

>> No.21744128

Perhaps, but there is no hope if you are 30+.

>> No.21744160

26 and a half now. Hopefully there's a bull run within the next year. Why is there no hope after 30+?

>> No.21744196

Because the biggest names in history started doing their contributions to mankind in their 20s?

>> No.21744205

you can name like ten

>> No.21744249


>> No.21744263


>> No.21744266

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read btw. Stop demoralizing boomers

>> No.21744450


yup she farted

>> No.21744458

It's too late for us. Once you're in your 30s it's all down hill.

>> No.21744472

That wasn't a fart it was a BBBBRRRRAAAAAPPPPPPP

>> No.21744488


>> No.21744550

>Not burying your nose between those sweet little cheeks after that and reciting
Snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...

>> No.21744647

What's downhill about it?

>> No.21744738

>Because the biggest names in history started doing their contributions to mankind in their 20s?
that's objectively false.
Outside of athletics pretty much every major accomplishment in history was made by a man who was 50+.
The great inventions, discoveries, pieces of art, decisions, fortunes etc. are almost always the works of older men. It's extremely rare to make it in your 20s, 30s or even 40s.

>> No.21744752

Either Sergey Nazarov or Satoshi Nakamoto. Can't decide

>> No.21744771

youre an idiot kek thers a short list of deadguys in their 20s. hell even jesus isnt in that group. even athletes dont win championships till their 30s.

>> No.21744844

Key word "started"
Which is irrelevant since I've started doing a lot of shit and haven't succeeded yet.
Also, a lot of rappers had their breakthrough at 26 for some reason.

>> No.21745299

Johnny Huxtable. I mean cmon besides Ari and Sergey this dude is going to be absolutely fuckig LOADED. Look at how much the shares of LP are going for rn. This is obviously very low to what they could be compared to what they will be once staking is released. Hes going to be a playboy millionare.

>> No.21745321

Did she fart?

>> No.21745332
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Trust me I'm 35, you just start looking like shit and know every single day for the rest of your life you are going to look worse and worse and be less socially accepted and have fewer and fewer opportunities, I don't think I could turn up at most concerts or music festivals without looking weird now and playing in a band is now impossible unless it's jazz or blues or country or something where you have zero sex appeal and an audience of over 50s. My long term partner options are now roasties who have had their best years fucked out of them, so that ain't happening. If a miracle happened today, I'd still be years away from having kids. It almost seems impossible now.

Essentially if you've not secured a good quality life partner by 21 and made your first million by 29, you are guaranteed a life of lurking in a darkened room like a leprosy victim in self-imposed exile, your only hope being making enough money to afford the slim chance of anti-aging treatments in a couple of decades. I have become nothing but a story of failure to be warned against by other families. People talk about me behind my back. I am now a room bound ghost. I am barely a step above a random frozen conscript in the middle of a nameless part of Russia during WW2, a frozen corpse without identity, an existence without renown, a failure without consequence.

Of course none of this matters once GPT-5 is released and AI turns the social script on its head, a 20th Century equivalent of thousands of years worth of medical research performed each year, anti-aging will be in hand, if not I'll have to get myself cryonically interned at Alcor, if there is a silver lining, it surrounds the greatest, darkest most foreboding cloud ever seen, a pyroclastic ash curtain starving the sun of all power, drowning my shadow with darkness that even my pitted, hollow eyes cannot truly perceive, the earth now one giant, cold grave.

>> No.21745412
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Supplemental imagery

>> No.21745626

It sounds like all your problems are just how you think others think of you. Fuck what they think.
>My long term partner options are now roasties who have had their best years fucked out of them
Then make it and get a younger girl.
Also, you don't need kids, read some Zapffe.

>> No.21745654

mmm oh my... perhaps those refried beans were a bad choice... *sniff sniff* .... or were they... mmmm.

>> No.21745683
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No. You're still alone once you pay them.

>> No.21745692

Lol what a fucking loser. Kys

>> No.21745717

>t. low T bitchboy

>> No.21745743

Jeff Kerdeikis

>> No.21745771

>tfw 29 and dreading the next decade

>> No.21745785

literal monkeys, in your 30s it's non stop smashing of 20 year olds

you have no idea how much of these dumb bitches fuck

>> No.21745800

girls dont fart
that's a man

>> No.21745845

Pathetic thread. Im 34 and in the glory of my life. Laying next to a 7/10 Belgium lass I only met last night. I could fuck a couple of new girls every week if I was a degenerate

Things seem to only get better for me

>> No.21745865


Younger women love older 30+ men in my experience.

>> No.21745882

Never understood the 30+ meme. Muscle and bone density peak in your 30s. If anything they should be your physical prime. Maybe because life shifts more from leisure to career in your 30s so people let their bodies go to waste.

>> No.21745968

I don't care about being with them I think I just want the experience of fucking 10s

>> No.21745997

Tips? Where to meet them when you're in your 30s?

>> No.21746009

what do girl braps smell like?

>> No.21746051

This is probably the biggest obstacle in your 30s. You simply don't meet that many new people and don't go to such places.

>> No.21746053

They smell like roses and strawberryies

>> No.21746068


Bags of sand

>> No.21746078

They smell like roses and strawberries

>> No.21746246

>Will top tier escorts fill the void in my late 20s after I make it?
Get out of your comfort zone. Once corona blows over, travel the whole world. You're missing out millions of the good things the whole world has to offer. There are more teens out there willing to bang a middle-aged guy for buck. Also don't make them feel they're better than you, they'll use that to take advantage of your ass.

>> No.21746344

But they're the same person

>> No.21746459

this has been my 30s. Since 28 and up getting 21-25 year old pussy has never been easier. The bad part is each year you can feel your body break down.

>> No.21746466


>> No.21746547
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If the answer is not Satosi Nakamoto then you guys don't have any respect for crypto.

>> No.21747076

How do you find them and get with them? Can you elaborate on your method?

>> No.21747118

I love you.

>> No.21747123

>How do you find them and get with them?
The streets? Brothels? Tinder? How are could it be unless you're retarded?

>> No.21747161

that doesn’t mean it’s too late. hitler was homeless at the age of 25, and look what he went on to achieve.

>> No.21747198

You probably once knew of a girl who was like 16 and dating a creepy 24 year old. Why is it creepy? Because it is purely exploitative. Well now add 6 years and the same dynamic is play. 20 is still young enough to think there is an age where someone magically becomes an adult. Just another case of a girl who thinks she is getting the attention of an adult by fucking (parental issues).

>> No.21747230

I meant hard not are. Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.21747242

there's a massive difference in fucking a 16 year old at the age of 24 and having sex with someone who is 21-25+ and you're in your 30s.

>> No.21747339
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not a billionaire but a based genius chad

>> No.21747344

You dont try and find women. You attract them. A dog can chase a cat all day and never get any closer. The only way the dog will ever lay with a cat is if the cat comes to him.
I'll give you the gold anon. Look up the online PDF 'The Book of Pook' and read it thoroughly and meditate on it.

>> No.21747380

I agree totally different just a girl barely out of college and in their first couple years of sharing an apartment getting with a 30 year old guy who has been in their career for over 7 years with a car/mortgage etc no power dynamics in play whatsoever.

>> No.21747383

Satoshi Nakamoto...
How is that even a question.

>> No.21747633

I didn’t ask how to attract them. I’m asking his logistics of meeting with these women where there is an age difference. A college town seems like a good idea but you’re also competing with a shit ton of chads. Clubs are a no go if you’re fucking 30. Maybe Target?

>> No.21747660

There is usually some sort of power dynamic in relationships.

>> No.21747713

Church if you are non-degen.

Otherwise go to a brewery, take a book, read alone but at the bar area where people order. Makes it seem as if you are happy alone, yet gives others openings to talk to you. Plus people think you're some sort of genius if you read books these days

>> No.21747786

>tfw 29 with a 22yo gf but my fucking cock decided to stop working

>> No.21747868

I would show church girls a good time, as in I’m not a douche, but I’m also atheist and don’t care for marriage so I feel like I’d be using them.

I’ll try the book thing and bars once this corona shit dies down. It’s usually been mostly older dudes and women in their 50s I’ve seen at bars. (Can’t stand clubs anymore)

>> No.21748023
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>pic related

>> No.21748227
File: 19 KB, 355x414, AB4B2D35-EDCE-4001-B649-9C3109F824A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn’t look for opportunity everywhere

>> No.21748466
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I love you. <3

>> No.21748705

>Satoshi Nakamoto
>How is that even a question.
because we don't even know if the guy fucking exists?
For all we know satoshi nakamoto is a bunch of sad wageslave CIA agents who take the subway to work every morning like the FBI agent in the wolf of wall street.