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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21741070 No.21741070 [Reply] [Original]

>Want to come in to discuss investing and trading
>More than 1/2 the threads is about shitcoins

Fuck you, take your ponzi scheme crapto to another board ffs.

>> No.21741101

you have to go back

>> No.21741131

/cry/ ?

>> No.21741167

I second the notion. Why can there be 27 video game boards and yet no actual business/finance board and crypto board?

>> No.21741174

Fuck off you old dusty cunt. Your stinks are soon to be obsolete.


>> No.21741210
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you realize /biz/ is the crypto containment board for /g/ right

>> No.21741245

this is the crypto board
>Fuck you, take your ponzi scheme crapto to another board ffs.
go back to yahoo finance stockboomer

>> No.21741424

I wouldn't even mind if the actual business and fiance stuff got it's separate board. But it's fucking atrocious that we have a board for Pokemon but actual discussions about money need to share a space with the 20+ uniswap sirs threads

>> No.21741717

this, we are already a containment board.

in the other hand, /v/ has like 3 containment boards, so why the fuck not...

yeah, nah, just discuss options, stocks, metals and investments in this board, there are several generals you can browse.

>> No.21742422
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>> No.21742457

Fuck off boomer

>> No.21742616

I trade crypto and hold stocks and I endorse OPs suggestion

>> No.21742643

honestly if there was a board dedicated to crypto i'd love to finally talk about crypto currency on the financial/business board

>> No.21742658

i don’t think mgmt really cares about 4chan much lad. not much thought going into it. we should be thankful the lights are on..

>> No.21743313

OP's suggestion would be a good thing. I spent some years here, invest in crypto but also in stocks. What i truly value are threads on longterm strategy, money theory, anon's private stories. They make /biz worthwhile and unique. At the moment we have an absolute fuckton (close to 95%) of threads each created for one of the thousands of crypto currencies out there. High iq anons start moving out, simply because good threads keep getting archived quick. There are two options: Either a specific board for crypto or at least a crypto/general thread to contain this mess (and it's truly a mess as 99 precent of crypto threads is shilling and shitposting). /biz will be fucked if nothing is done. I've whitnessed a lot of good threads die. They are a chance for getting over the edge knowledge and truly unique insights. It's sad what's happening. Probably this thread is already at the bottom when i finished typing.

>> No.21743355

Because this is a containment board. This is a neet site, there's not enough buisnessmen to contain.

>> No.21743362

Fuck off you newfags holy shit, we have smg and it is thriving.

>> No.21743368

In your world, you're using the word boomer for intelligent people. That's not what it means.

>> No.21743431

Bullshit, you must be blind if you don't see that quality is drowning in pajeet created threads concerning som shitcoin's latest move.

>> No.21743453

This, no joke

>> No.21743463


>> No.21743499

Did you get bullied out of smg? Do their chinese cartoons scare you off? Fuck off back to r*ddit.

>> No.21743733

Actually i rarely read smg. But i would like to have a separate area for underage anons without much knowledge like you. You would like your new playground.

>> No.21743789

Crypto is the new thing. Most investing will be done in crypto in the near future. Stocks are lame and for boomers

>> No.21743842
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Or maybe, just maybe...

It should be called

Crypto Market General


>> No.21743853
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these threads get made every time altcoins shit the bed
it's hilarious but also annoying. protip make a thread on /qa/ or use this link to cry to mods/admin

>> No.21743968
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Dedicate a continuous thread to the subject and call it /cmg/ (Crypto Market General)

This will force these stupid mother fuckers to shut the fuck up when it comes to the various shit that is referenced upon this once hidden enclave of people with nigger in their vernacular and the right way of seeing things in through lens of _____________________

>> No.21744091

100,000 pajeet threads a fucking day every single fucking day

>> No.21744265

What is there even to discuss in stocks? Just buy tech and wait 20 years

>> No.21744305

I can see the use for a crypto board that would most likely be most active during India's time zone active hours. I would actually like some real discussion about crypto in general from time to time that discuss real projects with actual white papers, but finding those threads are hard when sifting through pages of nothing but scam coins with names like COOM, WAIFU, YAM, and stupid shit like that.

The best thread we had in weeks (the yield curve thread) wasn constantly buried under that shit, and I probably took out more from that one thread than I did months of Ranjeesh's attempts at saving his village from famine.

>> No.21744378

You didn't get the point at all. No where did OP mention stocks, it's just your mind thinking everything outside of crypto is >muh...boomerstuff
Tbh i would like to discuss cryptos properly, but it's not possible as always some kid comes up with meme shit he read about some uniswap he bought.

>> No.21744408

Anon, i too witnessed the ycc thread yesterday and some fren archived it for eternity:


>> No.21744588

Fundamentals on crypto are shit but they’re still better than conventional assets if you remove the money printers from the equation.

>> No.21744589

I agree woth this...
Most of this board is now people with absolutely no knowledge of business somewhat a healthy growth chart looks like.
>fuck u I made 100x on a coin cos i put all my money in and it went up.
And all financial investment is...buy this coin it will go up soon...evidence?
>Buy it or stay poor faggot.
Or threads crying because after a 200% increase in 2 weeks its dropped 80%.
>you said it was going to moon.

Once, tesla split would of been announced here before it made news....I think now there has been 3 threads on tesla since it was 1k.

>> No.21744655

This. The knowledge you can gain here was better some time ago. I assume chainlink's rise sucked in a good amount of redditors who aren't able to contribute too much.

>> No.21744672

That white klux kid?

>> No.21744931
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unironically a good idea
have an upvote

>> No.21745228

Or maybe do it like /vg/ where Generals are enforced instead of the whole catalog getting spammed by a bunch of pajeets with proxies

>> No.21745310


>most investing will be done in crypto in the near future.

LMAO, imagine believing this you must be completely retarded. Stocks have an actual fundamental value as in they let you control companies and share their earnigns.

Crypto has zero use cases and is all speculation.

>> No.21745338


>> No.21745482

Off topic. But questions like this could be discussed better if shitcoin threads were contained or /generals are enforced

>> No.21745504

That's why we need contained crypto space.

>> No.21745505

everyone in this thread who wants a crypto board help out by giving feedback with really good reasons at 4chan.org/feedback. they actually unironically read the feedback and if we pester the mods enough for 6-12 months they might actually do something

>> No.21745551

Only if the crypto board is called /link/

>> No.21745812

Thanks for sharing, gonna have some downtime at work and look forward to combing through this gem again!

>> No.21745952

> 1 post by this ID

this is the crypto board, fuck off. go to plebbit if you want to discuss stocks /biz/ style. you know where.

>> No.21745980

Thread of yesterday is this one:
It's still in the archive.

>> No.21746090

You don't get it, no one said we want a stock forum. But /biz is not about pajeet shitcoin shilling. Take a look around, you see any valuable information you can retract, any good stories, knowledge you didn't have before? /biz went to shit within the timeframe of a year and we need to do sth. Solution can also be to open a real finance board and leave /biz, and rename it

>> No.21746197

Fuck u sir we need a board we can use to scam kids.