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File: 38 KB, 571x571, Slink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21739854 No.21739854 [Reply] [Original]

Buy slink right now the rebase and sergeyser are working great, I'm up past ath from yesterday and a shitload of people just saw it shilled with trustswap and on youtube BUY BUY BUY BUY


>> No.21739932
File: 221 KB, 568x479, greenwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft Link Soldier reporting for duty sir.
My bags are filling steadily, fuck yes.

>> No.21740000
File: 558 KB, 4096x3834, 58713F18-D071-45CD-B951-7DDE2BDED330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s was that!?!

>> No.21740028

Holy fuck bro’s we got rebased so hard

>> No.21740036

The 50% rebase was pretty sick. Can't wait for tomorrows

>> No.21740048

felt good man
fuckin checked pajeet

>> No.21740290

SLINK is so fucking based it's unbelievable. 50% rebase. This is singlehandedly saving my portfolio right now. I keep doubting it but I think we might actually make it this time bros. This is the only SLINK thread of 4chan. We're early

>> No.21740545

How the fuck is this back to $8 after having a 50% rebase?


>> No.21740601

SLINK is a fucking beast. We will enjoy many positive rebases in a row dears. We will all make it.

>> No.21740666
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 43ce5b7236b9fd19a32b45a0f2610ce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Positive rebase plus the very very slim chance that link will be at a higher price than when people deposited their slinkies in the sergeyser made me throw a couple ether at this.

You know which animals are kind of like slinkies? These guys

>> No.21740732

I would look for a for a re-entry. You likely won't make as much money any where else in the market. think about it. AMPL but soft pegged to 0.1 link. 800k liquidity in just over 24 hours. 2 million market cap. And 4chan doesn't even know about this yet.

>> No.21740854

Holy shit 50% rebase and it’s flying

>> No.21741139

of course i'm looking up for a re-entry you fucking mongoloid

>> No.21741327

indeed, my bags are spiced up

>> No.21741363

You're calling me a fucking mongoloid when you're the one who sold day 1 of a legitimate project. Have a nice day.

>> No.21741409

glad i never sold

>> No.21741497


>> No.21741501

I am so comfy on this, I haven't invested in anything for so long and I am glad I picked this

>> No.21741529

I was gonna buy some but I don't get the price. it's $7 on uniswap but I thought it's supposed to be tied to .1 link?

>> No.21741564

Imagine not buying the next ampl

>> No.21741573

imagine buying the next ampl. Ngmi.

>> No.21741601

imagine not making money on ampl last time around

>> No.21741662

when are you brainlets going to figure out that geysers and rebases are a twofold mechanism to 1) increase liquidity and pump price so they can 2) remove that value and liquidity through rebases and selling to dump on you. That’s fine, keep buying these scam rebase coins and keep the prices of real gems low. This board is stacking pink wojacks not sats

>> No.21741679

>going all in on anything

>> No.21741689

It rebases to 0.1 Link, similar to how Ampleforth works, but obviously instead of rebasing to a static value like $1 USD it rebases to 0.1 Link which is a bit of an interesting twist to the concept.

>> No.21741721

Slink general
We gonna make it boys

>> No.21741726

>going in at all on an obvious scam
>literally dusted wallets to pump their scam
anyway, sure I’m talking to telegram shills here, so fuck you all, good day.

>> No.21741766

Why rebase to 0.1 LINK instead of 1 LINK

>> No.21741782

Read the website/whitepaper. It's soft-pegged to 0.1 LINK. It has an elastic supply that changes at UTC 00:00 every day, increasing if the price of SLINK is greater than 0.1 LINK, decreasing if price of SLINK is less than 0.1 LINK. The supply change affects all SLINK holders' wallets by the same proportion. The change in supply results in you having the same purchasing power but with a different amount of tokens, so it's best to trade based on the current market cap rather than current price. Use the market cap chart on coingecko to sense a good buy in rather than just the price chart.

>> No.21741789

10k+ trustswap holders got a bunch of free slinkies at the announcement of the trustswap head, dont be jelly now, just buy low. you sound like a weasely journalist when you compare that to a dust attack

>> No.21741819
File: 287 KB, 616x574, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, lot of follow up posts too.

>> No.21742179

this is an old pic. Ivan hasn't covered SLINK as a project, just that it was some token being airdropped to SWAP holders