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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21733321 No.21733321 [Reply] [Original]

This is literally a fucking nightmare

>> No.21733381

haven't looked in ages

just looked at 7d mcap

I hope you didn't buy that spike anon

>> No.21733503

Not the spike no

>> No.21734002

lost 20 eth offering liquiditiy geyser is a fucking meme, if you have 100-400k youre literally better off just putting it in an eth-dai pool

>> No.21734130

Salt aside, I'm considering taking my stake out of the geyser. Impermanent loss sucked a lot of my ETH but I still have some left. I'll continue to hold AMPL bags because why not, but is there an upside to staying in the geyser while bleeding out like this? I've been trying to think of one, and can't.

>> No.21734186

I'm starting to think that it may actually be a dead meme coin now

>> No.21734193

I bought $160 in AMPL last night.
I am expecting a pump to $1

>> No.21734390

loool just said fuck it after crunching the numbers, I want to save the last of my ETH. Not enough to pay the gas fee for withdrawal hahaha what a joke.

>> No.21734479

Yea I sold today, I'm just taking the loss

>> No.21734497

why are you still trying to force this meme
ever since the retard devs shat on their own coin nobody wants to touch it

>> No.21734530

Expect 10% fewer tokens

>> No.21734881

people sold last night trrying to recoup some losses
this will continue to drop for a long time
i think until 40-60mc
elasticity is cool but unless the token does something there is no point to actually buying it

>> No.21734956
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Not buying XAMP

>> No.21735333
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The token does what it is supposed to do. It provides liquidity. Hence all the pools.

>> No.21735380

Just sell up and buy SoftLINK.
It will do a 500x just like AMPL.

>> No.21735394

>he bought a $1 dollar stable coin at $2 dollars

>> No.21735471

Still holding this. Not a comfy coin but still holding

>> No.21735492

>provides liquidity
uhhh yeah to any pooo which is specifically paired for it. there is 0 use case to providing liquidity with ampl other than having a degenerate sense for gambling and wanting to be exposed to the asset.

eth dai yfi usdc usdt wbtc, these are all currencies ppl accept on a widespread scale in crypto. people are actively rejecting adding ampl pools because the distribution of tokens is so unfair and there are so few whales that own 80% of the supply

>> No.21735574

isn't the supply to supposed to contract to bring the peg closer to a 2019 dollar? why has it been sitting around 60-70 cents for so long?

>> No.21735649
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>fuck you mom!!

>> No.21735690

supply's still too high. people keep dumping

>> No.21735712

ngl that thread title made me chuckle. Wonder if it's still the official 'high IQ coin'.

>> No.21735726

so contractions/expansions happen in response to market selling/buying and/or velocity?

>> No.21735732

>the opposite of a bad idea is a bad idea

Good luck with your life decisions

>> No.21735735

You do realize this stuff is just a giant ponzi of buying and selling, right?

Everything else, the enhancing of tokenization, the "coin-burn", is just gobbledy-gook to get the apprehensive to buy in

There is literally nothing stopping a bunch of hopeful/greedy men from coming and buying large amounts of AMPL.

>> No.21735826 [DELETED] 

I can understand from your perspective that AMPL is ruined, crushed, destroyed.

But in reality there is hope for a bounce up due to the Dollar Cost Averaging.

>> No.21735922

I can understand from your perspective that AMPL is ruined, crushed, destroyed.

But it's still at an all time low at the moment.

I bet it will rise again on that basis.

>> No.21735933
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lol samefag deleting post

>> No.21735973

im retarded buy amp

>> No.21735994

>there is 0 use case to providing liquidity with ampl other than having a degenerate sense for gambling and wanting to be exposed to the asset.
Tell me, what is the usecase of Bitcoin?

>people are actively rejecting adding ampl pools
Literally give one (1) example.

>> No.21736017

Pool rewards just increased for the top 5 pools:

>> No.21736028

we told you jump out at $1 no matter what

>> No.21736067

I thought it meant something else. I thought it meant the average price of the highs and lows of an equity.

>> No.21736068

It's simple manipulation. Look at how fast this thing traverses the 0.80 - 1 USD range. People with stacks are trying to shake people out, by exposing them to negative rebases - but are then ready to pump it, when it looks like sentiment is about to change.

>> No.21736139

i'm thinking the amp team is going to pump this before unloading their monthly allowance on us.
so i'll sell and get my money back then

>> No.21736165

The protocol is lopsided and the supply needs 6 months of negative rebases to come back to earth.

>> No.21736204

Have fun being raped by whales

>> No.21736252

I'm holding in the geyser until I understand what I bought

>> No.21736306

Ampl is the perfect asset to be invested in if you are playing with funds solely gained from the profit of other crypto projects. Then the negatives are not so painful - it's only Monopoly money.

>Don't put hard earned neetbux into Ampl - it's too painful.

>> No.21736378

the distribution of this coin is actually terrible one of the worst actually i wish i knew earlier because i would sold they offfered more in seed sale than public sale so theyre just dumping, dropping price and maybe buying back cheaper to selling again on retail mouthbreathers

>> No.21736406

i would have sold at a 30x instead of a 15x if i knew i was greedy tho

>> No.21736450

>too lazy for punctuation

>> No.21736457


>> No.21736481

i hope it rebases my pain away

>> No.21736568

the pain of knowing i could have put another 20k in tellor is too much

>> No.21736599

shit brother, me too. ended up with 200 TRB but had enough to get 1K worth...

>> No.21736650

I don't understand how anyone can see that recent high price and the new low price of AMPL and say it's anything other than bullish in the long-term.

The people that sold it will buy back in someday.

>> No.21736739

imo its worth it for early buyers to stay in but reward isnt that good for the risk even if it goes to like 1-2b from here

>> No.21736942

I think it'll stick to .60 cents at least for 2 more months. Not even bitconnect is dead.

>> No.21737540

we are literally back though