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21729701 No.21729701 [Reply] [Original]

Are you getting stressed by the volatility?

>> No.21729747

I thrive in it. Losing $300k in unrealized gains over the course of 48 hours gets the blood pumping. I finally feel alive.

Goes without saying that if you kikes ever want to see my fucking linkies, you'll have to read the private keys from a note I'll have shoved up my ass when I'm dead.

>> No.21729782

No I’m just shitposting and enjoying the show

>> No.21729800
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Been here since Jan 18. You've merely adopted the red candles. I was born in it. I didn't see a green until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing but blinding!

>> No.21729822
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>> No.21729931

lmao same if people already know about your crypto just pull a yeah lost over 6 figures you get that on the big jobs

>> No.21729944

That's a lot of green IDs... Also checked

>> No.21730150

my $1000 price alert hasnt been triggered. havent looked at the price in months

>> No.21730229

Not especially. I was at first, but now I’ve learned the nature of this beast. Pump, retrace (HAHAHAHAHA LINKIES I TOLD YOU), then another pump which shuts up the nulinkers and reddit transplants.

>> No.21730234

I am actually hoping to lose it all so I can write it off.
Anyone know a shitcoin thats doomed to fail?

>> No.21730286
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Checked as well.
Harnessing Linkies memepower and directing it toward the one true coin.

>> No.21730420

imagine being this based. fucking jesus

>> No.21730731
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It has no effect on me at all.

>> No.21730783
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Wish I was this based. Cheers

>> No.21730826

this is why i invested in this project 2 years ago. thanks.

>> No.21730905
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So based im shaking

>> No.21730935

>Are you getting stressed by the volatility?
no. i keep holdin my 3 links. never sell. 600000€ per link one day for sure.

>> No.21730976

iam only happy the normies are afk.

>> No.21731122


>> No.21731124

I feel dead inside. The pumps, the dumps, none of it is real and nothing matters. I want to be rich but why does it feel no different swinging up or down by six figures? It's not like you can even tell anyone how much you are up/down. It's just all so surreal.

>> No.21731144
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haha yes. i am having a great time.

>> No.21731172

Love it. Asked anon how to cope with stack swinging by 5 dollaridinos when 10K+ stinkers. Said that's the time to swing with some percent. Did it, and love it. Easier on the stomach and better in the wallet

>> No.21731192

$150k unrealized gains burned for me
God I love my frens.
May God bless you and all involved on this mission to secure our progeny.

Fuck kikes youll never have my linkies.

>> No.21731227

I'm good but thank you for checking.

>> No.21731228

I sold 50 link to get my initial back. I regred it. you are way more based

>> No.21731262
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>> No.21731290

Also lost about $200k in unrealized gains the past few days kek. you fuckers will have to pry them from my fucking hands, no one is touching my linkies. nothing you say can convince me to sell, NOTHING

>> No.21731325

I’ll make sweet love to your corpse and push your keys up further.

>> No.21731356
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No, I need an opportunity to buy more

>> No.21731391

Is that you in the back there walking through the vid? Nice speedo

>> No.21731408
File: 1.98 MB, 498x261, never ever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I will never sell. It's literally guaranteed personal wealth.

>> No.21731411

Kekked at the walking beercan not giving a fuck and enjoying his day at the beach.

>> No.21731442

is that a ledger he is pushing up his ass?

>> No.21731453
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Sergey, i want to get off this wild ride.
Pump us to 1K please

>> No.21731495

Lmao kikes absolutely unequivocally btfo

>> No.21731514
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this. I am down 10k but not fucking selling. fuck them all we marines will hold the line as long as it takes

>> No.21731546
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yes for long-term hodl, you don't do this?

>> No.21731650

He is who I aspire to be. Suns out, nuts out, no fucks given.

>> No.21731766


>> No.21731778


Stealth lit thread

>> No.21731847
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As a financially illiterate newfag retard who FOMOd in at 10, no.
This is the most fun I've had in years.
I think it may be the first time I've actually felt anything in years.
I don't care if this thing rockets to the moon or crashes into hell. I just want to feel alive.

>> No.21731892

Not at all
I was born in stress
Molded by it
By the time I saw happiness I was blinded by it

>> No.21731900


Faith is purest when it is unquestioning. I will wait for $1000. And even then, I AM STILL NOT SELLING!

>> No.21731958

Gets me every time

>> No.21731963
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nope but im kinda new and i have to ask. is there any scenario where you "gain" money on your tax report but it was actually a loss because of all the value volatility? just curious.

>> No.21731988
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>> No.21732023

You are alpha as fuck for a chainlink autist. I am also never selling my ETH

>> No.21732064

I “lost” 40k in unrealized gains in the last two days

Don’t feel a thing lol
Is that what a cult is?
I like my cult

>> No.21732131

fucking KEK

>> No.21732240
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Isn't it funny?

>> No.21732273

30K down and buying barstool blood. Fuck niggers, JANNIES and big nosed kikes like portnoy.

>> No.21732297

It dips I buy more. Simple. You're going to make it anon.

>> No.21732672

The volatility is the fun of it. what else would my money go toward? Food, drugs or cold dead objects filling up my life. I'd rather throw my money into something liquid. It grows or it dumps I'm just along for the ride.