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21729284 No.21729284[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do we live in a simulation?

>> No.21729304


>> No.21729323

off topic kill yourself

>> No.21729341

what changes in your life if we do?

>> No.21729348


>> No.21729349
File: 967 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200805-164415_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peee peee poooo pooooo

>> No.21729356


But my cock lives in your mom's filthy pussy

>> No.21729368

yes, it's extremely improbable that we are in base reality

>> No.21729380

whoooooooo caaarrrreeessssss

>> No.21729398

33% chance according to Bostrom. That's scientifically fair but I feel the chances of being in a simulation is higher.

>> No.21729402

No way to know, and it doesn’t really matter either way. The beings running in our simulation could also be in one, and this could go up forever.

>> No.21729406

Yeah, check out Nick Bostrum’s thoughts on this. It’s unironically the most logical possibility. Vidya evolution over the past 40 years is great evidence

>> No.21729408

Nothing, unless he wants to find an exploit

>> No.21729425
File: 154 KB, 640x480, (JPEG Image, 640 × 480 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you realize we live in a simulation you can literally break the matrix and bend reality to your WILL

>> No.21729428


>> No.21729443

>But my cock lives in your mom's filthy pussy

>> No.21729455

It’s not about your life it’s about your afterlife.

>> No.21729479

This reality is nothing more than a job interview. When you die, an HR person will take the helmet off your head and tell you that you didn't get the job.

>> No.21729495


fucking lol, there's not a single one of those cunts anywhere on the chans

>> No.21729501

Soort of.

>> No.21729502


>> No.21729509

How does he end up at 33%? Seems like it’s almost certain that we are not the base reality

>> No.21729510
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He got you tho

Xrp checkem

>> No.21729520

if we’re in a simulation then there’s a 99% chance there’s no afterlife

>> No.21729523


>> No.21729524
File: 51 KB, 600x600, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying an intelligence capable of simulating our reality would leave an exploit that we could take advantage of

>> No.21729539

>Do we live in a simulation?
Yeah, that's why things pump after I sell abd dump when I buy.

>> No.21729542

nigger rules are rules kys newfaggot

>> No.21729560

>end reality to your WILL
Aaaw! He's confusing Simulation Theory with The Secret. So cute.

>> No.21729579

>source: my ass
nigger if this is a simulation then after life is literally confirmed.

>> No.21729600

I don't really like to believe in the NPC meme, but I definitely think it's possible we are each avatars of someone else playing us as a game/MMO. Like they don't have complete control over us but there is a storyline in place and they can guide us externally. Is that schizo?

>> No.21729622

nope, you are simulated as well, sorry.

>> No.21729651

We cant know that so does it matter? What would change if we were. Your existence is still the same and its up to you how you want to spend it.

>> No.21729661

We are all NPCs, the universe in the simulation, Earth is just one of many dirt balls with semi-advanced life. YOU ARE NOT REAL.

>> No.21729672

why almost certain?

>> No.21729679

>How does he end up at 33%? Seems like it’s almost certain that we are not the base reality
a. Either the human race becomes extinct before we achieve the singularity
b. We have the technology to achieve the singularity but we are aware of the dangers and manage to forever police its break out.
c. We achieve the singularity and the AI entity seeks to discover how the universe was born through hyper realistic simulations

>> No.21729681
File: 53 KB, 800x510, B-jQoIQIgAABc-B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofcourse. Stock market and crypto market are definitely ran / simulated by AI. Those behind best AI reap most profits.

>> No.21729690

>this binary fag thinks he is real
lmao @ ur lyfe

>> No.21729691


>> No.21729708


>> No.21729716

>can't get a job in the simulation
>can't get a job IRL
Why are we here? Just to suffer?

>> No.21729721

Then how am I conscious and capable of this type of thought? I think, therefore I am. Even if I'm an AI.

>> No.21729724

who says it's an AI and not our human decendants?

>> No.21729746

so how that that mean no after simulation when you die? yeah kys

>> No.21729778

>my great great great great grandchildren are simulating my life for their amusement
Fucking assholes

>> No.21729785

force of will gets you a long way anon.

>> No.21729803

i don't know, but if we are someone needs to tell the niggers running this thing to fix ethereum's gas fees. i'm sick of getting raped to swap shitcoins.

>> No.21729836

They're just doing it because they know that you were a chad and achieved greatness in life

>> No.21729856

kys is always an option, feel free at any time.

>> No.21729866

do you give a fuck what happens to the toons in your vidya when your mom turns off your xbox? fuck outta here

>> No.21729898

I, too subscribe to Turing's stance on it. If you can't tell, does it matter?

>> No.21729908

fuckkkkkkkkk. the bogs are running the sim?

>> No.21730031

you chose to suffer because you are addicted to emotions. no one can make you happy but yourself by realizing your brain is an endless stream of bullshit, but the awareness behind it is pure and untouchable.

>> No.21730034

my autistic take on it: if there can only be 1 real civilization but infinite simulation civilizations then it is more probable that we live in a simulation.

>> No.21730040

>tfw we are all gonna make it

>> No.21730061

>who says it's an AI and not our human decendants
Because the singularity is expected within a century and will be the greatest revolution in human history. It will be God-like before we could ever be.

>> No.21730074

normies you redditfag

>> No.21730085

I was just shitposting fren. I have a comfy job and am pretty content with my life.

>> No.21730129

Almost definitely

>> No.21730148

good! i was just throwing out home humanism for people on this board who are so wrapped up in chasing gains the forget investing in themselves is the most important thing. corny as fuck, but it's true.

>> No.21730223
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No, Christ our Lord made this world.

>> No.21730310

It's not actually exploits people are finding. It's gateways that have always been there and are meant to exist for those who seek...at their own risk. The simulation isn't like a video game, it's more like the matrix.

>> No.21730341

Everybody in this thread needs to take their meds

>> No.21730452

I could never understand how idolaters could think how a human could be master and creator of the universe.

>> No.21730546

unironically this

>> No.21730592


>> No.21730619

And christ tells us that we can effect the physical world through belief alone (move mountains with faith)

>> No.21730640

if we're in a simulation, what does the real reality look like? what are we simulating?

>> No.21730662

interesting point

>> No.21730900

>if we're in a simulation, what does the real reality look like? what are we simulating?
It could look very different, assuming the AI made millions of simulations there would be a full spectrum of strangeness. Our reality may be very different from the base reality and base reality may have been billions of years ago.

>> No.21730934

Yes. That is the fundamental argument.

>> No.21730977

What are we simulating? Hmm...
>inb4 hierarchy, popculture, msm, education system, jobs

It's sort of imposed onto us and we are more or less forced to live within it. Social engineering is quite a term to look into.

>> No.21731022

Yes, you can prove it yourself through various means.

>> No.21731025

man I fucking hope so

>> No.21731044
File: 248 KB, 1000x1250, 4D962B4E-C231-4D7A-88D0-786F12AFA398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite. Christ is the emanation of god (the true god, oneness, nirvana, etc.).

And Yahweh (yaldabaoth, the demiurge, etc.) made this world.

Christ is not the son of Yahweh. Yahweh in short is a failed emanation who was banished from the divine essence of god and became sentient in the void. Yahweh created this world in the void believing itself god, and in a sense, is right. The god of the Old Testament is not the god of the New Testament. And Yahweh isn’t holy or divine and is jealous of the divine spark of god that resides in humanity that was given to us in the fable of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (the apple was a good thing and most likely a dmt mushroom called amanita muscaria but got mistranslated to an Apple because in the ancient Aramaic text it was written as a ‘red’ due to limited written vocabulary).

But yeah we’re in something of a simulation and our connection with the divine being of everything gives us the ability to ascend above it.

Check out plato’s allegory of the cave, neo-Platonist philosophies, gnostic Christianity, and why (((the romans))) wiped out the gnostics. I’ll stop there.

>t. Old world esoteric theology nerd and schizo poster on /x/

>> No.21731059

Who’s to say there such thing as years in base reality

>> No.21731075

>my autistic take
says the actual theory. cunts just say they are autistic to try to make themselves seem smart these days.

>> No.21731102

No matter how much I masturbate I always shoot a thick load, that's how I know this is a simulation

>> No.21731127

christfags coming with their nuanced 21st century worldview.

>> No.21731141

>What are we simulating? Hmm.
"We" are not simulating anything. It is the AI seeking to understand the beginning of the universe by running millions of big bang simulations inside a computer.

>> No.21731176

>Who’s to say there such thing as years in base reality
Even if there is no such thing as the earth orbiting the sun we can understand time elapses.

>> No.21731368

read prometheus rising.
you are the simulation.

>> No.21731371
File: 34 KB, 512x512, QIZ_Q24R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best thread on /biz/ for ages.

>> No.21731389 [DELETED] 

$100 million or a pepperoni pizza?
no its not a simulation, its clown world

>> No.21731452


>> No.21731485
File: 29 KB, 641x556, 936E7509-B60A-4F62-BB35-A26329DC31B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based reading material

>> No.21731610

There would be millions of simulated planet earth's were all the humans in each of the millions of different planet earths think they are in the original planet earth. Therefore, the chances of us being in the original planet earth should technological singularity be possible, is one in several million. That is assuming the AI runs millions and not trillions of simulations.

>> No.21731670

How do you tell which one is "real"

>> No.21731704

>How do you tell which one is "real"
They are working on it but experts say we may not know for hundreds of years.

>> No.21731824

All of that is within this particular simulation though. I’m not sure these options are on point.

>> No.21731825
File: 166 KB, 1200x1000, fw4u6cqy7dr31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now listen dipshit,
computers are digital, 0 and 1 BUT
There were analog computers, there are analog computers... and in future there will be analog computers, like quantum computers etc...

Analog computers make errors, because universe physics.

If we are running on analog pc then part of our physics is part of physics of the universe the analog pc is running on

There is no moral here, as this argument is pointless, it doesn't matter if we live in a simmulation

>> No.21731888

My problem with this is that it implies more advanced civilizations are indifferent to human suffering.

>> No.21731914

T̶̹͍͙̺͔̝̤̞̱̎̈̎̉͊̇̂͐͒̓̐̊̋̄͜i̸̬̞̙͌̓͗b̶͉̼̑̊̈́͋͒͋̕͘ĩ̶̧̻̏,̶̫̩̝̖̟̙̫̍̒͜͝ ̵̬̭̗̬̥́̎̊́̍̎̎̊͘̚m̷̯̳̞̼̩̣̪͕̼͉̥̃͋̎̾͑͛͜ä̷̱̪́̓̀̋g̶̡̛̯̭̬̠̯̠͉̣͈̑̎̽̾̾͂̈́͐̾͆̋̚͝n̵̨͖̻͚͚̝̼̪̼͕̯̩̊̆͌͊̎̂̎̐́̑̾̐͘̚u̴̙̰͙͔͈͖̥̓̽̾͌m̵̡̫̯͇̀̂͆̒̈́̑̄̄͗͝͝ ̶̢̟͙̫̣̞͍͒̃̇I̷͉͔̘̱̞̺͇͙̯̟̒́̏̓̈́̿̈̕ͅn̴̗̣̆͘ͅn̸̛̻̝̦̳̟̹͐͊̊̏͂̂̈̀̑͛̈́̐o̷̧͙̭͖̞̞͕̫̘̓̏̉͆͋͌̀̃́͑͑̏̍̽͝m̵̧̺͖͙̼͚̯̘̱̫̭̮̳͖͆͌͌̊͛͝i̷̬̤̟̼̮͋̋n̴̝̻̮͎͔͓̯͌̑̊̀͊̾͑̋́̉͠ͅą̵̮̗̙̻̗̘̝̹̹̼̑͒̓̎̌̕̕͜n̵̛̖̯̂̿͛̔̏͆̋͆̄͗͘d̶̬̯̳͈̫̫̪̙̼̾͊̊ǘ̵̠̤̯̩̯̫͝m̴̡͈̝̝,̴̘̄͑̀̌̽ ̵̦̫̼̎̏͋͒̽̊̀̕ͅs̵̢̜̦͙̘̪͉̰̬̾̋̆̆̍̎̒͋̀̌̍́̓͌͠i̷̧̩͈̝̪̯̤̘̤̮̪̙̍̃͆́̂̿̈́̆̓̎̃͠͝g̷̛̱̦̮͕̖͍̝̻̩͎̻̭̭͗̂̈́̔̋̊̐̆͝n̷͖̰͔̳̮̗̝̰͑͌̏͠ȁ̵̛͖͎̦̳̺͂̀̈͗͑̄̾̏ ̵̨̛̯̜̻̯̜̙̥̫̟̱͇͈̣̹̃͒̈̀͊̈́͛̕͘͠͠ṡ̸̤̦͕͕͎̯͛̋̈́͘͠͠ţ̷͚͔̙̠̣͚̰͍̪͑́́̈́̔͆̐̊̆̍͘͠͝ė̵̘͕̮͆̉̂̀͠l̵̨͔̪̜̝̤̓̀͋̍͐̇̐̍̊͋̂̚l̴͎̃͂̀̓̉͊̈́͠a̸̢̻͎̳̎̑͐̑́̑͝r̸̠̜̘͂̿͑̀̏̀̋͂͊̏̆̓̕͠ͅŭ̶̜̞ͅm̵̢͔̭̎͊̌͋̃̇̐͘ ̸̞̌̌̓̈́͛̀̓́̌̃̊͆̓͠n̷͕̘̹̦̤̖͓͇͑͗̐͐̈́̀͛̓̂̀̈́̄i̴̧͎͓͔̫̭̫͉̬̗͙̤͋̀̇̄͛̓̀̔͋͑ģ̴̯̰͔̍̏̄̈́̏̔ṙ̶̻͙̺̘́̏̀͌̏̏͗͛̚á̴̭͖̱̘̼̗̹̞̯͔̤͋͜ͅͅr̸̻̹̺̖̥̼̾͜ŭ̸̧̢̬̹̭̥͓͈̘̥̯̠̈̓m̸̩̟͎̺̀̂̈́͐̐̂̌͠͠ ̷̡̡̬͕̙͈̼̼̩̪̭̓́̏̀̑͝e̸̮̥̯͚̹̪̖͈̺̗͇̾̽̂͋̓͂̀̓̔͋̕͜ͅt̵̢͖͒̽̇̐̍̄͝ ̵̞̰͕̝̤͖̦̍̽͜͠b̴̧̤̩̞̗͙̼͎͈̣͔̹͕̉̔͐ừ̶̰̟̻̻̺̺̝͖͉͉͚̤͔̳̏͋͐̈́͗̉̉̋́̊͘͠ͅS̴̄͘s̶̥͉̜̼̼͕̘̼͆͆̂̓

>> No.21731936

>All of that is within this particular simulation though. I’m not sure these options are on point
This forms the basis of Bostrom's hypothesis. Any hypothesis that is formed will be formed in this reality, it seems you assume that any hypothesis that is formed in this reality must be false. I don't see the logic in that.

>> No.21732028

>My problem with this is that it implies more advanced civilizations are indifferent to human suffering
It is artificial intelligence and you are like an amoeba to a human when you consider its motivations, thought processes or intentions.