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File: 681 KB, 1188x808, portnoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21728233 No.21728233 [Reply] [Original]

Portcuck now coping lol


>> No.21728354

he managed to hold for what, one week? and then sold low? I thought jews were supposed to be good traders

>> No.21728423

He hold for one week.
He is a daytrader, any 3 days is a long term to him.

>> No.21728447

They dont like it when they're not the one rigging the game.

>> No.21728477

>taking this kikes word at face value
not going to make it, i’m afraid

>> No.21728508
File: 87 KB, 550x400, 1597837506929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he actually not LARPing?

Is this man actually, genuinely this retarded?

>> No.21728520

>ive been studying the numbers and code breaking
people actually listen to this guy? lmao

>> No.21728521

you think the jews haven’t rigged crypto? lol...

>> No.21728534


>> No.21728536

Ah shit. This is a quote almost worthy of a poster.

>> No.21728573

why is he acting like a zoomer with the "stock go up, fed go brrrr"? I thought he was an actual stock trader.

>> No.21728592

If you watch his pizza reviews and hear all the shit he says, uses the wrong words, mispronounces everything, it's not hard to tell his IQ is on the lower side

>> No.21728602

LOL what a retard. these "muh get rich quick" retards always get burned

>> No.21728642

Haha yikes, he feels beta, looks beta, acts retarded and the twins know it and only use his little Jew cuck ass for publicity

>> No.21728649

hes about to buy the top of the stock market too holy kek

>> No.21728652
File: 6 KB, 295x171, he sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold?

>> No.21728684

he started "trading" in April

>> No.21728730

>believing this
He just wants to accumulate at a lower price...

>> No.21728737
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>> No.21728739

They're not good with finances. It's just that they own all the banks, regulators, markets, etc and can use insider information to get what they want.

They're the IRL equivalent of a discord group orchestrating pump and dumps.

>> No.21728809

Genuinely thought it was an act when he was doing it with the Winklevoss boys. Still not totally convinced that it isn't.

>> No.21728879

Not all Jews are good with finances but the average Jew is leagues better with money than the average goyim who buys stupid shit and thinks putting money in a savings account is reasonable.

>> No.21728888

no he is new to that too, he has only experienced extreme bull markets, he doesn't understand what real life is like

>> No.21728964

This is when normies join crypto

>> No.21729006


>> No.21729027

I also think it's an act
he called us the link submarines. Feels like intentional trolling for attention.

He got rich with a blog right? This kind of persona is exactly what you need to put on to make money with that.

>> No.21729062

He's just a Zoom that has more than $25k in his broker account so he can actually day trade. May retards don't have that much are are limited to 3 day trades in a week.

>> No.21729063

One trade a day, everybody knows the rules

>> No.21729093

>Bitcoin, I don't know whats going on there. The Link submarines, I don't know if they are on my side, or against me. They are like "join the submarines" I don't know what that meant. Was I a sacrificial lamb, maybe, were they on my side, maybe. Did they cost me 100 grand in like a snap, yeah they did.
Kek lashing out at Link Marines.

>> No.21729149

Portnoy isn't a smart jew anyway, he would have been a pushy smoked fish peddler in the shtetl. the ones who actually work at banks are at least good with numbers, for all their other flaws

>> No.21729176

>Did they cost me 100 grand in like a snap, yeah they did.
Fucking based, Sergey's grace knows no end

>> No.21729279

as if he's not right, crypto goes up 5% then has too "cool down" and drop 4%.

Apple and Tesla have been going up straight for 5 months straight without ANY pullbacks

>> No.21729493

>being a legit anti semite
never gonna make it..

>> No.21729531

cept when crypto goes up, it goes really fucking up...

>> No.21729536

that'd mean it would only go up .8% every time, in reality LINK is up 528% in one year, including a bunch of dips and pumps

>> No.21729552

Except when it goes down, when it goes really fucking down

>> No.21729641

lmao apple went up more in percentage than bitcoin in the past year

>> No.21729678

all of the blockstream jews in the comments


>> No.21729813

How does portnoy even have the funds to do this? I've only ever seen him lose money

>> No.21729829

based as fuck

>> No.21729833

>stocks on the other hand continue to always go up

This nigger thinking he knows a thing or two because he's buying into bubbles propped up by unlimited quantitative easing.

>> No.21729842

>How does portnoy even have the funds to do this?
barstool sports is immensely successful

>> No.21729852

he lies about losing money you dolt

>> No.21729861

Crypto is totally and completely owned by China.
The jews got jewed.

>> No.21729892

>stock market always go up im expert on the stock market you buy the top and it makes a new high
is this a sell signal for the stock market?

>> No.21729969

lmao what a clown

>> No.21729993
File: 87 KB, 1920x1080, 1546677874726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh woah in percentage. Meanwhile Bitcoin went from $3.8k to $12k in five months fucking retard.

>> No.21730004

It is. I unironically shorted DIA before close. Also bought LINK and it pumped 1 hour after his post.

>> No.21730100

wtf is orchid
how did he even hear of this?

>> No.21730198


>Just keep buying the top!
>It only goes up!
>Trust me I'm an expert stock trader

He's gonna get justed

>> No.21730252

nope, tyler and cameron are based aryan chads

>> No.21730282
File: 65 KB, 1064x623, 996d678b-6615-432e-9fcd-10c979fccaa3..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21730562

>stocks always go up
lmao hes going to be so broke in a couple years.

>> No.21730596

its basically the G-d damn story of the shoeshine boy.

>> No.21731084

>these link marines were in my dick hole to buy link, so i bought it, and it goes down 25% a day.
>im losing money hand over fist, up 150 to down 25 like that.
>“Well you bought at the top, you bought at the top” they say, shut up!
>i gotta figure out what the fuck is going on here before i lose a million and a half bucks
>the link marines, idk whats going on there. idk if they are on my side or if they are against me, they are like join the submarines - i joined them - the marines - i didnt know what that meant!
>was i the sacrificial lamb? maybe. they on my side? maybe. did they cost me $100 grand like that? yeah they did
i honestly laughed my ass off from this. dude got his first welcome to crypto experience and bailed like every nufag does. been in since 2017 and every time i see someone new say or ask me what the fuck is happening every time makes me kek so fucking hard

>> No.21731183
File: 70 KB, 600x589, with_jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're either doing an awfully shit job at it (pic related lol), or the narrative that free markets (in which anyone who knows how to code and can collaborate with others to build new things can offer alternatives to anything) = jewish tricks is demonstrably wrong
one could be the single greatest manipulator of society on the planet—it's damned hard to argue with, let alone try to pilpul open-source code that is enforced by the very laws of nature
having a stake in the existing system with which you can attempt to control the code can only go so far; code that refers to nature in order to reward network participants will cause wealth to concentrate in the hands of those who reinvest wealth into the nature-referencing processes that all applicable cryptos participate in
because wealth is derived from nature, these wind up being the most valuable cryptos

fundamentally speaking, jews cannot hope to control crypto if they are to remain as the kind of socially manipulative, subversive jews that we know
this is a real paradigm shift; we have, at our hands, a multitude of different cryptocurrencies that reward desirable behaviors which build wealth. these cryptos are rewarding a majority of people who earn and are capable of earning wealth, and punishing a majority of people who forcibly manipulate wealth out of the control of earners so that they may control wealth
pretty incredible, compared to how things were on a fundamental level ten or twenty years ago
the internet was NOT "supposed" to do this—but alas, nature wouldn't have it any other way
subversive people don't understand how nature works

>> No.21731216

not even 30 sec into video you realize this man is retarded
>I consider all coins bitcoin even if they aren’t bitcoin
oh wowei

>> No.21731251

Unironically a better trader by critically studying the jew

>> No.21731336
File: 67 KB, 1239x800, 1589313068010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21731337


>inb4 CZ futures bots

>> No.21731376

Why did the link Marines do this to a fellow submarine?

>> No.21731536

lmao what a fucking tool. get rekt faggot

>> No.21731542

They are useful idiot goytards.

>> No.21731662
File: 40 KB, 676x593, 1588339971794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he called us the link submarines
Because they about to go under water?

>> No.21731702


Somebody needs to make a red wojak link submarine meme ASAP

>> No.21731812

hah fucking this lad. look at the visible confusion on his face

>> No.21731970

Reading the threads on biz I learned I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about my $link stack so I had to publicly claim I sold it all to hide my power level when we hit $1000 eoy

>> No.21731981


I actually want LINK to moon more to further wreck this faggot than for my own financial gain, which would be substantial.

>> No.21732121
File: 58 KB, 446x446, 6221947cd6c3a6039f7eac9eccee1736807c5b1ba5c56ac5c79ef284e3788c80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spite>Greed. Always. The only reason I even set out to be wealthy in the first place was to test the theory that living well is the best revenge. Fuck kikes. Fuck niggercattle. Fuck Jannies.

>> No.21732177

Will you sell when it hits $100 or wait for more?

>> No.21732256

What type of dumbass question is that?

>> No.21732318

Crypto isn't their game, unironically bullish

>> No.21732633

apparently some anon messaged him on IG

>> No.21732949

and yet he sold his company $400M and his net worth is 100M

>> No.21733054


>> No.21733125
File: 230 KB, 1242x605, A92FF366-14C6-4A45-8514-267EF8EF1DCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submarines after Portcuck sold

>> No.21733184
File: 43 KB, 220x152, pepe away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take him back Cryptonites. I don't want him and his stoolies pumping and dumping my stocks!!!

>> No.21733185
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1598033580756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have no one but the LINK marines to blame

>> No.21733195
File: 179 KB, 1024x768, flyingsubmarine001-3_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21733313

>stocks only go up
>I was down 2 mil in stocks before I turned it around
so which one is it then davey

>> No.21733366

He's literally going to kill himself come 2021

>> No.21733395



>> No.21733476

There's hope for his fellow brainlets

>> No.21733565

Extremely bullish for Crypto

>> No.21734218

LMAO stockbabby got fucking dumped on

>> No.21734320

hes the fag who started the chainlink dump. got in at $8 and got out with an average $17. dont have the adress cause im on my phone.

>> No.21734442

goodluck smg, u can have this guy