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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 383x286, ETHEREUM-LOGO_PORTRAIT_Black_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21714107 No.21714107 [Reply] [Original]

If ethereum doesnt go to $5k.... i will hang myself. . ....

>> No.21714192

It probably will, eventually. Like look at Bitcoin, it peaked at 19k, and is somehow at 11k today. Once the flippening happens, ethereum has the potential to grow MUCH higher than 19k, like 45-50k at least.

>> No.21714262

What will that mean for gas prices?

>> No.21714298

Also ETH 2.0 is coming out soon isn't it?

>> No.21714325

A year too 2 years

>> No.21714397

Spotted the boomer,, ,,,

>> No.21714486

ICOs made ETH big. Defi dilutes the valution of ETH into utility tokens.

You will never make lucrative gains with ETH again

>> No.21714502

Just keep holding op, you are going to make your grandkids very happy.

>> No.21714607

they've been saying two years since i bought in 2016. it's as bad as lightning

>> No.21714648

eth will never be 500 dollars again let alone 5k kek

>> No.21714779
File: 38 KB, 1200x628, 1598017443187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already here

>> No.21714940


pfft, got my bags in ADA PoS already working, eth still got nothing.

>> No.21715002

prepare the rope

>> No.21715072


Just because they did one tiny little thing well, does not replace an entire ecosystem of software.

If you do not understand this you obviously have 0 technical knowledge.

As long as ethereum 2.0 remains a real possibility, all competitors are merely good for pajeet level shilling.

>> No.21715083

Eth powers everything. If Eth doesn’t moon then nearly 99% of coins won’t either

>> No.21715085

Phase 0 is soon. Should put some confidence back into ETH

>> No.21715216

Scaling has to be fixed, tx fees are so high

>> No.21715235



>> No.21715341
File: 73 KB, 694x985, 02C84831-9524-4882-9078-09D193D9E543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21715344

Too many tokens have diluted the potential for large ETH gains, what don't you understand? Is Ethereum a currency or gas? Do you know what ETH is?

>> No.21715368
File: 434 KB, 400x400, laughing tweety.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make like, a bee ,,,, and BUZZ OFF!!

>> No.21715377 [DELETED] 

your argument is so vague I'm not sure who the one with 0 technical knowledge is

>> No.21715537

eth scaling is already here. retards like you just dont know about it

>> No.21715582


>> No.21715833
File: 349 KB, 638x701, Diversity and White People.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO. Even when they try to hide the 4chan gods out them!

>> No.21716142

no it won't. eth will never hit the ath, it's unjustifiable and simply won't happen

>> No.21716941

>Is Ethereum a currency or gas?
both, just like precious metals, it has a use AND is used for speculation.
The dilution would be true, if no new money would come in.

>> No.21717031

Long time mETH head here, I unironically believe DOT is the new wave.

>> No.21717156
File: 25 KB, 450x590, 20200821_112433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21717187

only 9 kek

>> No.21717249


>> No.21717287

I have 75. Will I make it?

>> No.21717302

Makes me want to kms everyday

>> No.21717317


Also, the new money is chasing pumps, just like they do with FAANG stocks. You understand there are many unemployed and desperate retail traders who don't have the time or patience for long-term gains? I'm expecting to see a large correction for both crypto and stocks in Q4.. It will be a good enough excuse to delay ETH 2.0 as well.

>> No.21717342

get the rope ready then

>> No.21717420
File: 291 KB, 583x439, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's get this bag

>> No.21717474

Can't scale, was not built with the future in mind, every time something needs to be added you need to make sure it doesn't break the whole system, building on top of shit and slowing everything down.

Going to put my money in a competitor.

>> No.21717585

biz is by and large ignorant on ETH.

They don't like that they can't get 100% in a week, so it's shit to them.

Technical understanding is simply limited.

>> No.21717721

ETH already scales. It's a secret kept from brainlets though. Most big apps are getting scaling solutions by end of year.