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File: 740 KB, 1280x500, 0B9EA2F6-FC3B-4D9A-8B79-6300B2574546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21710652 No.21710652 [Reply] [Original]

>week before smartcon
>link dumps
Why are people selling link? Are they retarded?

>> No.21710672

shaking out the redditors

>> No.21710674

>Are they retarded?

>> No.21710705

Yes anon. Everyone is stupid escept for you.
There's no way that smartcon was already priced in and that Link is dumping massively because it's a shitty ERC20 token that has been pumped x4 over a month on literal memes and hopium alone.
You should set a long

>> No.21710717

link the standard
just wait till 28th, this will show them

>> No.21710733

herd mentality

>> No.21710750

There was a huge link TG that sold their position and bought $flow. Only reason why the coin is up past $1.

>> No.21710777

Very likely market manipulation.

>> No.21710780

Its priced in. It went to $20 because of short squeezes. Its going back to $10

>> No.21710789

means link is on sale

>> No.21710809

Sergey is just giving the nufags a chance to hop in the board while the Qtards boomers sell because muh ww3 soon. Zommers rise up!

>> No.21710813

most people are dumb yes, especially the ones that are too different from me

>> No.21710853

>citing long term fundamentals to fud short term price action
I am amazed every single time I see this. I wonder if anyone is dumb enough to fall for it

>> No.21710864

this is our SIBOS sell now

>> No.21710883

everyone is different from you anon, you're special.

>> No.21710902

Cryptocurrencies are purely speculative assets, and thus are prone to bubbles. And bubbles pop.

>> No.21710903

Every trading meme is true about 90% of the time, and none more so than buy the rumor, sell the news. That and big exchange listing dumps are the two pillars of successful swing trading that happen every, single, time, and you guys all still hold. I've quadrupled my Link stack over the years without investing a single cent more

>> No.21710919

pretty much. they should of at least held till conference then dump. there's retarded sellers and retarded buyers. 2 sides of the same coin

>> No.21710944

Now imagine the dump when there is no big news at smart con

>> No.21710949

Except the price is holding on quite well. The only ones selling are shrimps and weakhands

>> No.21711024

That's the stupidest shit I've ever read

>> No.21711041
File: 275 KB, 512x512, 1597425768634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link and RSR both down 13% in 24 hours

What gives? What's the correlation?

>> No.21711076

Wont be a dump this is the dump there wont be a pump either

>> No.21711085

Nice numerals.

>> No.21711087


>> No.21711100

This will rally in a few days. Expect to catch some nice dumps until Sunday night

>> No.21711107

Bottom is in, calling it now

>> No.21711142

>buy the rumor, sell the news
>7 days before the news
I think there’s a reason why (((they))) call us goyims

>> No.21711143

>full house digits


>> No.21711164

I’m buying so much dip. Maybe soon I won’t be a linklet anymore

>> No.21711221

I want to swing but I’m a burger and can’t handle the tax rape...

>> No.21711237

Whats your speculated price EOY?

>> No.21711262

Checked and accurate

>> No.21711274

Checked and newfag pilled. Ask me how I know you’re foreign.

>> No.21711298

Trips of truth

>> No.21711378

Nah I think this is the bottom. I expect pumps resuming starting this weekend and all the way through the smartcon

>> No.21711557


>> No.21711644

>Why are people selling link? Are they retarded?
Because retard, you buy the rumor and sell the news.

>> No.21711650
File: 165 KB, 1440x763, 20200531_165655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O zoomer, with been at war with China since they lost the trade deal. Public school did u no favors, stop playing fortnite and start learning about how the group of (((people))) run the world

>> No.21712092
File: 37 KB, 476x500, 583AC3B3-BBA7-4536-9675-25BA2EFC8469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell the news.
>7 days before the news

>> No.21712169

>pumped x4 over a month on literal memes and hopium alone.
Protip: OP's pic is from T-Systems (Deutsche Telekom) who started running a Chainlink node last month.

That's just the tip of the iceberg regarding Link news these past weeks.

>> No.21712180

There's your answer.

>> No.21712219

link always dumps at conventions though. I'l holding through all this, but just saying, you should expect the possibility of further downtrends.
I don't sell though because the moment I do I know I'd get bogged.

>> No.21712402

LINK Marines are just new investors who don’t understand the game yet.

- They don’t know that 90% of the volume is fake.

- 70% of supply held by 9 whales.

- LINK will be below top 20 in a few months.

- LINK is a pump/dump 4chan meme.

>> No.21712485

We are still up 95% in 30 days anon. People taking profit and most are short termers who have no idea what smartcon even is.

They went to ride the OMG wave which will also dump astronomically as soon as it's over and people move to another coin to ride the wave.

>> No.21712654

Just sell if you’re going to talk and think like a retard

>> No.21712759

What he said was true, link dumps always after conventions. Real OGs know that, and hold through that dump.

>> No.21712779

It pumped during mainnet announcement dickhead

>> No.21712833

any examples?
it didn't dump after their mainnet launch date announcement, which took place at a conference, the price pumped then.
i suspect they will have some sort of announcement at their own two day conference, why else would they go through the effort of setting one up?

>> No.21712919

>price is holding on quite well
The amount of COPE in this sentence is truly ridiculous. Drops a dollar a day basically and it’s still holding on well? Should have sold the top faggot

>> No.21712940

Hes a nufag. Anyone that mentions muh real og are nufags

>> No.21712958

This is the conference dump only brainlets think otherwise

>> No.21712979

A lot of us bought under a dollar, sweetheart

>> No.21713017

Dude shut the fuck up

>> No.21713022


>> No.21713039

It's literally bleeding

>> No.21713051

The news has been that SmartCon is happening on the 28th.

>> No.21713103


last week's pump was BECAUSE of Smartcon, you mongoloid. are you new around here? must be.

>> No.21713138

Because the event isn’t noteworthy. If you’re a long term LINK holder you’d know they never announced big shit or happenings in their conferences.
The conference was just a gimmick to pump our bags nothing more.
I’ll reaccumulate from $12 to $8.

>> No.21713162

Then short it. Why are you guys even here?

>> No.21713261

But anon, I did

>> No.21713267

The thread asks a question, are only shills allowed in here?

>> No.21713338

has someone saw the news from a whale on biz?

>> No.21713401

really? kek, based germans. they know swingies will get the rope.

>> No.21713409

These cons are priced in usually. Dump follows unless very good news I think

>> No.21713431

Thank god

>> No.21713454

Post your shorts so i can laugh at your 100 stacklet
This is a link board you retard

>> No.21713552

Twitter is the new link board, this is an xrp board now.

>> No.21713558

ya this isn't funny. i hope you burn in hell. thanks for giving me hope for the future and then taking it away. this is the longest con i have ever witnessed, i actually started believing he was SN. you whales are completely fucked in the head.

>> No.21713619
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>> No.21713624
File: 83 KB, 765x296, 284163AF-685C-48EA-9424-7084229A760B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i filter out retards in this board?

>> No.21713644

just selling some and went to SWTH and NEO THE PROFIT GOES BACK TO LINK

>> No.21713765

I probably shouldn't be helping you out, but as an example, I'm a stacklet with 6.3k (more than any anon could easily pick up now, much less than oldfags though) and my rank on ethplorer has stayed more or less the same from 5 dollars up to 20 and back down to 14. This means the majority of action is happening either with really big whales dropping small amounts to take profits, or with newfags who thought it was just going to go up forever.

>> No.21713801

>This means the majority of action is happening either with really big whales dropping small amounts to take profits, or with newfags who thought it was just going to go up forever.
Its the newfags. Whales are the biggest accumulators

>> No.21713844

Close to me anon, I'm around 7k LINK we're in the top %'s now even as stacklets. Pretty amazing

>> No.21713880

All you nu linkers will turn into link Marines after this bloodshed is over. I hope you enjoy seeing your portfolio drop 75%

>> No.21714174

Have 6k here and holy fuck this week has been stressful but im still holding, im 23 and never worked any proper jobs or had much money so its pretty hard seeing what people would earn in a year disappear.

>> No.21714373

It is mostly them but I'm sure some whales are taking small amounts of profits. As an example I'm not a whale now but will probably be considered one in a year or two, and if the price hits high 3 digits or 4 digits I will probably sell 1k to not have to work for a few years. Never sell my whole stack though.
If you told me in March that we were going to break 10 dollars in August I'd have been through the roof ecstatic. I also would have probably bought a lot more, but so many of us can regret not getting more when we did, it is what it is.

>> No.21714484

Get used to it son, if you hold through this not only will you have financial independence at a young age but also the hardened view towards making it, people will say you got lucky, but remember, every penny you make is a penny the whales do not. They want your links, they want to to react emotionally, they want to take your stuff for bargain bottom prices and sell it back to you x10. The best way to win the game at the beginning is not to play it. Accumulate, accumulate some more. They will seethe after every single link you buy gets taken off of exchanges and the wash-trading begins to slow down. If you make it trough this you will truly know what money is worth and will continue to be diligent with it. Good luck.

>> No.21714516

>Assuming that just because I'm point out COPE that I'm not a bag holder.
Of course I hold a bag, but unlike the rest of you retards I was smart enough to sell at 19.60 once we couldnt break and hold $20. I will be buying back in shortly for a free ~%33 increase in my bag. So thanks for holding.

>> No.21714547

I’m down a quarter million in the last few days kek

>> No.21714565

What’s then 28th.. inb4 I’m a retard

>> No.21714598

Holy shit do you guys really think the small 10-50 bags the reddit faggots bought are causing the dump. You cant be this delusional can you?

>> No.21714643

they are swing trading to buy NEO and SWTH (staking started) low mc.

>> No.21714647

Don't they know? At Smartcon, they're going to stand on stage and cast a magic spell which will cause the price of the Ethereum token to increase! What a bunch of idiots.

>> No.21714760

true shit desu

>> No.21714765
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good luck anon

>> No.21714813

>The only ones selling are shrimps and weakhands

I sold at $17 and will rebuy lower. Wow I'm such a "shrimp", such an idiot! Dang it!

>> No.21714817


>> No.21714975

I just said there's whales taking profits, and of course there's always going to be swingers (too degenerate for me). That said its all part of the game, you need weakhanded reddit faggots to get out in order for you to have good prices to buy back in at.

>> No.21714989

>I was smart enough to sell at 19.60 once we couldnt break and hold $20
lmao, at one point Link couldn't break and hold 60 cents.
Until it did.

>> No.21715053

Swingers are always geniuses until they get burned. But it is what it is, if you guess right most of the time you'll probably win, but you may want to neck if you ever guess wrong at just the wrong time.

>> No.21715189

I literally bought 100k of link at $19 because people were saying it was going up to $30 and talking about how they are always right on /biz/. It was all my savings, I’m financially devastated and probably going to have to sell my condo. Time to cut my losses and sell out. Thanks retards for ruining my life

>> No.21715261

Fucking cope

>> No.21715296


>> No.21715338

Good fud you almost fooled me

>> No.21715340

You faggots need to go back and kys

>> No.21715353

kek...imagine believing this enough to write it out with reddit spacing

>> No.21715363


>> No.21715405

fucking lmfao. nice one anon.

>> No.21715460

...except when they made their last major announcement a year and a bit ago at a conference? You know, the announcement of their main net launch date? This is their first conference that they are hosting themselves, so I’ll be shocked at their business incompetence if they literally show the same slides we’ve seen a billion times before

>> No.21715463

Any whale and/or memeline experts in this thread? Tell me when to gobble up more link.

>> No.21715465

keep holding anon, 10 million EOY. In fact, buy more

>> No.21715467

im literally buying

>> No.21715477

i mean in fairness, you shouldn't look at a chart that shows a 90 degree vertical jump upwards and think it's going to continue that trend

t. someone who bought near the top

>> No.21715516

DCA. That said I'd be buying right now if I had any disposable income.

>> No.21715568

This. Do not try to time exact bottom, you’ll fucking miss it every time. Buy slowly as it goes down. I’m a poorfag so I’m buying in increments of 10 link every time it dips below $14.20

>> No.21715605


>> No.21715686

Kek same

>> No.21715705

HAHAHAHAHAAH This unironically

seperate the men from the soiboys

>> No.21715737

I wish that wasnt a larp

>> No.21715743


>> No.21715803

i want to punch her

>> No.21715806
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The convention is priced in and LOW ENERGY because it is telecast. You niggers are going to have to learn the hard way just how bad the covid economy is looking for or near term future. Not only did it cuck us cancelling the in person SmartCon01 in NYC, the economic fallout is restricting new investors from joining the wallet rankings.

I also think the actual value of a token network that wraps API calls... May have been greatly overestimated. But kudos to 100k+ bag holders who took advantage of the 4chan meme factory. They made it, but many of us who bought on assblaster tips are in six figure limbo. I wouldn't be surprised if $50 is a more realistic top during the "bull run" that everyone is expecting - despite the threat of a global financial crisis of our lifetime happening on the same schedule.

>> No.21715889

Is this what fud looks like nowadays? What a long fucking way we’ve come from two Russian exit scammers and oracles being a meme to now $50 being a means to scare us

>> No.21715890

Unknown announcements are priced in... OK

>> No.21716186
File: 80 KB, 300x450, bogged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so scared bros

>> No.21716213

the numbers and blue/white id suggest this to be true

>> No.21716249

Lmfao this. Apparently it takes coming close to the end of the world to make link dip

>> No.21716667

There is a lot of opportunity cost lost on smaller mcaps that will go from pennies to dollars if you're holding a 10k link bag waiting on $50, if $50 turns out to be the top of this cycle. Dunno about you but I don't want to wait until 2026 to cashout.

Just remember the ultimate cost of this is time. We aren't getting the time spent waiting back.

>> No.21716669

>Why are people selling link?
Many people posted millionaire blockfolios
It was like december 2017
Normies in
At the first sight of dump do you think if you would had 3 millions you wouldn't have dumped? You would have to.

Now amny of these millionaires are holding in the hope that smartcon is not a nothingburger
If nothinmburger it will probably correct to 9 usd

It's painful if you think about the fact that you could have doubled your stack but you can predict the future

With Staking out soon and possible Oracle (the company) integration soon, I an oldfag with only 10k linkies I didn't feel riskier enough to sell. I have held x 3 years.. now it's pointless to sell

Staking will pull a x10. Immagine missing a x10 for a x 2

My risk/reward calculation told me to do not swing.

>> No.21716700

Now many*

>> No.21716723

10k link is well over a hundred grand. Have fun finding a smaller marketcap gem with the liquidity you need to easily and safely cash out a 10x. And if you're playing around with smaller amounts, why wouldn't you just do that with extra cash instead of your link gains?

>> No.21716735
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 1596343223802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes up 5x in a month on no news
>corrects 30% from a parabolic blowoff

>> No.21716738

>but you can't predict the future*

>> No.21716810

Basically why I don’t swing and haven’t since 2017. Swingies always get the rope at some point when they think out of greed, hubris, and emotion that they can outsmart the market. Do some succeed? Sure, it’s literally gambling but if they keep doing it, at some point they’ll be forced to exit for good or buy back at a much higher price. Fuck that risk, I’m not risking a single one of my tens of thousands of Linkies.

>> No.21716885

>no news

>> No.21716960


>> No.21716996

I understand this liquidity issue in regards to cashing out, I am holding some smaller caps. It is really just the degenerate swinger in me that I have suppressed for years.

Imagine trying to sell link at $100 and you just get stuck in the red candle

>> No.21717089

Let me ask you this anon, do you understand what you're holding in link? If you do, you realize over a long enough timespan there really isn't a bad position to be in. You might miss that $100 sell target, yes, and then you'll have to wait a couple years and could be looking at $500, or $2k. This isn't some shitcoin that you're trying to squeeze a 10x out of, though if you have a timeframe to make it by then I understand (personally I'm expecting a crash by eoy 2021 and am very paranoid about whether to exit market at that time or just hang for another few years).

>> No.21717230
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>> No.21717269

I've been conditioned to imagine this kind of sentiment being written by whales with 10x my stack who need me to hold their bags at some point

>> No.21717443
File: 80 KB, 788x699, 1595907211459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How low do you guys think link will go? Looking to buy more at the right time.

>> No.21717488

I'm a 6k stacklet who is just humble and happy he got on this ride before it blasted off. I'm also a crypto newfag, though I've been on 4chan long enough to discern sarcasm/trolling/bullshit, which is how I knew link was a winning lottery ticket.
Here's a logic test I use on myself. If everyone here knew link wasn't a very long term hold, why didn't they sell at 5 dollars last year? It was a larger jump in a shorter timeframe, that would have been the perfect point to get out.
That's not to say there aren't whales still playing games of cat and mouse with each other to try to maximize their profits, but that's always going to happen regardless.

>> No.21717518
File: 137 KB, 750x433, 3105364B-96B8-47C7-9A13-63B6DF28DBD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one become this gay and retarded? What the fuck does Q have to do with chainlink? Are you worried IDF?

>> No.21717531

All markets are manipulated, cupcake. But yes, this is a textbook tether pump.
They have printed hundreds of millions of their fake money to get as much Link as humanly possible. Really tells you something's there.

>> No.21717594

You fucking shills hate tether for no reason. It’s so pathetic.

>> No.21717653

His name was Jason Parser

>> No.21717732
File: 72 KB, 885x402, Sergey Nazarov Satoshi Nakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they retarded?


They are ham and cheese filled full potato counters. Without failure they always break mercury filled rectal thermometers in their mouth. Every damn time.

>> No.21717791


>> No.21717853
File: 167 KB, 362x7500, Pepelongchainlinkhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw weak-handed redditors and nulinkers who dont deserve to make it are getting shaken out

>mfw they'll sell at a loss and fomo back in at $25

>> No.21717935

Just to piggy back on this point, BTC and ETH whales exist too. Some of them are maxis, but I'm sure a decent amount are beginning to take notice of link and fudding so they can fill their bags. If they're a BTC/ETH whale, they didn't need to get 20 cent link to still make shitloads of money, they can still grab 10 dollar link, and they have the power to manipulate the market and do it. Crypto exchanges are all kinds of scam fuckery, you can either acknowledge this and try to play the game, or you can just try to pick the winners and wait. If you held BTC for 5+ years you've made ridiculous amounts of money, if you've held ETH for 5+ years you've made ridiculous amounts of money, is link the next? Stay tuned.

>> No.21717962

literally just put in another $10k

>> No.21717994

All this shows is that Sergey might be to Satoshi what Ross is to DPR

>> No.21718007
File: 63 KB, 994x619, relax and just breeeeathe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, pic related

>> No.21718018

>I can call the top perfectly, and you're fucking retarded for not swinging!

>> No.21718046

>y-you are being paid to have that opinion!
>nobody would ever come to this point of view on his own!

>> No.21718106

you really need to stop thinking of your stack that way. it's going to go up and down by large amounts, that should have nothing to do with your feelings. even if you're committed to swinging and trading and want to keep tabs, getting emotional isn't going to help there either.

>> No.21718146

God bless whales doing this purge

>> No.21718338

just look what's happening this month. you don't NEED a whale stack--they're on a different level, are already rich, and will keep taking profits and maybe even entirely exiting along the way. their stacks will still be huge but will go down over time, yours will remain consistent, and newfags and pajeets will of course be dumbstruck the way they are with like a 500 ETH portfolio today
think back on $8 eth and bitcoin pizza and realize that was just a few short years ago.

>> No.21718513

all low energy
Its gonna dump dont fucking kid yourselves
10k linklet here and I am not selling only because theres nothing I would be tempted to put that money in and dont want to get raped on taxes but its gonna be more long years of waiting for another pump like this (if ever)

>> No.21718622

>dont want to get raped on taxes
i only have 3k link and i feel the same way

>> No.21718636

I don't get why you make predictions like this besides to prevent disappointment. Did you also predict we were going to get a wild pump from 5 bucks to 20 coming out of a massive market wide crash, and sell the top and quadruple your stack? You should have.

>> No.21718696

what should I even do with measly 100k, buy some fancy clothes and downpayment for a flat? I can do that with my wageslave job as well

>> No.21718748

I've set a buy order for 500 link at $10 I'm expecting it to fill in the next 3hrs.

>> No.21718799

>get a wild pump from 5 bucks to 20 coming out of a massive market wide crash
There was a marketwide (defi) pump if anything, Link pump was just that coming to its catharsis
Its unironically over for this year and y'all know it dont fucking kid yourselves

Link will probably hover somewhere between 4 and 15 dollars till EOY

>> No.21718987

totally disagree, but can understand why you feel that way. I think its possible to see $15 link by EOY, but it equally wouldn't surprise me if we are somewhere around $25-$30. Link is looking like it will peak alongside the rest of crypto in mid2021 to start of 2022 (which has been the general estimated range for the next bubble peak for a few years now)

>> No.21719066

$4 would be the 80% retrace

>> No.21719097

When did u get into crypto? As in when was your first purchase.

Honest answer please because you are deluded as hell and basing your predictions on emotions based on those delusions

>> No.21719132

>not to say there aren't whales still playing games of cat and mouse with each other to try to maximize their profits
How could you tell this?
Whales always do that. At each price level

>> No.21719137

woaw this guy is so high iq he should sell all his stinky linkies

>> No.21719179

>They have printed hundreds of millions of their fake money to get as much Link as humanly possible
How could you tell this is true and not schizo?

>> No.21719212

smarter people have already speculated on eoy price ranges and nobody gives a solid interval cause again its pure speculation, but there was a good q&a thread about 2 weeks ago where an anon gave intervals for the next 3 years of 5-150, 10-2k, 25-10k. he could have just said some stupid high numbers to shill (or gone other way to fud) but didn't. again though like with everything you read here take with a massive grain of salt.

>> No.21719295
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>Fernando Ribeiro

>> No.21719384

Arbitrum is going to be the absolute biggest thing short term for Chainlink. Price will push to $50 after the conference (but will take a few weeks to get there).
Strap in.

>> No.21719429

So glad I sold my stack yesterday when I asked some basic questions about LINK that no one could answer and all I received were "you had 3 years" responses.

You know there is a major problem when people can't answer basic questions about long term viable and use case.

I wish this board had more substance rather then just hyper focus on price movement.

Yesterday, I came to the conclusion that nobody knows what they hell they bought... that's a scary sign.

>> No.21719564

This has to be bait the reddit spacing is too obvious

>> No.21719582
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You had 94,670,856 Seconds.

>> No.21719678

unironically 2017, and am holding a shit ton of link

>> No.21719700

lol! hello

>> No.21719707
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>> No.21719757

i dont follow what people say, i only say what their general consensus is. i never even intend to sell based on price since thats going to be impossible to predict imo what the peak will be. but my general basis for years has been sometime within the next year to year and a half crypto as a whole is going to peak. Thats when im going to sell 2/3 of my stack regardless of what the price is

>> No.21719785


>> No.21719888

Gonna go long on stinkies the day before, expecting a bump to $40

>> No.21719953

This dump is the best thing ever for a poorfag like me.

Swinging more now. Why bother hodling a bear market when you can accumulate?

>> No.21719964

screencap this and watch retards

>> No.21719966

You want a medal or a chest to pin it on? Have sex you fat virgin.

>> No.21720218
File: 201 KB, 894x894, 1537095854635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was a total noon to Crypto and investing in 2017, bought put several thousands into this after reading the white paper + fervent research on the project.
when I first lost 1k I felt sick to my stomach, after the 2017 crash losing 10k+ made gava me borderline depression. I have lost 100k+ the last few days and feel nothing.
There is not a chance in hell I'm selling until at least $100. Iron fucking hands

>> No.21720362


>> No.21720426

this whale dumped every minute 2000 LINK and more


>> No.21721085
File: 7 KB, 247x250, 1595736650233s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21721124

My exact thought. The cope on twitter has been amazing Kek fuel

>> No.21721892

lol i'm adding this to my screencap collection. I'm getting so many good snaps today.

>> No.21721997
File: 191 KB, 512x468, FeelsWeirdMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have doubled my stack and gotten much closer to a make it stack but I fell for the SwInGiES gEt ThE rOpE meme. I have to remember that I am dealing with tons of retards who just managed to get lucky and don't need to swing because they had money for two years.

>> No.21722039

Priced in at 0.7 no transparency around where sergeys link dump goes to. i.e. his dads new ferrari... maybe new home? Summer home? Private jet? Tranny operation for his brother?

>> No.21722091

Dw there is always more to be lost, ud think there is a limit to how much but ud be wrong

>> No.21722302

It always works til the one time it doesn’t

>> No.21722399

Besides how broke are you motherfuckers? I have almost a 7k stack and my average buy price is around 3 dollars, only got to buy sub dollar link once. If I bought at ico I'd have at least 30k link right now easily.

>> No.21722459

I have a 1000 stack at 6.50. I make 54k a year before taxes stuck in an expensive area where 650 a month goes to student loans. :/

>> No.21722599

Well that explains it then. You were never meant to make it with link, you had 3 years isn't just a meme. Or you can just be happy with what you have instead of letting greed consume you.
I'm sure there's some eth holders out there who tried swinging when the price started rising a few years ago and lost it all. If they would have just held even if they missed the crash, right now they'd be millionaires.
Swinging is for whales who can afford it and degenerate gamblers, that's it.

>> No.21722737

>Swinging is for whales who can afford it and degenerate gamblers, that's it.
Agree. I don't have a large stack, so I never really bothered with swing trading. I'm looking into other projects to get more link though.

>> No.21722757
File: 207 KB, 1024x915, 08E205A8-4F56-4036-89EE-30F908D16F81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M8 I would be happy if I could just free myself from the student loan jew. I spent 5 years in college for a mech e degree and am now trapped in a position I'm overqualified for and am painfully underpaid. 75k student debt. Worst part is that I tried to be good to my dad by refinancing the parent loan into my name only for him to die cooming himself to death 3 months later.

I am still holding I guess. But it still feels bad man.

>> No.21722819
File: 3.37 MB, 320x226, 1596343832912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people on this board who bought at $19

It really makes you think

>> No.21722875

this. 1k link will be a good setup in life for him, but he'll have to reinvest it to get to make it levels.
i dont even bother trying to swing my stack since its honestly gambling. not willing to lose any % of my stack since i know if i hold for another year or two, ill be good for life

>> No.21722983

1k eoy
81k eoy 2026

>> No.21723074

It was hilarious to me when I woke up and saw LINK price after selling some last week. I instantly went to buy. Then I look at twitter/biz and see that Dave retard literally just sold. I dumped some LINK the day he bought, and bought the day he sold. Pretty damn funny.

>> No.21723084
File: 158 KB, 1571x805, wojak-angry-soy-boy-holding-up-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. That's so profound. Did you think of that all by the yourself?

>> No.21723136
File: 85 KB, 917x720, smug pity devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.21723390

desu 1k link can still be a make it stack if everything plays out perfectly (not live like a rich asshole make it but never have to work again make it). that said if there's another link this board will find it, but you have to understand how to separate shilling, fud, shitposting, pajeets, discord trannies and all of the other nonsense to find it. or you can be high IQ and understand what exactly this thing you're investing in does, I'll be honest this was not my area of expertise

>> No.21723428

this >>21710672 and to buy the dip that happens on the day of every conference.

>> No.21723473

also keep in mind while you're regretting not having more, there are stacklets like myself with 6k regretting they didn't get to 10k+, 10k stacks regretting they didn't hit 50k, etc etc, you can't let that sort of thinking consume you. be ready for the next chance, but don't force it, when it happens you'll know. or you can try to grab it, but if you do that you have to be prepared to miss and fall on your face.

>> No.21723505

there is no such thing. If you were as qualified as you think you are then you'd have the position you imagine you deserve.

>> No.21723652

This is the truth right here!

>> No.21723912

Hopefully we all make it fren

Okay boomer

>> No.21724023
File: 604 KB, 854x480, bog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21724047


>> No.21724520

if you want a bit more hopium, my rank just dropped by like 30 on ethplorer, and I'm a top 4k wallet. again ignore the day to day price fluctuations they mean very little for the long term potential here, this isn't a pump and dump, there's billions of volume everyday, this board (beyond maybe a couple of whales) has very little impact on what's happening.

>> No.21724757
