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21708418 No.21708418 [Reply] [Original]

Digital oil what the fuck was i thinking
I should have listened and sold the top earlier when you guys told me to
I want to kms

>> No.21708655
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The RNDR network makes iExec useless. The only way to succeed in the decentralized computing space is to have projects that dont already encroach upon centralized solutions. iExec is just trying to become a more costly and painful version of AWS and Google Cloud services. RNDR on the other hand has identified the problem of there not being enough GPU power on public clouds and therefore has found a proper niche where it can grow and become the standard.

Here is OTOY CEO/RNDR founder addressing the lack of GPU rendering power on public clouds at an AWS conference and how RNDR can solve the problem:


>> No.21708771

no shit? I was shitting on all the retarded TEE, muh fully homomorphic encryption, muh decentralized compute, spare capacity selling and all the other stupid horse shit retards have been shilling. I actually understand the space and the tech and you retards deserve to get dumped on by a bunch of french lambo seeking scammers.

>> No.21708848

I'm sorry, but did RLC already lose? Oh, that's right. V5 isn't even fully released yet. In fact, we have more announcements in August and September. Does not having constant unsustainable pumps count as a "shitcoin"? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when RLC is still in its early adoption phase? RLC is literally pumping right now and it has the best most well-educated and experienced team in all of crypto for how many years now? They're performing poorly in comparison to Link who just happen to have massive pumps because it's feeding off the memes made by literal newfag reddit transients. But you know what? Link still fucking suck. RLC is one of the best fucking projects in the cryptosphere, they have 6 PhDs on their team, it would of already pumped x1000 if it wasn't for the Corona dump. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when RLC hits 1K EOY and someone posts a screencap of your post. Oh look at that, Link just painted a massive bearflag and is priming to dump just like nano did. Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-RLC posts because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're all PhDs. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this fucking project on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your posts now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.21708902

>wall of text

cope, faggot. If you're a fucking paid shill, kys.

>> No.21708941

Good wall thou

>> No.21709028

Solid wall lad

>> No.21709055

>good wall though

no it isn't. these delusional shitters were saying "MUH MS PARTNERSHIP. LOOK AT THIS PAGE THAT MENTIONS TEE AND NOTHING ABOUT Iexec. TOTALLY CONNECTED." his shitty wall of text goes on about some more half baked broke ass product and all the super real promises of future partnerships and announcements. This shit is dead. cope.

>> No.21709081

Which horse are you backing, out of interest?

>> No.21709136

Glad I bought PNK instead of this shit

>> No.21709363

Hello massive newfag

>> No.21709564

>digital oil
what the fuck was I thinking

>> No.21709646

I held this shitcoin for a long time. But it only lost me money

>> No.21709652

wow. you're dedicated I'll give you that
>dedicated to being poor

>> No.21709704

what the fuck bros
what the fuck i was thinking

>> No.21709737

iExec team is leaving in droves, just a few named here:
Francois Branciard (ex-lead dev)
Blaise Cavalli (former head of partnerships)
Vladimir Ostapenco (infrastructure)
Florent Degue (Head of iExec academy & marketing)
Yigu Lin (Manager Asian/Pacific region)
Mircea Moca, Ph.D. (bizdev, cofounder)
Victor Bonhomme (full-stack dev)
Julien Beranger (ok he was a asshat anyways)

Meanwhile Gilles is on vacation since months, buying nice things for himself but refusing to pay any listing fees from the 100M in eth he received from ico investors. The team has been repenlished with some literal pajeet interns and some shitty tunesian remote devs. Yep, lets not even start about all the other shit like worker pools being down forever (decentralization has been basically cancelled) and of course, no adoption, in ever.

But DIGITAL OIL amirite guys?

>> No.21709772

When I think about iexec I get so excited it is literally the new revolution yes it is that good and the parnterships, the partnerships are so great and they totally btfo golem and rndr because they are so big and you newfags are iditios hahah literally for the fud you niggers i have nbeen all in RLC since 2017 never sellling my digital oil, this coin is only for high iq chads like me you literally cant hold it if you are less than 100 iq yes you need to understand cloud computing grid computing and decentralized blockchains yes, and aws and google are lliterally begging to use iexec it will be revealed very soon whole tech world will be using it it has btfoed everyone fuck you niggers for saying it doesnt have adoption fuck, it literally could be used by the whole tech industry on private enterprise version and we don't know bewcause of the ndas but thats why we know its so great and hold it so long cause they will anbnounce a great partnerships anymomement rememebr the google partnership they did a while back ? next will be aws mark my words

>> No.21709806

I've been a long-term holder of iexec, but have recently started selling off shares of my (quite large) RLC bag. Here's why:

Hiring: It seems only two new developers have been hired in 6 months, while two (or three) have left in the same time. The essential positions in research, marketing and leadership are still not filled.

Location: The startup is located in Lyon and only hiring there, which understandably significantly narrows the range of top talent available

Website: A new website was promised shortly after the iexec crowdsale in April, but still hasn't been released. I consider this a major red flag for a project with 12 million at its disposal, it's not like any complicated web-app is developed here, only a redesign of a website should never take this long.

Marketing: Two months ago, it was promised, that a "top-tier" US-based PR company is nearly hired. No progress, announcements or anything here, one month before product release. Iexec is slipping out of the top100 coins on coinmarketcap as we speak, because nobody knows about its goals and potential progress.

Community: Although the community is still active on the slack, the more invested members and those actively contributing value have mostly left because the iexec dev team mostly acknowledges improvement suggestions but never acts on them. There is almost no effort of building a dedicated community.

Developer community. There is no effort to attract ethereum developers. This is a project aiming to extend ethereum (solidity) and there is almost no open-source activity, demos on ethereum conferences, etc. The recognition in the ethereum community is basically zero. I mean what the hell ?

Team Communication: The team is periodically active on slack, but not comparable with other projects. Iexec slack was until recently bombarded with scam attempts, then the invitations where disabled without any announcement or comment on this from the dev team. Another red flag.

>> No.21709835


Leadership. Although Gilles, the founder, is clearly an accomplished academic, he has little experience in company leadership which shows through on nearly every front. Yet they are refusing to hire an experienced CEO

Technical Outlook. The technical outlook remains unclear. iExec Academy will probably be released on schedule, but it still unclear how it is usable from solidity, how results are retrieved into the smart contract, costs, providers, etc, etc. I'm not expecting any real-world dapps to use this anytime soon. For Version 5.1 there has been no information update since the whitepaper release. The research on the most important and most difficult part, the proof of contribution, has not even started (to my knowledge), and it is doubtful their vision for v6 and beyond is possible to implement.

Partnerships. There has been only one announcement of a unknown company partnering with iexec. DApps running on iexec or other forms of partnership should clearly be one of the most important goals right now.

Strong competition. There are a lot of projects aiming at similar goals and iexec is one of the more unknown of them.

Trading. No new exchanges and RLC trading with extremly low volume are a reflection of the above points imho.

I don't want to this to come over as complete FUD, just letting of some steam over lost money on iexec. Please refute any points which you think are untrue.

>> No.21710131

i just finished selling everything i had
thanks guys

>> No.21710398

The longest sentence ever written. Take your time. Use punctuation