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21707504 No.21707504 [Reply] [Original]

>not amount of money can buy you an anime girl

what's the point?

>> No.21707550

It's a sad fact OP. But the more money you have, the closer an approximation you can afford.

>> No.21707797
File: 1.16 MB, 2448x3264, 1596810669235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the same
they are rotten inside

>> No.21707982

I know. 3DPD are vermin, but it's all we can have on this bitch of a planet.

>> No.21708486

Japanese 3D > 2D > Asian 3D > western 3D

>> No.21708704

japanese girls are so ugly lol

>> No.21708732

wdym, left is hot as fuck

>> No.21708748


>> No.21708749

i prefer hyperdimensional meth psychosis entities

>> No.21708804

Tru but can a 2d waifu suck you off as good as a succubus in a sleep paralysis fever dream?
Didnt think so.

>> No.21709220
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I only achieved that with drugs. But im trying to stay clean anon.

>> No.21710058

Good for you, drugs are for nigger cattle.
Read this and start training instead.
Nofap helps. Regular meditation helps. Vitamin K2 & D3 helps.
And don't underestimate the importance of keeping a dream journal. It's not just to be able to read it later, it programs your subconscious that altered states of consciousness are fucking important after a whole lifetime of being told that this physical reality is the only thing that matters.

4D > 2D > 3D

>> No.21710118
