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2170627 No.2170627 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2170641
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>holds less than 1 btc
kekitty kekitty koo

>> No.2170645

What did he mean by this?

>> No.2170653

I'm happy with $250,000 tbqh

>> No.2170654

>over the next decade
>by the end of decade
Nigga I'm not waiting until 2027.

>> No.2170669

Well, the flippening will happen within the next two years, so push that mansion and lambo back about 10 years each.

>> No.2170685

How old are you?

>> No.2170697

$10k when?

>> No.2170706


>> No.2170709


>> No.2170720
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>$1,000,000 Bitcoin

>> No.2170732

When ETH has a higher market cap than BTC.

>> No.2170737

>Wences Casares, (((CEO of bitcoin wallet Xapo))) and member of PayPal’s board of directors

>> No.2170749

maybe wont be bitcoin, but the biggest coin 2027 WILL have a market cap over $1,000,000,000,000, lets just figure out which one that will be.

>> No.2170759
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I know what I'm buying with my DGB money.

>> No.2170763

Boi.... 1 bitcoin will be worth tens of millions in a decade (after two halvings). How do you think rich Chinese/Russians/Latian Americans are able to get money out/ secure it against government seizure? Crypto baby!

>> No.2170796

This year.
It will take all, and I mean ALLLLLLLL ALTCOINS with it. The cheapest altcoin this year will be at least $0.50 be if not $1!
By the end of this summer no coins can be bought for less than $0.10. Just watch

>> No.2170826
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its very crazy because just year ago $30000/BTC seemed like totally insane idea

today with price $2450+ it seems rather reachable

>> No.2170857

I want to believe but I'm scared that BTC is growing too fast. It's had like $50 growth per day for the past 2 weeks.

There was a thread yesterday that the chinese are putting up fake buy walls to keep the price up until they dump because the government is doing some crazy shit idk, but it seemed scary.

>> No.2170870

Who cares it will going up

>> No.2170896

It's got bubble written all over it. I think it could feasibly reach $3000 but there will be a crash soon after. That's when you buy a shit load of bitcoins and wait for it to hit a new high a couple years later.

>> No.2170925

>title says in a decade
>OP is an allcaps faggot
3 or 10 years, what's the difference anyway

>> No.2170937

People have been saying that since 8 dollars.

>> No.2170952

you going to cash out at 100k pham or hold for the mil?

>> No.2170956

Bitcoin going from 1 dollar to 1000 dollars is the same as going from 1000 dollars to a million dollars
think about that

>> No.2170964

To be fair the actual quote said "in 5-10 years" anyway.

>> No.2170990

Remember in 5-10 years with the halvenings making one Bitcoin will be tough, supply and demand baby.

>> No.2170996

Im 27. If I have 21 million by age 37 I would be pretty fucking happy. We are still young enough to enjoy it unlike waggies which will continu suffering until age 70.

>> No.2171007

This is what ETH cucks like to think to sleep at night.

>> No.2171028

I think crypto is the new gold, and foreign countries like China, India, Japan, and Russia are all discovering this right now. Unless there's some HEAVY regulating or an exchange gets heisted nothings going to stop it to be honest desu.

>> No.2171030

I have literally zero motivation to wageslave. Am I wrong to feel this way? I have 29btc and knowing I'll be a multimillionaire in a few years time is crazy... do I just keep wageslaving until then? How can it be possible for this mindset to even exist? Am I the only one?

>> No.2171032

In 10 years, Bitcoin will collapse under the weight of transactions

>> No.2171041

>he still doubts the flapjackening

>> No.2171056


Keep wageslaving so you can buy more

>> No.2171057

I've been making more in a day trading memecoins for the past week than I used to make in a month wagecucking. This shit feels surreal. I know it can't last but I'm enjoying the fuck out of it while it does.

>> No.2171060

Does no one understand that this is hype and marketing?

BTC is LITERALLY worthless. You can say fiat money is worthless as well since it isn't backed by gold, but USD is backed by the US government which could conquer the entire world 5 times over.

So people with 300,000 BTC are going to be richer than the Rothschild banking family?

So people with real assets like land, will give that land up for electronic monopoly money?

And you think for one second that when the world does move towards digital currency (which will happen) it's going to be mother fucking bit coin or ethereum??? LOL. It's going to be a new form of crypto that is government regulated, and will literally destroy the value of any crypto.

Enjoy the gold rush now, but BTC isn't going to be the currency of the world. A new form of crypto that we haven't seen will be.

>> No.2171078

>He thinks its not already out
Get in on ETH, illuminati confirmed.

>> No.2171079

it doesn't have to be backed up stop living in the 1800s

>> No.2171084

People say they're bored if they don't go working, I find this sad. (Except if you have work related passion)
There are so much things to do in life (And no, I'm not talking about shitposting on 4chan) .
There is nothing wrong with you.

>> No.2171089


Who is going to have strong hands to hold 300,000 BTC when it hits $10k and up? This is why it could reach $1M dollars, it will distribute itself even more as prices go higher.

>> No.2171096

>you are completely fucking wrong

>because you are completely spot on and correct except for that it's a new name instead of bitcoin or ethereum

Thanks for your input

>> No.2171100

I'm scared to buy more boys

>> No.2171103

>do I just keep wageslaving until then?
Unfortunately yes.
Wageslave for now to preserve the principal.

>> No.2171105

>BTC is LITERALLY worthless

Obviously it isn't, but I get your point and I agree with the rest of what you said.

>> No.2171106

You should invest in your education if you have too much money and free time. Go back to school, some courses on line.

You're free to make yourself a better human being, why go back to wagecucking just to occupy your time?

>> No.2171111

>t's going to be a new form of crypto that is government regulated

This is exactly why Bitcoin has value.

Nobody here thinks Bitcoin is going to be the currency of the world, or even a currency.

>> No.2171119
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>BTC is LITERALLY worthless. You can say fiat money is worthless as well since it isn't backed by gold, but USD is backed by the US government which could conquer the entire world 5 times over.
Having this much faith in "muh US government". LMAO

>So people with 300,000 BTC are going to be richer than the Rothschild banking family?

>So people with real assets like land, will give that land up for electronic monopoly money?

>And you think for one second that when the world does move towards digital currency (which will happen) it's going to be mother fucking bit coin or ethereum??? LOL. It's going to be a new form of crypto that is government regulated, and will literally destroy the value of any crypto.

Being this uneducated on how crypto actually works. Pathetic.

>Enjoy the gold rush now, but BTC isn't going to be the currency of the world. A new form of crypto that we haven't seen will be.

stay poor forever nocoiner scum

>> No.2171120

>it doesn't have to be backed up stop living in the 1800s

BTC is backed by consumer confidence and the tech industry's validation, which is a form of being "backed up" you fucking idiot.

>> No.2171122

The only BTC/ETH I'll sell is from gains from trading memecoins.

>> No.2171123

>You're free to make yourself a better human being, why go back to wagecucking just to occupy your time?

I know. But normies are so formated by the jews to think like that.

>> No.2171125

>1 satoshi becomes a dollar
>no altcoins are able to sell against the btc
i hope this isnt true

>> No.2171128

this is how the true beta uprising begins

>> No.2171147
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Kek you're a dumb ass the elites that control the world own most of the bitcoin, bitcoin was made by the CIA *mark of the beast*. Ethereum is sky net. The old world elites can't run the new world so new ones are born.

>> No.2171152

You'd just see more ETH/alt or LTC/alt pairings, really wouldn't change too much.

>> No.2171175
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>> No.2171176


What is Hyperinflation?

>> No.2171187

a lot of people with that much BTC have them in cold storage in vaults and are already wealthy hence don't need to withdrawal their BTC. You're saying those people will be trillionaires? Those people, by the end of the decade, are going to be worth more than Billl Gates, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, combined? Why are people so stupid, USE YOUR HEAD.

>> No.2171202

I believe you mean deflation in inflation purchasing power goes up not down. Unless you're implying the dollar is going to tank against everything.

>> No.2171213

I'm thankfull i listened to the bitbean shills

>> No.2171219

>Bill Gates
Bill Gates is going to be a multitrillionaire, he's already in crypto.

>> No.2171220

>So people with 300,000 BTC are going to be richer than the Rothschild banking family?

lol. They will kill you and steal your BTC before that happens, keep dreaming NEET.

>stay poor forever nocoiner scum
Wanna compare portfolios? KYS.

>> No.2171256

$100 000 is maximum limit

>> No.2171275

>Rich from "Muh index funds"
Don't you fucking dare buy any coins faggot. Better stay where you are.

>> No.2171276

>literally understands nothing about economics

At that point, wealth inequality will become so grossly disproportional that you will have riots. If you think nignogs chimping out over BLM was bad, multitrillionaires will cause an uprising like the world has never seen.

>> No.2171288

>thinks he's smart
>doesn't even realize they'll just give the plebs UBI to keep them sedated

>> No.2171301

was talking about my coin portfolio you retarded faggot. KYS you're literally worthless. Seriously do it. Your parents fucking hate you I can tell. Loser.

>> No.2171324

>the goverments have any power
>implying when our cuck politicians (too old to even realize the fast technologic changes we are experiencing) decide that it's time to switch to digicurrency bitcoin / eth / others they won't be so prominent already that they will have to bend their knees to major digital currency owners (most likely bankers)

you are cute anon.
I don't think this is going to be a risk free asset that will magically double your money every 4 days for a long time and a "market crisis" or 2 are bound to happen once (((they))) decide it's time to get into this shit, but fucking politicians... oh my god. Money = Politics, that is all.

>> No.2171351

no, sorry
Money > Politics.

>> No.2171354
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>Literally about to get a brain aneurysm from this much butthurt
So thoroughly enjoying this.

>> No.2171372

Governments have no power? You're literally fucking retarded.

Even if you were a mulit-trillionaire coin investor (lol), try and do something outside the jurisdiction of whatever government you live under. (assuming you live in a first world country). You will be warned then killed.

>> No.2171373
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>he thinks UN beurocracy and moldy rigid banking drones can keep up with disruptive high tech inventions.

>> No.2171386
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>yfw all the BTC coverage will cause the same thing that happened in 2013 of a shitton of people investing into BTC without knowing or understanding thinking its just free money and then FUD + Whale selloffs kill it for another 3 years as it becomes 1/4th of its ATH

Media please, let us at least have a summer of moon missions before the normies come and flood the market

>> No.2171390

and I'm going to enjoy it when you look in the mirror and realize what a retarded faggot you are and you kys.

>> No.2171396

>you will be warned, make a "donation", and then allowed to do whatever you want

>> No.2171403

bitbean shills




>> No.2171416

this tbfh, I just want this summer to make a few grands, for me it's like a summer job i'm not even a "my ferrary is 1 mooncoin away" memelord

>> No.2171419

The IMF is pulling their hair out over crypto

>> No.2171426

in the entire history of human civilization we've only changed our payment technologies a handful of times. barter->metal says->paper->digital

this is a massive , unprecented black swan event. open your eyes

>> No.2171434

we're due for a correction but you won't see that much of a crash unless GOX reoccurs.

>> No.2171449
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You're an idiot, Satoshi is already worth 2 billion USD. When BTC only needs to 40x and he will literally be richer than bill gates

Yeah, this is reality

"You think some nerd will be the richest guy in the world from making some computer program you can move square windows around on? LMFAO."


"You think the guy who invented the next big currency is going to be the richest person in the world? LMFAO"

Yeah... Obviously...

>> No.2171461

I have a question for you: who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

>> No.2171474

>muh new technology
>muh crypto
>lol governments are so stupid they can stop us!

You're a fucking idiot. CIA technology is 50 years ahead of what's on the market. Crypto is designed to get people used to the idea of a digital currency, then a global digital currency will be implemented.

There are literally think tanks like RAND full of the smartest people on Earth who are hired to make you do things and give consent. You think all this "mooning" and lamboland shit is a coincidence? This crypto boom?

Make your money, and buy your lambos, drive around on the moon, but don't think for a second you're ahead of the curve you fucking mongoloids.

>> No.2171477

I still think Satoshi's probably dead.

>> No.2171479

>Satoshi Nakamoto
He invented bitcoin, he has over 1 million bitcoins

>> No.2171481

we are all satoshi

>> No.2171494

Do you know what he looks like? Where he was born? How old he is? Satoshi Nakamoto is a farce.

>> No.2171583
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yeah but with MSM saying things like "1 bitcoin will be a million soon!" is going to get a fuckton of bold gen X who are only moderately competent to invest just like in 2013 when people were spouting about "a 0.25 coin is now worth 200! If you don't get one now, you'll miss out on when its worth 500!"

Market got super flooded with new buyers, skyrocketed the coin in wholly unnatural growth, whales pumped it even more for artifical growth, and then even more buyers came in, and then the whale did massive selloffs, tanking the coin.

Its correction was still higher than its original value, but it just ruins it for people trying to P&G in the market for moonshots or who are trying to ironhand it.

If BTC or ETH get too big too fast, it'll be a bloodbath for crypto in the face of this bull market. all ironhands will commit sudoku for their investments requiring 2 more years to reach 100% relative to what it was before the bubble pop.

>> No.2171620

>Its correction was still higher than its original value,
it's happened like 5 times now, and it will happen again and again and again.
You just have to hold like 5 more times

>> No.2171659

If that happens we'll hit a $200 million crypto marketcap or higher before correcting down to 1/5th to 1/4th of that. Not too bad really, even gives you a chance to increase your holdings. I know I'll be buying the shit out of any ethereum I can get for under $100.

>> No.2171680
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Dont fight it anon. The bean is the future.

>> No.2171694

Too late, it's already pushing up on $200

>> No.2171705

we will be rich in 50 years or so since we change from fiat to digital concurrency
its already starting with apple pay and other digital payment methods
soon we won't even need fiat anymore

>> No.2171714

marketcap still hasn't hit $100 million total. If you mean ETH I'm clearly talking about in the event of a crash.

>> No.2171733

Oh I'm illiterate

>> No.2171787


Vitalik is Satoshi

Cap this.

>> No.2171837
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>Satoshi isn't bitbean's dev

>> No.2171847


If nothing else I love the amount of OC that bitbean has created.

>> No.2171871

I honestly don't even have any bitbeans, I just enjoy beanposting.

>> No.2171910

>CIA technology is 50 years ahead of what's on the market.

Have to pay $1Mil for an israeli company to crack a single iphone

>> No.2172316
File: 33 KB, 480x358, CSMYHvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont understand currency and exchanges the post

Here I got this meme for you, I think it's right up your alley.

>> No.2172330

Same, I might get some after I get some gainz on the next pump

>> No.2172352

Marketing works well on you. I bet you drink a lot of soda.


>> No.2172413

>tfw invested all my life savings on btc.
>Tfw can lose everything or become a millionaire

Realistically speaking, what can stop Bitcoin?

Even if it crashes, it'll go up right?
When is it going to stop?

>> No.2172481

>When BTC only needs to 40x

I can't see this possibly happening

>> No.2172504

>I was a filthy nocoiner in January.
>I now own 6BTC from a $200 investment on /biz/.

>> No.2172643

But even if he's alive he can literally never cash out 100%

>> No.2172679

I'm sure that people that got bitcoins for pennies never really thought it would be $2k either. Is it likely? No. Is it possible? Yeah.

>> No.2172697

I think Satoshi=Government entity

Either CIA/Russia/China/Japan

This would be an excellent way of controlling a foreign economy if you were a government body. (The creators of bitcoin probably hold a majority of the coin)

>> No.2172795

>Let's make this thing that we have less control over and can't stop undesirables from transacting in
Look at places like Daily Stormer and people like Anglin and Youcis. There's no way in hell that they could transact decent sums of money through just about any route over distances because they just get kicked off of centralized things like Patreon, Paypal, Stripe, etc. Meanwhile that's no issue at all with BTC since its decentralized. Even with your scenario BTC is a reduction in their power, not an increase, so the whole Satoshi is the government thing has always seemed like bullshit from people who think (((they))) are behind every single thing done.

>> No.2172833

You sound upset

>> No.2172861

Wow dude you have anger issues

>> No.2173015
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>bitcoin's market cap will be worth more than the entire US and China Economy combined in 10 years

>> No.2173174


>> No.2173281

>$200 to ETH
>Eth to DGB

>> No.2173293

Thats not true though.

Say Japan owned over half of the bitcoins in circulation (just for arguments sake)

Then, they can essentially control the currency's value, inflation rates, etc

Plus, they get rich as fuck off of other people's money

>> No.2173331

paper money will be worthless by then

>> No.2173400

That's impressive senpai

I put $200 in ETH about 3 weeks ago, I'm up to $670 now :) $1000 and I'm debt free which is a feel I haven't known for 4 years man I hope I get there

>> No.2173477

Step up the crypto trading game, add me on skype: cryptoanna

>> No.2173483

lmao you are the gov's bitch.

>> No.2173571

lmao. just because you have some tech doesn't mean you have invented ALL POSSIBLE TECHNOLOGY. far from it.

>> No.2173572
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Right this is fucking it.

Is there ANY reason I shouldn't but $10,000 into bitcoins and hold?

I have $50,000 spare and am only 19, so won't need money for at least until I finish college.

>> No.2173631

and thats whats been happening, there have been many corrections

>> No.2173649

>what is volume

>> No.2173684

If you have 50k then put in more. Some in ETH too.
Where did you get the 50k from?

>> No.2173701

why do you keep spamming your screen name.

>> No.2173730

I'd go for it. I'd put some of it in ETH, but maybe the majority of BTC. If you think the market is changing, I'd rebalance once a month. I'd only do this if you can trust yourself to hold when the market has such a big variance.

>> No.2173736


wagecucking, medical trials, some from inheritance (about $10,000), scholarhsip/student/gradebux (most from this)

>> No.2173751


Do you think the OPs pic has any chance at all of being real?

>> No.2173765

>Is there ANY reason I shouldn't but $10,000 into bitcoins and hold?
it might easily lose 90% of it's value

>> No.2173772

1 million is a lot. I think we could see 10,000+ USD by the end of the year. I am always blown away. Crypto is crazy.

>> No.2173799
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Bloomberg TV just talked about bitcoin. They said that investors are starting to see it as a safe haven asset just like gold.

>> No.2173880

>Those people, by the end of the decade, are going to be worth more than Billl Gates, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, combined?

You mean the people who pioneered a totally unknown/undeveloped sector of industry? The same way crypto people today are pioneering a totally unknown sector?

Its totally likely

>> No.2173885

And dopecoin is about to reach 10 cents by the end of the week

>> No.2174006
File: 115 KB, 1157x815, xaubtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 1 bitcoin can buy you almost 2 ounces of gold

>> No.2174035

If that's not a "sell now" sign I don't know what is.

>> No.2174058

>foolish peon forever peasant

Buy a shit load of bitcoin when it was 50 cents isn't the same thing as creating and revolutionizing entire industries you idiot.

>> No.2174077

literally the definition of fake news you retard

if you can source this i'll suck my own dick on live stream for you faggots

>> No.2174110


>> No.2174136

>Us could conquered the world 5 times
>The us couldnt even conquer a bunch of gook farmers or goat fuckers

>> No.2174149

This bubble is destined to crash. also bitcoin is outdated tech, it will eventually be replaced by a faster and more useful c-c.

>> No.2174166
File: 265 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin will be going nowhere - it is here to stay. It will be getting an upgrade. I've been saying this and I'll say it here..

I predict that by 2036, 10% of the entire world's GDP will be in blockchain. The GWP. 10%.

That is over 10 Trillion. In today's money..

>> No.2174186
File: 153 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ethereum remains the second strongest crypto at around 50% of bitcoins marketcap, and bitcoin actually reached 1 million a coin, that would mean one ETH would be worth 80.000$

1.000.000 / 2500 (current avg btc price) = 400

400 * 200 (current avg eth price) = 80.000$

also if digibyte actually delivers and tries to keep that 1/1000 value of bitcoin, then one digibyte would be worth 1000$

sounds comfy AF

hodl my negros

>> No.2174212
File: 22 KB, 200x200, _85050CFC2E8B4782DB130203490381945268D17C724869EBF0_pimgpsh_thumbnail_win_distr-5418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does a 19 year old have 50.000$ just laying around

fucking upper class nigger, bet you never worked a day in ur life des

>> No.2174215


>> No.2174224


>> No.2174246

you didnt predict shit. that was from a deloitte tweet. stop acting like you know jackshit

>> No.2174319


Kek, thinking the wealthy families don't already own a ton of bitcoin.

Normies still haven't woken up to crypto, but if you think the financial entities aren't already balls deep, you are seriously underestimating them.

>> No.2174323

The goal was to destabilize the region, not win a "war", you stupid fucking retarded faggot. Read a book for once in your life you dunce.

I have coin too you simple bitch. Why does every retard here think my analysis precludes me from investing in the largest bull market so far of the 21st century?

>> No.2174398

you think anyone likes doing business with kikey banks?
the one and only reason keeping them alive is the law mandating this or that central banking kikery within a given territory; once the state power diminishes due to lack of taxpayer scalping because everyone and their grandmother went balls deep into crypto, so shall the legislative circumstances inevitably change
"traditional" usury by fiat is not natural nor desired by anyone but the kikes-in-chef, this is what I meant

>> No.2174438

So satoshi created bitcoin, he will be the richest man in the world. And so what that bill gates first created windows, any early Microsoft investors are so fucking loaded just because they were early

>> No.2174490


You think crypto will save you from the tentacles of the banking elite?? They literally own you and your thoughts. Unless your net worth is over 5 million dollars, you are a serf. Literally the cost of supporting a slave in the US when it was legal was 40k a year... does that number sound familiar to you?

Everything from the way the educational system is organized from k-college, to the 401k and pension system, to how the work week is constructed, is all manufactured to maximize profit for the elite while keeping the proletariate juuuust happy enough to keep working away.

Don't be fucking stupid. Crypto is just another carrot to lead you into a digital currency where they will REALLY own you then.

Fucking idiot, I'm starting to think this world is actually unsavable.

>> No.2174609


Im waiting for that livestream link.

>> No.2174683

we'll see about that and I'm not talking about just banking but nearly all but the most capital-intensive monopolies of this world crumbling away
laugh all you want but the future belongs to the libertarian right who get to enjoy living free lives in an utterly balkanized world

>> No.2174701

>Unless you're worth over 5 million
>Make 5 million from Crypto

What then?

>> No.2174761



>> No.2174793

This is a "hold" for at least one more week.
People who want to buy it won't just suddenly be able to buy it.

>> No.2174808

>Normies still haven't woken up to crypto, but if you think the financial entities aren't already balls deep, you are seriously underestimating them.

Why does everybody keep saying this? Does literally nobody on this site have a social life, people are literally talking about this in fucking bars half drunk.

>> No.2174847

well does he mean 1 million usd per Bitcoin or a combined market capitalization of 1 million usd?

>> No.2174883

Holy shit he's so mad

>> No.2174905


>> No.2174920

Lol. Bitcoin market cap right now is something like 40 billion

>> No.2174933

1 million per btc.

>> No.2174972

you don't know history kid, therefore you don't know the future.

You wake up from your dream and realize you're still a poor retarded basement dwelling faggot. To make millions from crypto you have to at least start out with a 100k. Do you have that? And if you make that, are you will to bet all of it to make a million? Didn't think so, nigger.


you again? you're still here? kys.

>> No.2174979
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That would be a 99,75% drop. Very unlikely

then id better sell some of those lame performing stocks. whats 12% per year, pfft
just imagine if one BTC costs 1,000,000$ in 2027.

>> No.2175031

What are u talking about?? What's dropping 99.75%? Asked if the market cap is 1 million, I answered no its over 40 billion. How is that a drop?

>> No.2175060

if the marke cap would get down to 1 million that would be a 99,75% drop.
i know he isnt talking about market cap but about price per btc
im just bored sory

>> No.2175085

tell me about the last historic period when an average non-nigger/sandnigger had access to unfiltered information from all over the world? limitless, instantaneous communication across the globe? an intermediary-free global exchange? ability to put one's products/services on the global market for insignificant cost? technologies affordable to an individual that can provide them with what only state-backed monopolies could in the past?

>> No.2175093

If you actually buy bitcoins today, you deserve what's coming to you.

>> No.2175107

Massive gains?

>> No.2175147

How's that working out for you? Let me guess

You watch retarded youtube videos everyday instead of exploring unlimited "unfiltered" information from all over the world. (pro-tip, it's filtered you retarded faggot)
and you have no real assets, so you can't really take advantage of an intermediary-free global exchange.

Avenues of business change, hierarchical systems don't, fuckin fag. Try to be smarter if you can.

>> No.2175281

anon, your thoughts and behaviour in this thread are the embodiment of why your masters (real or imagined) will lose, by underestimating the opposition, and arrogantly assuming shit, I only hope you learn that firsthand
that's all I have to say, just ran out of fucks to give

>> No.2175361


Not sure how the fuck he got 50k, but I had about 25k to my name when I was his age from working. Part time during the school year, full time in the summer, don't buy anything

>> No.2175384

>muh masters
>muh real or imagined masters
>muh libertarians are the future

Your lack of knowledge and awareness is disturbing.

>> No.2175401

I've made $12k this year from $200 in crypto; it would be possible (especially for Anons that daytrade) to get around $100k in a year on Crypto and hold the Big Three to several million in a few years. And a person with $100,000 is still far from a person with $5,000,000. So your argument was still hot garbage if anybody worth around 1/20 your estimate could be free from peasantry.

>> No.2175408

Same. Have about 40.000€ in Stocks plus a few valuable classic cars and im only 20.
worked as much as i could since i was 15 while my friends played CoD. none of them even has a car right now lol

>> No.2175458

Are you retarded? I never said you couldn't do it, I just said it's unlikely since most people hit the 100k mark and cash out because they need the money for other things...

Good luck, if you can make it out of wagecucking you will find happiness and maybe not be a retarded faggot like you're being now.

>> No.2175478

>fucking upper class nigger
Lol, I grew up in a single mother NEET household. My brother has about $100.

I live on about $7,000 a year and absolutely maximise my shekel potential.

>> No.2175557
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if he honestly believes this, why doesn't he liquidate his ownership of pay pal and take ALL of his spare cash and buy btc with it for that 100,000% gain a , 10,000% yoy profit ?

>> No.2175576

I'm 19 and I got around 12k laying around with no uni debt. Get better at life you fucking cuck

>> No.2175584

ITT: fags trying to outsmart each other on the internet

>> No.2175608

He already holds 70% of his assets in BTC.

>> No.2175614

How the fuck do you cash out?

>> No.2175682

cant you just sell like you bought on coinbase or similar?

>> No.2175702
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>BTC worth nearly a quarter of global GDP in 10 years
Come on. I mean, I'm bullish about bitcoin, but not delusional.

>> No.2175731
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really ? citation?

>> No.2175754

which world are you living on?

>> No.2175785


>> No.2175905


You either convert it into real money trough 3rd parties that take a comission for doing the conversion for you(like buying exchanging currency) or you buy actual assets directly with bitcoin. People have been speculating a crash for ages because we'll eventually hit a point where a massive buyout will happen.

>> No.2175945

oh you ment the market cap. yes that would be 16 trillion compared to 75 trillion GWP

>> No.2175975

Ya doofus, but I kind of loosely projected the amount of coins in circulation and GDP growth, so not exactly 16/75, but yeah, you get it now.

>> No.2176078
File: 3.27 MB, 1051x9708, ItHasntEvenBegun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physical cash is disappearing
>offshore accounts are disappearing
>fiat currencies are collapsing all over the world
>gold continues to disappoint and is useless in the information age
>instant cheap transactions coming with the lightning network

Try again.

>> No.2176159

Would a hard fork thats coming split the chain?

>> No.2176178

By what magical standards will one Bullshitcoin cost 1mil?

What is the anal math behind this stupid hope?

>> No.2176214

2017, btc = $2500
2027, btc =$2500x400=$1,000,000

>> No.2176229


Government as we know it won't even exist 15 years from now. Everything will be controlled by distributed AI systems and we will all be cyborgs who communicate via telempathic nanotechnology.

>> No.2176496

That is a pipe dream. I'm willing to hold for that time, but it really is a pipe dream. It will never be 1 million. NEVER.

If it will...then I will have only 26 million bucks :(

Well, enough for a Lambo or a RR I guess. Normies won't be laughing at me then.

>> No.2176526


Bloomberg really started shilling cryptos. I bet their key staff are hodling.

>> No.2176531

Hello Pajeet.

>> No.2176730


Looks like mainstream media might help us get to 3k faster.

>> No.2176784

At last someone with a brain in this thread.

>> No.2176811
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>> No.2176824
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>> No.2176829

This is it. The true powerplayers are the whales and they're using the media to dupe everyone. They pull out, it all tumbles down. SEC gets involved, creates new regulations on trading and speculating, makes it a total bitch to use. Crypto collapses, BTC back down to $200-400 for years until the government gets lax again for the next big pump. Get ready to sell soon and then buy and hold for a looooong ride up.

>> No.2176947
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>> No.2177672
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>the original bitcoin shill

where have you been? youre who originally convinced me to put money in BTC over half a year ago. i owe you a lot lad.

>> No.2177839

Alright, how do I get into cryptocurrency? Is there a guide you guys reccommend?

>> No.2177873

Transfer your fiat currency to BTC/ETH via Coinbase/Gemini/Kraken

Make local wallets to store coin

Go to exchanges to then trade coins for other coins (ex: Bittrex, poloniex, yobit, livecoin)

Go to the moon

>> No.2177886

If you're american just use coinbase. If not american just use a revolver. Who wants to live in a world where you're not a citizen of the greatest country on Earth?

>> No.2177902

Any wallet you'd recommend a complete beginner?

>> No.2177981
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>> No.2177983
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>saying proletariate

>> No.2177992

Mist for ETH. For BTC I'm using Bitcoin Core but I'm also a noob like you, so I'm not sure how well-received it is here. Good luck

>> No.2178007

Thanks. Should I buy into Moon or is it bullshit?

>> No.2178024

Sure. Why not? I'd say most definitely go for BTC/ETH and then use your noggin for the shitcoins. I'm personally looking into Digibyte.

>> No.2178079

bitcoin is backed by the internet

>> No.2178099

>richer than the rothschilds
>implying Rothschilds don't have a metric shitton of Bitcoin

>> No.2178237

Inflation. Soon 1 million dollars will be more like 100,000. That being said money will still be made. Of course that number isn't entirely realistic but you get my point. Bitcoin is going up. It already has went up by insane numbers and it isn't stopping now.

>> No.2178608

It's not gonna go up forever. This last month has been extremely out of the norm. Big correction coming soon. It'll shake out money from the new friends and lower price for a while.