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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21705406 No.21705406 [Reply] [Original]

>no sxp thread on biz

this is bullish

>> No.21705443

Why is it that threads promoting scams get going for ages, yet almost all SXP threads get immediately archived despite being active?

>> No.21705828

Thats bullish!

This is gonna go big in september guys

>> No.21705835

all in on SXP letsgo

>> No.21705840

Someone explain me how everyone on crypto twitter is on this shit and here on biz yet this shit doesn't move at all?

Kek. What a shitcoin.

>> No.21705847

Bought the dip, still dumping the last few days though. Any news/rumours going round?

>> No.21705860

It's literally dumping more on each news

>> No.21705862

bullish as in prep the bull anon

>> No.21705876

which news brotha

>> No.21705994

green light for USA cards
SwipeX coming soon (whatever that is)
probably announcing Asia card in a week or two.

>> No.21706022

Looking at the 5 minute candles this looks suss as. Who profits from suppressing the price? Is it the Binance whales who are profiting from the really high funding rate on the futures market?

>> No.21706025

everythings dipping. cryptos having a rough go of it the past few days.

>> No.21706027

US launch, partnerships, SwipeX

>> No.21706046

i'll buy at 2.50

>> No.21706074

Yeah I would guess so. Infinite Tether helps to supress it and further fill shorts sold at $4-5.

>> No.21706111
File: 337 KB, 750x1278, B1A1C558-AE7C-4BA7-927B-0C1EFB6654F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that 1018.8 order on both sides

>> No.21706115

Nobody even knows what swipex is. Dont think it is anything huge desu

>> No.21706118

I would also like an explanation, the people behind swipe obviously don't want it to moon because it prices people out of the card tiers so I'm sceptical now but still holding

>> No.21706120

it didnt dump when when USA cards was announced. And SwipeXis not even a hype yet so don't count that one in

>> No.21706122

>Swipe's SXP is the protocols native digital currency and used for throughout the Swipe ecosystem of products to operate and secure the network. Users may use SXP to stake by bonding SXP on the Ethereum blockchain to secure the payment network, use it towards Swipe Visa Card lock-ups for higher tier cards

literally the first thing one can read on their website makes absolutely no sense. was this written by a monkey?

>> No.21706141

It's meant to not be understood by anyone.

>> No.21706203

bullish, i've just increased my stack

>> No.21706835

It looks like it's about to capitulate any moment now.

>> No.21706875

they will have to token split i reckon, its the only way

>> No.21707003

i know anon, was watching this all yesterday. just means its the next big thing.
200m mcap x16 to get to CRO
its called swipe, normies will love dat
biggest exchange backed, yet still separate and CZ will shill
once the cards roll out and normies taking selfies as the narcissists they are, people will fomo this up to 5bill mcap

>> No.21707112
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Wow just got murdered

>> No.21707153

well fuck me

>> No.21707271

Swipe dumped, OMG pumped.

>> No.21707295





>> No.21707307


>> No.21707329


>> No.21707339

>dump 2 days before staking
What is this nonsense? Who is manipulating this?

>> No.21707412

>inb4 final shakeout

At least I hope so kek

>> No.21707421

Yep, time to kys

>> No.21707445


>> No.21707489
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>> No.21707523

Fuck me, I should have stuck with my original plan of buying at $2.3. Instead I had to FOMO.

>> No.21707534

Sold pajeet scam

>> No.21707542

Jesus i'm so good how did i sell sxp today.
Now i can get my profits and get even more SXP for sundaaaaay baby

>> No.21707677

just went all in
hanging myself if this goes down :)

>> No.21707959

Laughing so hard the people getting rekt.
The chart shows it is supposed to get rekt.
I bought at $0.20 and sold at $4
Ask me anything!

>> No.21707994
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Its mooning

>> No.21708029
File: 122 KB, 1488x817, screenshot-www.tradingview.com-2020.08.21-13_14_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This...might be the bottom...surely...

>> No.21708035

Is there some horrible news about this coin that I'm not privy to?

Why is it dumping so much?

I bought at 2 so I'm fine but fuck me this is painful

>> No.21708272

I'm financially ruined

>> No.21708279
File: 10 KB, 225x225, ydnf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

healthy retrace considering overall market is down. But then again I'm not a paperhanded pajeet

>> No.21708431

what the fuck

>> No.21708616

Let's hope 2.1 holds...

>> No.21708643

>1 minute chart

>> No.21708795

10% dump is significant no matter what time frame you look at it...

I'm a swipe holder too but these dumps are brutal.

>> No.21708849

over for swipecels

>> No.21708889

I know this project is backed by Binance, does it depend on binance itself to succeed? Say that binance’s liquidity was drained tomorrow, would it be all over for Swipe?
I like what Swipe’s trying to accomplish but CZ and crew are getting scared shitless by Stakenet so I don’t know that I want to touch anything they’re backing with a ten foot pole, even though I’m the surface something like Swipe can exist harmoniously with Stakenet.

>> No.21709404

Did you use your profits to buy something useful like a house or a car?

>> No.21709448

only shows how early we all are. marketcap is so small fur such a huge project.

buying more niggers

>> No.21709482

if binance liquidity was drained then it WOULD be over.

Same as with any altcoin, everything can be over overnight. But are you willing to bet AGAINST CZ/binance ? I m not. Therefore i am making it in few months

>> No.21709554

>huge project
Is it? How big is the dev team?

>> No.21709611

Swipe was bought by Binance.
Their team is big enough and they have binance backing. Jeeez how are people on this board so stupid.

Meanwhile you guys invest in 500m marketcap shitcoins that are scams and into rugpulls.

>> No.21709651

Nut up everyone, this is the time to buy.

>> No.21709699

Fuck it. Im gonna all in on it

>> No.21709726
File: 7 KB, 247x204, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CZ scared shitless by stakenet
the aboslute state of XSN shillers. Binance is only going stronger, ans SXP will flip crypto.com this year

>> No.21710014

Yes how do you know.
Great minds think a like!
We should hang out together and fuck ladyboys in the asshole some day

>> No.21710339

damn imma join you guys that sounds delicous