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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21704690 No.21704690 [Reply] [Original]

Explain yourself.

>> No.21704714

oldfag here bought chainlink at 10$, still waiting for the moon mission

>> No.21704732

>bought chainlink at double digits

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.21704746

i bought eth at 1k

>> No.21704774

what is considered an oldfag for /biz/?

>> No.21704775
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LINK was supposed to be a meme, its not fair

>> No.21704786

I was 16 when the bullrun started and I couldn’t afford more than one eth. I’ve got a pretty good stack at 20 now tho :3

>> No.21704805

I'd say pre 2017 before it became a crypto board. Lots will disagree

>> No.21704808

i think i'm gonna buy it now that it's dipping
surely it will recover

>> No.21704811

To become a millionaire you need to hold through some insane pumps and resist the temptation to sell.

Example: even if you bought LINK at 20cents, you needed to have invested $10k at the bottom and sold for $20 at the top to reach 1mil. For some reason I don't see many 4chan frequenters throwing $10k around like that.

I know there are some legit whales here but most are just LARPing as rich because they now have portfolio of maybe 50-250k lol

>> No.21704843

it's a sad life

>> No.21704853

Someone who started crypto begging threads on /g/ until they get exiled to /biz/

>> No.21704869

biz was created to move crypto threads away from g, newfag.

>> No.21704880

Kek I bought the week after the ICO and I can assure you there were lots of anons throwing much more than $10k into link at ICO and in the following weeks. 200k link stacks were not uncommon to see. I have a 39k link stack and won't be selling any under $100.

>> No.21704891

If you think thats bad not only did I not keep link for any substantial amount of time and I've been here since the start but I also was faithfully in the /b/ bitcoin threads back in 2010ish and I had 3k I wanted to spend on bitcoin but couldnt figure out how to buy it then I forgot about it....THIS time Im gonna do it though...pray for me I bought 1k link at $12

>> No.21704909

>inb4 retards say they made tons of money
I was under the impression here from the pol boomers that if you had money you would have no incentive to keep working

>> No.21704912

was a student, only could afford 56 link, sold at $4

>> No.21704932

was very poor. $10k in crypto in mid 2017. Have a small stack of link just after ico, but still not enough to make it.

>> No.21704985
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Obvious bait making you cringe for falling for it

>> No.21704999

That is true and you will have to find new purpose in your life, especially as we are conditioned by (((society))) to focus so much of our energy into wagecucking, it can be a strange feeling when you do make it.

>> No.21705034
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>> No.21705049

You know 4channers like to spout the npc or the normie meme, but a lot of them are normies themselves. Just different kind of normies. It took me 2 weeks when I found biz in 2018 to realise that Chainlink is the real deal. A couple of months to become fully deluded and be completely all in. And I was just 18 at that time. Meanwhile you got these oldfags from 2007 just scrolling through 4chan like normies scroll through Facebook, missing all the opportunities. Dropshipping, Bitcoin, Ethereum, 2017 shitcoin bullrun, shorting Bitcoin in 2018 bear market, buying Chainlink, buying DeFi coins. There have been so many opportunities. I've missed most of them and I still have managed to go from $4k to $300k in 2+ years that I've been here. Maybe it's because I'm young and therefore I'm more risk averse. But cmon what's the fucking risk in investing in Chainlink when Sergey was basically set up to develop the solution. Swift, Sandro Salsano, Tom Gonser. Sergey isn't just your next-door shitcoin CEO. He runs it like a fortune 500 startup.

>> No.21705105

I only want the frens and memes

>> No.21705114

based off that you will make it and so will many others. Problem is chainlink so far is only defi, and if it only stays in defi and not in banking (due to many obstacles) then we might see many getting wrecked the same as the bitcoin crash.

>> No.21705159

oldfag, OG Linker, bought at $20, it's so tiresome.

>> No.21705167

what's considered oldfag here? pre-2018?

>> No.21705190

Have a 35k stack at 20c. With my other shit, stocks 401k Im a millionaire pre tax. But I live in an expensive region and need 2M at least to make it.

>> No.21705236

That's where Sergey comes in. I've never seen such a calculated guy. The only CEO I can compare him to is Steve Jobs and even Steve was a bit arrogant at times. Sergey has all the experience and knowledge and advisors to go through these obstacles. Whenever you buy into some shitcoin or some stock, the vision is like 30% if even that, the team is the rest. Execution is so important especially when you are dealing with these old money banker pricks. Sergey has thought about everything regarding to how and when the traditional institutions will start using smart contracts. He has gone through every possible scenario in his mind. He is literally the perfect guy for this.

>> No.21705292

>made it
>only difference is that I can be online 16-20 hrs a day instead of ~8

>> No.21705346
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>> No.21705350

Oldfags is everyone pre 2017 nowadays, but the real oldfags are pre 2013. Everyone who joined in 2017 and later is a mainstream normie.

>> No.21705402


Kids, be careful out there.

>> No.21705405

Old fags were trading rsgp before btc existed. Fags

>> No.21705519

I made mistakes.

>> No.21705712


>> No.21705778
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I joined /biz/ in 2017 and I do not consider myself an oldfag. Neither am I a normalfag. I'm just the average autist who joined as a freshman. I didn't make it because I'd rather waste my time shitposting and playing video games than do basic research.

>> No.21705804


>> No.21706007

Anyone who was here before the ethereum ICO.

>> No.21706044

Pride cometh before the fall, I've hit seven figures twice since coming to /biz/ and lost it all both times because I had your exact attitude kek

>> No.21706089

where is this meme coming from, back in the days /biz/ only had one crypto general, the rest was all drop shipping and stocks faggot

>> No.21706290

>I've never seen such a calculated guy.
Bitch, you're 18. You haven't seen shit.

>> No.21706416

That was after the dump in 2014

>> No.21706492
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why didnt i mine btc
>in 2009

>> No.21706564

nice math you absolute retard
maybe it's because you were retarded

>> No.21706580

>the rest was all drop shipping and stocks faggot
that was when crypto was dead
but now its back for now, dropshippers will have to wait for crypto to die again

>> No.21706607

I'm an oldfag to this site but a newfag to biz as of 2019. That being said I could spot link right away thanks to my years here of experience with trolls trolling trolls and spotting sarcasm, even with no real technical knowledge about crypto.
Two dead giveaways, if you lurk long enough, every piece of FUD will get refuted, cause some autist will eventually get sick of it and explain point by point why it's not true. And discussion is organic, not meaning we call each other "bro" or "fren" like shill threads, but rather, a thread on link can quickly turn into a thread about how anon is going to fuck his cousin when he makes it.

>> No.21706639

>arrived 2018
>bought the most heavily shilled coin
>I'm not a normie


>> No.21706669
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>> No.21706729

Most heavily shilled and fudded. I don't give a shit if I'm a normie by 4chin standards. I give a shit about making money.

>> No.21706752
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>bought crypto in 2012
>only made $50000

>> No.21706802


Pick one

>> No.21706834
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I saw Bitcoin at $600 and was like: those crazy idiiots

>> No.21706963

I'm a poorfag. Only managed to accumulate a bit. Currently sitting at $180k.

>> No.21706974

I was 16 in 2018 and 18 now and I swung link to 3x what you have. Everyone has a different iq level I guess

>> No.21707129

I'm just trying to give a word of advice as someone who's been exactly where you've been m8. It all seems so obvious, like you have this clarity of mind, an ability to see the strings that pull things and that everyone not making it is obviously an idiot/normie etc.

>> No.21707255

i was a millionaire during the january 2018 peak
but i fell for the ETH staking meme and didn't sell

>> No.21707264

Turned $1000 to $100000. You have to already be rich to get rich in any markets where market makers just drag it out until most have sold

>> No.21707407

I stand corrected

>> No.21707425

When XRP/Flare/Codius drinks the milkshake of all the ETH and Link hodling faggots, rope is going to be as hard to find as toilet paper was last April.

>> No.21707464

we were all millionaires but we didnt sell. this time however, we are all gonna sell too early

>> No.21707481

oldfags already left cunt, most of us are 2018 dump sperg or redditor

>> No.21707594

too much money was made too fast and too easily for crypto to die again
it'd have to take a 5 year bear market to bring biz back to the way it was